Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Blue Moon

Have you ever heard the saying "Once in a Blue Moon"? I am sure you have even if you are only 10 years old. It means a chance of a lifetime or at least an opportunity that does not come around very often in a lifetime.

That is what we have going into the year of our Lord; 2010. You see, we will have a full moon on New Years Eve. Now that in and of itself is not unusual. However, it will be the SECOND full moon in the month of December. That second full moon in a single month is called a Blue Moon. And that kind of full moon happens only once in every 19 years or so.

So the next Blue Moon wont happen until the year 2028 or 2029. That is a long time. It is an opportunity to revel at the marvel that God has created for us. Think about it, you get to ring in a new year with a full moon. Also something that is rare.

This has great significance. OK, so maybe I am stretching a bit, but think about this. A Blue Moon is rare and is an opportunity you don't want to miss. Just as in 2010 we have an opportunity to take back our country from the tryanicle and radical left wing nut jobs.

Yes, November 2010 can be a turning point for good in our nation. We can turn back the tide of hate and socialism in our nation and we can make sure it stays on that course...the course of freedom and liberty for at least a generation maybe two.

What we do in 2010 will affect and effect our kids, grandchildren and even our great-grandchildren. What we do in 2010 may even affect and effect the grandchildren of our great-grandchildren. I kid you not. We could touch 5 generations of our families by what we do in 2010. That is roughly 100 years. A century. (And for those who think the world will end in 2012, it was just a movie.)

Now before you go and say 100 years is a long time and nothing we do can affect those so far in the future, look back to the year 1910. Oh, you probably were not alive in that year. Since 1910 we have had two World Wars. I am betting most of you reading this were not born until AFTER World War II.

But what happened in 1910 and 1917 and 1941 and 1945 has affected you in ways you cant even imagine right now. Not to mention a whole century has gone by in a blink of an eye. Most of us never even had the chance to meet relatives that were alive in 1910. They were dead and gone long before we were born. Yet what they did in that year affects us to this very day.

Will we sit by and let history pass us by because we didn't think what we do in 2010 will affect those in 2110? Will we be selfish and only think of what we want today? Will we not care what our posterity will have to live through simply because we wont be alive to witness? I hope not.

As you look back on the year that was 2009, think about all the missed opportunities you had. Think about how different your life might have been if you had but had the guts to take hold of one of those opportunities. Would you be wealthier, smarter, better off? Probably so.

Now look ahead. Do you really want to sit and contemplate about all the missed opportunities you had in 2010? Do you really just want to sit through another year of words and speeches? I hope not.

Take advantage while you still can. You may not have the opportunity tho change America again for another generation...another Blue Moon.

Happy New Year. Now lets go make history. Lets go and Clean House.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The reason for the season

Up here in New England we will enjoy a white Christmas. This is in spite of the fact that there was a two week conference on Global Warming in Copenhagen. I find it very humorous that during this conference, the city got near record cold temperatures and near record snow fall and that very same city will have a white Christmas for the first time in decades.

I also find it funny that when temperatures plummet all over the planet, Global Warming popes and priest tell us that if it gets cold, its because of the same global warming that caused temps to rise back in the 90's.

But I digress. This is the time of year that is not about global warming, global cooling, man-made global climate change or whatever else the anti mankind religious zealots want to call the natural flow of the planets climate change.

This is the time of year we celebrate the greatest humanitarian, economist, environmentalist and human lover the world has ever seen. It is a time we stop to celebrate a birth that changed man. Indeed, this was a birth that actually split time in two.

But instead of remembering and celebrating such a birth, we run around trying to find and buy the latest fad, electronic, card or anything else our limited financial budgets can handle in order to give it to someone we say we love and care about. We also know that those gifts will most likely be broken, thrown away or exchanged within the first 2 months of the new year, lost and forgotten in time and in memory.

Yes it is cool to see a tree, be it real or artificial, propped up with loads of wrapped gifts. Sure it is great fun to run around town in your car, van or even SUV to look at the dazzling if not dizzying display of electric candles adorning house after house.

It is great fun to run about with an extra spring in our step because it is expected that everyone be more jolly and friendly at this time of year and to eat more than we should especially more of the things we should not eat at all.

But then comes the new year and we feel a sense of loss. We crash and feel depressed often blaming it on the weather noticing how dead and dreary the landscape looks. We exit our over heated buildings into the cold cursing and condeming the fact that global warming has not made our small corner of the world a tropical paradise.

The euphoria that we felt before December 25 is replaced by shock and dismay come January 25 as the credit card bills arrive in the mail. We often say with a hint of denial in our voices, "I didn't spend that much."

The shock and realization of our spending transgressions is very apparent and we lament the fact that we have less than a year to do it all over again.

But some of us do carry that joy that is this holiday season in our hearts all year long. Although we are few in number, we can and due have a huge impact on those around us. How is this possible in a world of fast, faster and fastest?

We slow down enough to know that this time of year is not about the tree, the lights, the spectacle, the snow, the gifts under the tree or anything else that tradition has now taught us.

We slow down and know that the greatest gift of all was not born on this day, but is celebrated non the less on this day.

The greatest gift every single human this planet has ever hosted or ever will support in life was a tiny baby born over 2000 years ago.

The reason for the season is a birthday. The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Son of Man and more importantly, the Son of God.

Thank you God for this awesome gift.

And, Happy birthday Jesus.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When the Heart is broken due to do gooders

I often get accused of being a cold and hard s.o.b. Does that really bother me? No, not at all. Am I really a cold hard s.o.b.? Depends on who you ask but I like to think that I am far more compassionate than the Liberal that says I am cold and hard.

How is that? Well for one, I don't go around giving people a fish and then expect them to learn how to fish all on their own after I leave. That is what a Liberal does.

To be fair, Liberals have good intentions. The problem is they don't think about things logically nor do they think about what their actions will do in the long run.

So, yes it is very heart warming to give a man a fish today. You know he will eat today. You know he will feel warm and fuzzy today. The Liberal will feel warm and fuzzy as well. But then the Liberal goes away the next day. The man still has a need to eat but the Liberal does not see nor does the Liberal meet that need.

They failed to give the man the fish. So the man comes back to where the Liberal was looking for his daily fish. But the Liberal is not there. So the man does not know what to do so he goes hungry for that day.

I, on the other hand, would love to give that man a fish to fill his belly today. But I think of something better. I teach that man to fish. I go with him and help him land his first fish. That night we both dine and are happy and full and warm and fuzzy all over.

The next day when I leave, the man does not go to the corner looking for a fish to be given to him so he can eat that day. He heads to the lake and puts his line in the water and catches his dinner. He dines again that night and is full and feels warm and fuzzy all over. Meanwhile across town, the man whom the Liberal fed yesterday and did not teach to feed himself is cold, hungry and alone.

I ask you who then is the cold, hard s.o.b.? Not I, for I have eliminated hunger in one man. The Liberal has perpetuated that hunger in another. To me that is cruel and unusual punishment.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Crash is not always a Crash

There has been a lot of coverage lately about the Tiger Woods accident and the so-called "gatecrashers" or "party crashers". Tareq and Michaele Salahi did what was previously thought impossible and unthinkable. They "crashed" a White House party.

Or did they?

Now why is this even such news? Why is there so much talk about it? Why do you even have some Senators and Representatives calling for criminal charges?

Look at it this way. No matter what you feel about Barack matter if you agree or disagree with his politics and policies, that is not the issue.

The issue was the unauthorized access to the Office of the President of the United States of America. This was a major security breach at best. And if the Salahi were bent on doing some damage, they could of easily carried out such an attack on the President, his guest and the White House itself.

The Secret Service had a major lapse in security and I don't care who you are, you cannot blame the Salahi's for this. All they did was show up.

So what if they lied. Did they have the credentials and clearances to enter the party? From what everyone involved is saying, they did not. So even if the couple said they had an invite, if there name was not on the list and they had no written invitation then how did they get in?

To blame the Salahi's is ignorant at best and just plain passing the buck at worst. The lapse was on the Secret Service and the White House staff.

The other issue is, the Salahi's have been spotted in a picture with then Senator Barack Obama back in 2005 leading some to think that the president knew the Salahi's if even in passing. In other words, they were not total strangers to the president.

If this is true, and by the pictures it is true, then it it possible that some White House staffer recognized the couple and gave them the green light to enter the party.

In any event, this was a breakdown of communication and security and it put the Office of the Presidency at risk which is inexcusable. It also showed that if someone really wants to get at our president, that it is totally possible, which is unacceptable.

If the White House were smart, they would just say that the president knows the couple from events when he was a senator and that indeed were or should have been invited. Then quietly investigated how the breach of security happened and taken care of it.

Instead, we have opened a Pandora's box and now the whole world knows just how vulnerable our leader actually is.

Then again, this could be a stern warning to our president that his enemies be they domestic or foreign, are sending a message, "Barack we can get at you anytime we want."

Now that indeed, is a sobering thought.

Monday, November 30, 2009

At what price fame?

There is a media firestorm over the week end accident of Tiger Woods. Now I am not ashamed to say this. Who cares?

Why is there such a media firestorm about this? The man was in an auto accident. No big deal. He was probably a little drunk. No proof of this claim but it just seems strange otherwise unless he fell asleep at the wheel. Again no proof. But the big thing is...why do we care so much?

Look the man is human. He makes mistakes. So what if he is having an affair with another woman (or a man for that matter). Again I have no proof so I cannot say for sure what all the issues are that are surrounding this car accident.

The bigger question is why is there such media coverage, such media frenzy over this? What about the Global Warming Hoax? Don't here that kind of media fanfare over this mess which has far more importance of weather or not Tiger was drunk or coming home after an evening tryst with someone other than his wife.

But if you Google the Hoax and Tiger Accident you will find far more "hits" for Tiger than you will over the Hoax. Now this is a sad commentary on our popular culture.

Don't people understand that Global Warming will limit how, where, when and even who they get to see on a daily basis? Don't people understand that Global Warming will cut them off from their beloved movie, sports and music stars? The stars wont be able to travel. Movies will be severely cut back due to the fact that movies are not really needed but use a lot of our limited resources.

Don't people understand that Global Warming will limit their ability to use their big screen TV's to see their favorite star? Don't they understand that they will not be able to drive their gas guzzling vehicle to their local Walmart to buy that new CD or DVD?

But somehow the Tiger car accident is more important than the huge Global Warming Hoax that has been uncovered over the past week.

I guess we should be thankful that it was not Tom Cruz in that car. I am sure that would have been an even bigger story. After all how could Tom get in an accident unless he was not listening to the latest tape from the Scientology church.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Global Warmning a SCAM?!

Over the past three days there has been an explosion of information, thought, comment and event verbal suspicion on the release of some hacked data, information, studies and such.

This information has reverberated throughout the entire world. Now I have to put in my two cents if you will.

First of all, I have known for years that the information about Global Warming was suspect, fake and just plain junk science. Why? Because, as I often repeat, I grew up in an age when these same Global Warming theorist were touting, teaching and indoctrinating children about the danger of Global Cooling and the coming Ice Age that we would have by the 21st Century if we did not do something to change.

This thought was so pervasive that even Dr Seuss got into the act and produced a TV special called "The Amazing Mr. Lorax" in which the destruction of the forest in order to heat our homes was going to produce so much pollution it would block out the sun and plunge our planet into an Ice Age and kill millions upon millions of people.

Don't believe me, then view the series of videos below from YouTube.

This, combined with the documentation of fraud recently released, how is it those like Ed Begley, Jr. still pro port that the science is sound and just and true? Its a religion plain and simple. In fact its more than a religion. There is now NO reputable proof that Global Warming exist now or that it ever existed.

But that won't stop the radical left from trying to tax you into oblivion just to control your life. Hey, just like Ed, the left wants you to drive unsafe tiny cars, cut back or eliminate your meat consumption and otherwise reduce your standard of living to an acceptable level of Earth Damage Neutrality.

So now Junk Science gets to rule our lives. What next Junk Political Policy? Oh wait, we have that too.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Logical Case for Health Care Reform

I know what some of you are going to say. How can I, Rod Eccles, believe there is a logical case for Health Care Reform? Am I not the one that shines the beacon of freedom and liberty all across this nation?

Well, yes I am. And I can make a logical case for some kind of Health Care Reform. It really is not contradictory to my beliefs or to the love of freedom and liberty. In fact I can give a logical argument that shows that this kind of reform would benefit every man, woman and child in our nation and have a ripple effect around the world.

We are about to celebrate a very auspicious holiday. One filled with somber attitudes, joyous revelations and the great company of family, friends and food. Thanksgiving is a holiday intended for the people of this great nation to honor and give thanks to Almighty God for His providence and blessing upon us as individuals and upon us as a nation.

We are truly blessed. And that blessing comes to us each as individuals in the form of freedom and liberty. We are born with such freedom and liberty as a child of God weather or not we believe in the Holy Father above or not. An atheist has the same freedom and God given rights as a devout Christian or Jew. In that respect, the Lord does not discriminate.

How does this relate to Health Care Reform from a logical standpoint? Simple. No matter what the issue is that we face as a nation or as individuals the same basic principle applies. You have the God given rights of freedom and liberty to do what you please in order to make your life as you see fit.

But when you get others who start to dictate what you can be and cannot be, when you have others breathing down your neck telling you what you can and cannot do and what you must and must not do, think or say, then you are denied the very freedom and liberty that God Himself bestowed upon you.

With that said, I must tell you, that because these rights are bestowed upon you by God at your birth (actually at your conception) you do not have the right to give them up to another man. And no one has the right to take them away.

Freedom and liberty has allowed man to do so many wonderful things throughout history. Yes, it is equally true that the same freedom and liberty has allowed man to do many equally horrible things. Which is why this kind of freedom and liberty is a responsiblity of the most high. You cannot wield such gifts with malace. All of mankind will suffer if you do.

And with that, here is the logical argument for Health Care Reform. Since the government has already and still wishes to limit your freedom, that is the cause for such disdain and inefficiency of our health care system. To truly reform our Health Care System, you need to return the freedom and liberty back to the people from which it was taken.

The health care industry is probably the most regulated industry in all the world, not just our nation. It has government rules and regulation up the wazzoo. This creates all kinds of problems as we see everywhere across the globe.

Government needs to get out of the health care business. It needs to leave it alone with minimal regulation. Yes, I said minimal regulation. Look, our system grew over the past 200 years without massive government intrusion and intervention and it only got better. Then came government over regulation and things started to go south.

Cost rose, people were denied insurance coverage and so on and so on. What we need to reform our system is government DE-regulation not more regulation. Its simple and logical. Return the freedom and liberty back to the people from whom you stole it and magical things will happen. Hey, after all we are a nation that was built from nothing to the most powerful on the planet with nothing more than our God given freedom and liberty.

I think that is proof enough of what Gods blessing can do for a nation.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Save Energy but USE Your Energy Hog Dryer

This is one of those "you got to be kidding me" kind of stories. We have all heard how we need to save energy. We have all heard that we should could cut back on our consumption of energy via buying energy saving light bulbs, turning our thermostat down to 68 or 65 degrees. We have had it beat into our heads that we should drive less, buy more fuel efficient cars and group errands together to reduce the number of miles we drive.

We have heard that buying Energy Star rated appliances is a good thing. That watching less TV and playing fewer computer games will help save the earth. Yes we have even been told that eating less meat or even just eating less will also go a long way to curbing Global Warming.

So imagine my surprise when I read a Reuters story about how people are taking all that advise to heart and not using a major appliance in their home. Well that is not the surprise. Of course people want to save money if they can. Especially in these hard economic times.

People are turning off their electric or gas powered cloths dryers and choosing to let mother nature handle the drying chore by simply hanging their clean yet very wet clothing on the dry line outside their homes.

How could anyone be more frugal unless they washed those same cloths by hand? The surprise does not come from people turning off their dryers...yet the surprise comes from others not wanting those people to hang their clean laundry outside at all.

I kid you not. There are families in the United States of America that are currently fighting for their right to hand their laundry out to dry. Can someone tell me why would you not want someone to hang their laundry? The two main excuses is that it makes the neighborhood look like trailer trash and neighbors say they don't want to see thongs and other undies on the lines.

Now first off, isn't that a very un-American thing to say about people who live in the numerous mobile home parks across the nation? Yes it is. And are you not being a bit nosy if you scope out your neighbors drying laundry looking for that thong or g-string? Why yes you are.

So I ask you, what is so un-American about hanging your laundry out to dry? After all celebrities do it all the time.

Check the story out here. U.S. residents fight for the right to hang laundry

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bin Laden Under US AT General Holder Would Be Tried In Federal Court?

Eric Holder and Barack Obama are systematically dismantling our military and intelligence agencies. Holder cannot seem to answer simple questions with simple answers.

Sen Lindsey Graham presses holder on the issue about the chief architect of the 9/11/01 attacks on our nation. Holder gives clear indication that he believes that bin Laden could in fact be tried under civilian law in a civilian court complete with a lawyer and Constitutional Rights and Protections.

When did we throw plain common sense out the window? How is this going to help keep our nation and we citizens safe? Simple answer - it won't. It will make us more of a target.

Our poor military people will have their hands tied and anyone caught on the field of battle will have to have their rights read to them. In such cases, I am sure our military people would just shoot all those captured instead of actually capturing them.

This would make the battlefield even more dangerous because just like in WWII when you have no chance at living even if captured then you will fight to the bitter end. That will result in more US casualties.

Yet our President and his administration obviously knows this but they just don't care.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Trust me on this, this is how the Liberal left will spin this. That Rep. John Shadegg should be ashamed of himself for saying what he said.

What does he say? Does he say that Democrats want to see you dead. Or that Democrats hope you die and die quickly? No, of course not.

Shadegg suggest that what could happen, what is plausible to happen, what actually may happen, should not happen. He suggest that when KSM has his civilian, criminal trial in NYC it could open up many people to trouble that the Liberals can't seem to fathom.

How would anyone feel if someone involved in the trial lost a loved one because of terrorist activity? Activity that should never happen because KSM should not be moved to NYC for a civilian trial?

We may find out and it will be like living 9/11/01 all over again for some.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What did we learn

The off season elections took place yesterday. There were some wins, some losses. What did we learn from them? Did we learn anything at all?

First and foremost, I would hope that the GOP learned a huge and valuable lesson. Although I will not hold my breath on that one. It seems the Republican Blue Bloods are quick to spin the elections almost as fast as the Democrats.

Clearly from what most of us on the right side of the political isle can see is that there was a massive shift back to the right. There was also a massive rebuke of our sitting president. After all, Obama put a lot of political clout on the line when he went to bat so heavily for Corzine of New Jersey.

The biggest lesson the GOP and the Democrats should learn comes from Upstate New York where an upstart, never before elected, Doug Hoffman almost walked away with the prize.

Hoffman did not get the nod as the GOP nominee in the special election. The GOP instead appointed a liberal Republican to run against a liberal Democrat. Hoffman, rightfully so, did not see that the voters had a choice in that match up so he put his hat in the ring.

No big money backers, no party backing. Just a grass roots effort that almost paid off. But wait, it did pay off and it paid off big time.

Hoffman not only began to raise money and get his message out even though he was not being covered at first by the Lame Stream Media, he moved up in the polls and he moved up rather fast.

So fast was his ascension that the Republican Nominee withdrew from the race at the last minute because she was polling a distant third. But then of course as we all knew, the Republican nominee, being as liberal as she is, put her support behind the Democrat. That caused the GOP to scramble to back and support, although from afar, Hoffman.

The lesson is that Hoffman was a clear conservative cut from the Reagan cloth. People began to hear his message and they began to agree with it. All the Democrats could do was pray that the clock would run out on Hoffman and try to stunt his growth by saying there was too much "outside" influence in the campaign. Which is very laughable since Hoffman did not have big money backers like the Democrat Owens did.

What the GOP should have learned is that Reagan Conservatives still live and breath and that this is what the people really want. True conservatives. In fact, it looks as though some dozen Republicans will be facing stiff competition for nominations for their seats in the 2010 mid-term elections. True Conservatives have put the GOP on notice. Shape up or they will vote you out.

That is the lesson the GOP should have learned.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A world of free energy

There has been a lot of talk over the past couple of decades about energy, oil in particular. The environmentalist wackos want us to regress back to the Dark Ages. Oil men want us to drain every single drop of the Texas Tea from the earth.

Then you have the, how can I put this nicely, IDIOTS talking about Global Warming even though science is proving on a near daily basis that Man Made Global Climate Change is not and cannot happen.

We have President Obama and Democrats and other Liberal groups all over the world telling us that we need to FIND alternatives. We have governments spending the money of hard working people all over the world on researching "alternative" fuels.

Listen up folks, we already have alternative fuels available to us to power nearly every car, truck, home, light bulb, dishwasher, computer, hot water heater or just about anything else you can think of that uses oil, gas, electricity or even hot air.

Thats right, we already have the alternatives. And they are clean alternatives. And NO I am not talking nuclear power. (I am not a huge fan of nuclear power anyway and it really has nothing to do with what to do with the waist. Its just expensive and the danger from our enemies to attack these plants is just too great.)

Now you may be asking what alternatives do we currently have? Good question. The answer is not "clean coal" although it can be in the mix. It is not bio fuels. Why the hell would you want to take food for humans and turn it into fuel? Makes no sense when you have other alternatives that are cleaner and more efficient.

I'm talking about WIND, SOLAR, GEO THERMAL and ... Hydrogen. Yes hydrogen. No hydrogen does not have to be dangerous. No hydrogen does not have to be liquefied at super cold temperatures. No hydrogen does not have to be packed as a "fuel cell" which is rather inefficient and costly.

Lets take a look at wind: We can't build wind turbines because environmentalists say they kill birds or spoil the natural beauty.

Lets take a look at solar: We can't build solar fields because it kills lizards, rare flowers and other animals on the ground and spoils the natural beauty.

Lets take a look at geo thermal: We can't build more geo thermal because they are big and ugly buildings and it is limited to a very small part of the country.

Lets take a look at hydrogen: We can't use hydrogen because we don't have the technology to produce it cheaply or fast.

The above are all myths. Yes MYTHS. First of all, just about every single home in the nation can benefit by putting a small wind turbine and solar panels on their property. Will people be able to get all of their energy needs from these energy producing resources? For most of us probably not, but you could reduce your external energy consumption by up to 80%.

How about geo thermal? Simply put, you can heat and cool your home or building using a geothermal system. Yes it is a little more expensive than a traditional oil or gas heating system but it will pay you back in quick order and you wont need to supplement your heating and cooling needs with external resources. And geo thermal is clean and quiet.

Hydrogen? Well, a company called United Nuclear has come up with a devise that can let you MAKE your own hydrogen from your own water. Check it out here.

Now if a homeowner or building owner were to use all of the above, they could reduce their external energy needs up to 100% and even be able to sell the excess power back to the local power grid. (Imagine if just 25% of US homes and buildings were able to send clean power back over the power grid instead of taking it from that grid)

Why has not the world governments pushed for this kind of evironmentaly sound energy production? Because all of those above alternatives do not produce a drop of green house gas. That means they cannot regulate, tax and control it.

Come on people, use your head now. We have cars that run on compressed air engines. We have the ability to make our homes mini power plants and not put a lick of green house gas in the air. We have the ability to affordability turn every gas car and truck into a hydrogen vehicle. Again, producing not a lick of green house gas.

So why does our government and other governments and the United Nations ignore all of this? It all has to do with money and control. For crying out loud, Saudi Arabia is now talking about needing financial assistance from the rest of the world when oil stops being the main source of energy production.

Still think this is not about control and money? Think about it, if we had free or nearly free, endless, clean energy would their be a need for so much regulation, taxation and reduction? No. Still don't think its about control and money? You need to re-read this post then.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Taking a Pay Cut

There is a lot of buzz of late about what the so-called "Pay Czar" Kenneth Fienberg will do in relation to Wall Street fat cat pay and bonuses.

Now we all remember the phony outrage over the AIG bonuses paid out at the beginning of 2009. I say phony because Congress knew when the bonuses were going to be paid and how much those bonuses were going to be yet none of them objected. In other words, they approved of the bonuses.

Now fast forward to this week. You have an un-Constitutional policy maker in the form of a czar that will determine what 25 top executives in each of the 7 largest government bailed out firms will earn.

You may be saying "good its about time" because you may think they earn too much. Well yes, earning $100 million in total compensation from a company that nearly went out of business does seem to be a bit excessive. OK so its very excessive. However, that does not give the government the right or the power to limit pay.

Now understand something. Competition is still in high gear here in the USA and abroad. Garnering the top executive talent is more important than ever before. Now I ask you, who is going to take over the helm of a troubled company, try and turn it around by working monster hours, not to mention having government regulator breath down your neck daily causing you numerous headaches for a measly $200k per year?

Before you say you would, you better think again. Lets just say you are a top executive and you are in demand. Would you go to work for a company that is not heavily regulated by the government and can pay you $500 or would you work for a company that is still in financial trouble, heavily regulated by the government and can only pay you $200k? Well unless you are a total moron, you would go for the easier half million payday.

We are talking about private sector jobs hear people. Now how about all those public employees? You know the people who get paid by our tax dollars. Yes, those idiots who sit in Washington, D.C. and draw a paycheck from We the People.

Now understand those czars really don't do a darn thing to add to the bottom line of this nation or its citizens or the private companies. Yet these people pull down hefty incomes. At last count I found there were some 36 czars in the employ of the Federal Government each pulling down a salary between $150 thousand to $175 thousand dollars per year.

That is very close to what those senior executives that add to the bottom line of our nations gross domestic product will be able to earn under Obama.

Also notice how these executives will no longer be RICH. Yes that is right, they will no longer be wealthy. Remember during the campaign Obama pegged rich as anyone earning $250k per year or more.

These executives have just been demoted to not rich. And if it can happen to them, it can happen to you. Unless of course, you go to work for the government. Then you could earn a comfy salary, do hardly anything, make waves by saying you are doing something and in the end, end up rich. But don't worry, if you look at those who occupy the halls of power, you won't have to pay much if any taxes on your new found wealth.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Would You Get Stuff Like This for Bush or any other Conservative?

This is scary to say the least. The video below shows how our kids are being brainwashed into thinking that Obama is somehow the messiah. It is dangerous. It is just downright evil at its best.

Would you get such a positive response if this kind of thing was done in support of ANY Conservative President? Do I really need to answer that question? I didn't think so.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Land of Self Help

I was listening to talk shows today. I was just sampling different shows, some political and some not. I began to notice something. It just hit me like a ton of bricks.

But I doubted my thoughts. I thought "this cannot be true". So I went and did a little research. I really didn't have to look too far or wide. All I had to do was use Google, Yahoo Search, Facebook and Myspace. Yes Facebook and Myspace can be used for research.

All I had to do was type in my key words and everywhere I searched, I got a ton of hits back. It didn't matter what key words I used, they all turned up hundreds of thousands of hits. Sometimes the hits numbered in the millions.

So I knew I was on to something. I knew that there was an issue in our nation. I knew that we cannot believe what we spend billions a year on.

Now what was it I was researching? Self Help; Motivational, Life Coach, Motivational Teachers/Speakers.

People like Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Les Brown and even movies like The Celestine Prophecy and The Secret kept popping up.

Now why was I looking for such things and how the hell does all of that relate to politics and freedom and liberty.

Well, its pretty simple and very logical. We are a nation of people that search for ways to improve ourselves. We turn to those who can teach and motivate us to be our best; to reach levels of personal achievement we only could dream about before these gurus and movies.

All of this stuff has one thing in common. ONE THING. They all teach that YOU are the change that you need to make in your life. YOU are the only person that can achieve all that you want in life. YOU are the only one that can make yourself rich, happy, safe, cool, smart, etc.

These gurus make millions and millions and we, the people of this nation gladly turn over our hard earned money to learn the so-called secrets these gurus claim to have. But when it comes down to it, ALL the gurus say the same thing. YOU are the only one that can make a change in your life.

We believe that to be the truth. We know that to be the truth. We have seen and/or experienced that to be the truth.

So why is it in a nation that prides itself on self esteem and self motivation would be so willing to turn over their freedom and liberty to a government? Why is it we read and watch and listen to gurus tell us that we are responsible for our own lives yet vote for those who will take away our ability to be responsible for our own lives?

There is a huge disconnect there. It makes no logical or emotional sense. Yet here we are. A nation full of self esteem citizens that vote for people who want to keep us from realizing our dreams. And we justify it by saying, we need to do something or that the government can give it to us for free. That is a direct contradiction to what we learn from the gurus. It is a direct contradiction to what we believe. We obviously believe it because we buy more and more of their products that teach us just that fact.

Isn't it time you got your moneys worth from those gurus? If you think so, then its time to vote for those who also believe the gurus and will let you go for your dreams. A liberal thinks you can't make it on your own. The gurus say you can make it on your own. Conservative say you can make it on your own.

Just something to think about.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is wrong with being rich in America? Well, everything if you are not of the "right" political persuasion.

Why do I bring this up? Because over the past few days we have heard a lot about one rich man in this country being part of a group of rich people putting their hat in the ring to buy an National Football League franchise...the St Louis Rams.

The rich man? The super talker, Rush Limbaugh. Granted, Rush is an admitted Pittsburgh Steeler fan (as am I) but Rush loves the game of football. Now I must say I don't see a darn thing wrong with Rush owning in whole or in part, any sports team out there.

Even the formally portly Rev. Al Sharpton has gotten into the fray by saying the NFL should block Rush from owning a team. Al sited the fact that Rush once had an issue with drugs and that he has said racist statements on his show and in interviews.

Well, Rush has been pretty open about his addiction to prescription pain killers. And if you look at the numbers, a lot of Americans run into the same issues with these highly addictive pain medications as Rush.

Not to mention how many times in the recent past has NFL players been caught doing illegal drugs? Most of them get a slap on the wrist and a small fine and maybe a short suspension but you eventually see them back on the grid iron.

Is it because Rush is white? Not not really.

Is it because Rush is right? Well sort of.

Its because Rush is right of the political center. He is a Conservative. And the left doesn't like the fact that the biggest and richest name in talk radio is a white conservative man.

If I were Rush, I would drop the group he is affiliated with in the purchase of the team and try and purchase it directly. (I am sure Rush could come up with the financing) And then I would dare the NFL to deny him based on what a bunch of racists leftists say.

And then I would ask each and every star on the Rams, who is a millionaire then fire them. Time for some new blood in the NFL and that blood should be young men who play for the love of the game and not the millions they think they deserve.

This is one black man that says to Rush, buy the darn team.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama wins and USA loses

This is Friday right? It is the last day of the work week for many of us right? So usually I jump out of bed with a little extra spring in my step. Is it because I hate what I do? No I love what I do.

But I know that Saturday and Sunday will give me a little respite from the usual political hackery that goes on in our nation's capitol. But this Friday morning I got to my desk and turned on my computer and the first thing I saw was that President Barack Obama had just been notified he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

I thought I was still asleep and this was some form of nightmare brought on by cereal and popcorn I had for dinner which I washed down with two cups of java late last night.

Well it was either a very bad dinner or the Witches of Eastwick had cast a spell upon my head and this was the side affect.

I read the story with great interest actually. Yes, I was surprised as well. But as I read further I found something very interesting that lead me to believe this was nothing but a set up from the very beginning.

You see, the nominations for this Nobel of all prizes had to be in by February 1, 2009. Now Obama didn't take office until January 20, 2009. So the man was in office for all of 11 days when someone, somewhere put his name in the hat.

No my friends, this was a set up from the very day the world found out he won the election back in November 2008. They planned for this.

After all, what could Obama have done in less than two weeks to rate high enough on the Nobel Committee's list? He certainly didn't do any thing as a US Senator. He most certainly did not do anything of note as an Illinois State Senator. And he was unheard of as a community organizer or as a college professor. So what did Obama do?

After all, the man who now occupies the Oval Office initiated a surge in Afghanistan as one of his very first military moves. Not very peaceful. But he did run around the world a few times saying he was sorry for America. He said America was mean and nasty and just plain rude to the rest of the world and that he would not let that happen under his watch.

He wanted the world to love us as he kissed leaders' rings, hands and feet. He bowed to a tyrant King. He allowed a dictator to hug him. He encouraged a communist nation to buy more and more of our debt and private companies. He agreed that the USA used more than its fair share of world resources and vowed to punish his people with a new tax.

Yes the world fell in love with Barack Obama. Or at least the thugs, criminals, dictators and One World Order enthusiast did. That is what the Nobel Committee is made up of in part. Just like the United Nations. Hate the USA and you are their friend.

So Obama made it clear during his campaign that he would hate the USA and strive to punish us for being a Super Power. The Nair do wells fell in love. A plan was hatched. Now Obama gets to lavish himself in more wealth, thanks to a bunch of Leftist thugs who live in the worlds best country as voted on by the United Nations.

I think that says all you need to know about Obama. Do you think Obama will share some of his prize money with his brother in Kenya who lives in a hut? Nope? Yea, that's what I thought as well.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why I am not 'closed minded'

I am often accused of being closed minded. Of course those accusations almost always come from the left side of the Political Isle.

I usually respond with "what am I supposed to be 'open minded' about?" And they almost always respond with out really answering the question. They say things like I need to consider that my way is not the only way. Or they say it is your belief but not mine or others belief. Or they even say, that is just too old fashioned. After all this is the 21st century now.

I am also accused of not even listening or reading what the left has to really say. I beg to differ on that. As much as it pains my ears and eyes and heart, I do listen and read what the other side has to say.

Understand even though I do read and listen, so you don't have to hurt yourself in doing so (yea, I'm a martyr like that) it does not mean that I have to embrace those ideas. In fact, usually it further cements me in my own beliefs because the left is so out there and has no common sense to back up what they say.

Well just to prove that I read and listen to the left on a fairly regular basis, (no I don't read or listen to them every day because I'm sure my blood pressure would be sky high if I did) I decided to list a few of my "favorite" blogs and talk shows.

I must warn you, these Liberal bastions of uncommon and illogical thought will have your head spinning and if you are not careful you might find yourself feeling a little possessed like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. So I would recommend that if you don't have your immune system built up that you take only one or two liberals per day. Trust me on this, your sanity is one of the most important commodities you have and you don't want to lose it. But I do encourage those on the right to read and listen to the left every once in a while just so you know what the heck they are saying about you and so you will be able to pick one out of a line up better.

Know thy enemy is always a good motto. But then, when you read just one or two blogs you know Liberals inside and out. They really are not all that deep. But sometimes, through the massive frustration you will feel, you will find a gem that makes you chuckle. And that chuckle may be what you need to brighten your day or at least give you a shot in the arm to fight even harder against their idiocy.

Visit these sites with the utmost of care. You have been warned. If you feel a tug to the left, then visit my site and talk show to get cured with logic and truth. Oh, and don't be fooled by the term 'progressive'. That is just a Liberal in disguise.

First Door on the Left Blog

The Common Progressive Blog

Our Common Ground Talk Show

The Gay Agenda Talk Show

Oh yes there are a lot more, but I think that is just about all you will be able to handle and still stay sane. Give them a read or a listen but remember, they do not use their head to think. They only use their heart. If you understand that, then you may find it in your heart to have pity on them.

If you want some fun though, call into a Liberal talk show and use logic and reason and listen to them all howl and hiss at you. It really is great fun. But limit your fun to maybe once per week. You know what they say about 'too much of a good thing'.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Is it Insanity or Ignorance?

We have a battle in Afghanistan that is going badly. More soldiers die almost daily. We have an economy in the tank and all you hear from the lame stream media is that this is going to be a "jobless recovery." Forget the fact that such a statement is a plain oxymoron.

You have a deficit growing and growing and growing. You have three nations, including one of our allies, asking for a new world currency instead of the Dollar. Throw in there that two rogue nations are moving ever closer to having a nuclear weapon and you have to wonder, is our President INSANE or just IGNORANT?

President NObama is worried about green house gases so much that he has signed yet another executive order telling all government agencies they need to cut green house gases and gas use and water use by 2015 to 2020. Forget the fact that Obama will be out of office by then and that a more sane President will most likely roll that order back.

All the while he is telling the government to cut back, he is jetting off to places around the country and the world. Hell, he even thought he could steel the Olympics for his adopted city with just a speech and a smile. And in order to do that he had to use not one, but TWO jets to fly over the "Pond". Oh yes it took two jets.

You see, Mrs NObama had to fly in her own jet. So yes, the American tax payer paid for two jets not to mention the carbon footprint that had to leave behind.

Yet NObama still thinks its OK to order government to use less. I guess this is another case of 'do what I say not what I do'.

Frankly I think its time that NObama just come clean and admit how ignorant he really is. Then maybe we can get someone in office with a little common sense. The good Lord knows this arrogant idiot doesn't have any.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Warnings of the past comes true today

President Ronald Reagan predicted what we are facing today. We have a man in office who thinks he knows what is best for you and me down to our health care. He cares not for what you think or believe. It is his time to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America.

And if you appose his policies, then you will be labeled a racist. How vial. How evil. How immoral. How un-American.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Harry Reed is a bumpkin

Harry Reed reminds us that Washington is not for the little guy any more. And there is a new ad out there that shows Harry in the light that is true.

What the ad doesn't do is endorse someone else. Probably because as far as big political parties go, they are all the same. What we need is someone who will stand in there for the regular Joe and Jane American.

No more big money in politics. No more big parties. No more endless re-elections. Isn't time we all changed who we have representing us in Washington, D.C.?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Entre Card Drop List

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Freedom, Liberty and Labor

Today is labor day in the United States. Labor day has become another holiday for BBQ's and pick nicks and family gatherings. It is a holiday that started with very good intentions but has degenerated to a form that is not what the founders intended.

We now view Labor Day as the "Official End" of summer. Even though in many parts of the USA, warm weather may last until the end of the month. Below is the history and meaning of the holiday as expressed on the US Dept. of Labor website.

The History of Labor Day

Labor Day: How it Came About; What it Means

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Founder of Labor Day

More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.

Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."

But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.

The First Labor Day

The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883.

In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen's holiday" on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.

Labor Day Legislation

Through the years the nation gave increasing emphasis to Labor Day. The first governmental recognition came through municipal ordinances passed during 1885 and 1886. From them developed the movement to secure state legislation. The first state bill was introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon on February 21, 1887. During the year four more states — Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York — created the Labor Day holiday by legislative enactment. By the end of the decade Connecticut, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23 other states had adopted the holiday in honor of workers, and on June 28 of that year, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories.

A Nationwide Holiday

The form that the observance and celebration of Labor Day should take were outlined in the first proposal of the holiday — a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations" of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. This became the pattern for the celebrations of Labor Day. Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the economic and civic significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.

The character of the Labor Day celebration has undergone a change in recent years, especially in large industrial centers where mass displays and huge parades have proved a problem. This change, however, is more a shift in emphasis and medium of expression. Labor Day addresses by leading union officials, industrialists, educators, clerics and government officials are given wide coverage in newspapers, radio, and television.

The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.

In some respects, one could say this was a sort of Communistic holiday where the worker, and only the worker is celebrated. Where is the holiday celebrating the Captains of industry and the innovators and inventors of the past 200 some years?

In any event, we all do well to remember the meanings of the holidays we celebrate be it Labor Day or any other Holiday. Have a great Labor Day! Be safe! Be Free!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Did we win one?

I just learned that Green Jobs Czar Van Jones has quit. Yes, NPR is reporting that "Czar Jones" has resigned his post at the White House.

He claims he quit because of a "smear campain" against him. I am still trying to figure out how people on the left side of the political isle, or any isle for that matter, can get away with calling the truth a smear campain.

How is telling the truth using ones own words a smear? It isn't. The reason it becomes a smear is because the one who said the convicting words wants to hide from those words.

Think about Obama telling people he is not for taking over the health care industry when he is on record numerous times saying he is for a Single Payer System. He has even given a time line as to when he would like to have that system in place. But he says that those who point out those facts are using scare tactics and a smear campane against him.

Well what was so controversial about Mr. Jones? Asside from the fact that he is an avowed communist, he said that he believes that the 9-11-01 attacks were the work of our government.

Oh sure, there are some others here in the USA that feel that somehow the government of the United States had a hand in the destruction the World Trade Center Towers. But none of those kooks works in high places of government. At least none that we know of.

However, Van Jones, is nothing more than a huge black communist. Black in the terms of his race. Although he is black in the terms of stealth as well. He wants to do things from a secret position. This position was that of a Czar appointed by Obama and accountable to no one.

Well, Mr. Jones thought he could get away with being in stealth mode but people out there in America found the things that Van said, wrote, supported and tried to bring about into reality. He has his own self serving agenda to blame, not some smear campane that really is nothing more than the truth.

You could say this is a minor win for those who fight for liberty and freedom. You could say that this is a small step forward in taking back the country in which they love so dearly.

Yes, Van may have quit, but we still have some 47 or so Czars to go. And, indeed, we have the biggest Czar of them all to get rid of...Barack Obama. Lets hope that more Czars vacate their positions due to public pressure because of the truth being reported. And then let us hope and pray that in 2012 we are able to vote out Obama and in his stead, put someone who still believes in our nation, our freedom, our constitution.

Friday, September 4, 2009

An Air Car That Rolls Far and Fast

I have mentioned many times on this blog and on my Talk Show about alternative energy for cars and trucks. I have mentioned that it is always the private sector, those "evil" capitalists, that come up with viable alternatives to what is in use today.

It is ALWAYS government that allows those alternatives to be squashed. Why? Simply because government does not understand the free market. Government does not understand how to make something work or how to make a profit off of the idea. Government can only be behind the eight ball when it comes to market conditions.

I don't know how many times our government has been told that ethanol is not the answer. I can't tell you the overwhelming evidence the government has that ethanol actually cost more than good old gasoline and that it is not as efficient as regular gasoline.

Then you ask, well what about other alternative to gas and ethanol? Our government and other world government don't seem to be pushing or encouraging other cheap, maybe even free alternatives. Hydrogen from water is one very viable alternative. But how will the government tax hydrogen? They can tax your water and that may make you drink, bath, water and wash less and thus also make you drive less. But what about something they cannot as of yet tax? What about air?

You don't think plain air can be an energy source? Maybe you should view the video's below. You will have second thoughts about the very gas you breath.

Now just imagine no pollution at all from your car. Imagine no more fuel stations anywhere. Imagine combining the air engine with a hydrogen powered motor to increase power and range. Imagine the freedom you will have. I want one and I want one NOW. Do you think our government will make it happen? Of course not...silly question.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

33 Minutes Is All We Have

If a nation were to launch a missile...a single missile at us, it would only take about 33 minutes for it to hit just about anywhere in the USA. Now imagine a chemical war head or a biological war head or even a nuclear war head attached to that single missile.

Now imagine multiple missiles. How would we defend ourselves? Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people would be killed or wounded.

Now imagine the two planes that hit the World Trade Center Towers in 2001 were missles instead of planes. Or imagine those planes had nuclear weapons on board. How many thousands more would have died that day?

There are nations that do not like the USA for good or bad reasons, really doesn't matter. Know they hate us and are actively working to find ways to harm us. Many of our so-called friends secretly do not like us and, if given the right opportunity, would turn on us.

Now imagine we had a way to defend ourselves against such attacks, but we did not. How would you feel? What would you say? Who would you blame?

Without a shield of some kind, we are wide open and you and me and our kids are vulnerable. What will it take for you to wise up, wake up and demand that we arm up?

Rahm and Obama are not Change artists

Barack Obama campaigned on change. Change from the old politics. Change from the grid lock in Washington in the past. Change, change, change.

The real truth is that Obama and his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel are nothing more than old dog Democratic politicians trying to play both sides of the coin. They view this health care reform debate as a win-win for them.

The Young Turks make sense in this video. Lets face it, America voted in the last election for change based on the rhetoric spewed by Obama and Emanuel. Instead what we got was the good ol' boys with a different skin color and ethnic background.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Al Gore to be sued over Global Warming

Al Gore hides in his mansion with a $10,000 a month electric bill. Al Gore leaves his lights on during the world wide "lights out" campain. Al Gore runs around the globe via a private jet and heavy gas guzzling limo's spouting and promoting his "Inconvenient Truth" movie. Al Gore ignores reputable scientists all over the world the refute and debunk global warming. Al Gore wont debate anyone on the issue. So now there are a group of scientist want to sue the former Vice President. I say its about time.

The Government is holding out on us?

Our government, be it state or federal, is doing us all a huge disservice. I say that because all we hear about is Global Warming and how we need Cap and Trade legislation which we on the Right side of the Political Isle call Crap and Tax.

Our government is spending billions and billions of our tax dollars on technology that does not work or is, at best, taking current technology down a notch or two.

We know for a fact that ethanol reduces the mpg in most cars of today because it has far less energy in it than good old fashioned gasoline. We also know that there are a number of competing sources of energy that are cleaner and cheaper than ethanol yet the government is ignoring them.

Here is yet another example of an American, without government help, coming up with a viable source of energy that could be used in homes, cars and maybe even in large industrial environments. Its one of those "aha" moments when you watch the video and you think, why the hell did we not come up with this idea sooner.

We didn't come up with this idea because unlike the government back in John F Kennedy's day, our government is not about a national goal to find the best solution to a problem, it is a government bent on dishing out solutions that fit the lobby of our seats of power. It it means money in a Senator or Congressman's pocket then that is what gets pushed. And that my friends, threatens our very freedom.

Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard 'round the world

You might think that the headline above was a farce or was some lame attempt by me to garner a fantastic eye grabbing headline. But you would be wrong. It is absolutely true.

Dateline: the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts. The New England state that is famous for the likes of the Liberal Lion Ted Kennedy and the arrogant gay man representative Barny Frank now gives us a glimpse of what government is willing to do to its own citizens.

The State Senate of Massachusetts has passed Pandemic Response Bill 2028 a bill which could force the residents of MA to inoculated against their will, destroy their property and/or have property taken all without a warrant and if one fails to comply or allow compliance with this law, a citizen will be fined up to $1,000 per day of non-compliance.

Now first of all, one could say it is just a small state. This would be true. But it could also be true that this would be a test case for the rest of the nation. Remember, Health Care Reform is the baby of Ted Kennedy and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a form of Kennedy health care already. It is the model for the HR 3200 for national health care reform.

The MA model does not work by any standard. So now we are going to be looking at another test case that will infringe on the rights of Americans and they will do it in the name of "public safety" and "public health". Remember this is the same bunch of Liberals that say smoking a cigarette outside is a public health threat and they wanted to ban smoking in public parks.

You have to understand that Liberals will stop at nothing to get power, to keep power and to lord that power over you on a daily basis. It is now coming down to them wanting the very power over weather or not you get health care and weather or not you get inoculated with drugs that are not even proven to work or even proven to be safe.

It used to be said that as the State of California goes, so goes the nation. Well California recently decided that the people are the final voice and when the people vote that vote shall be upheld. But that does not seem to be spreading across this nation. Instead, it seems the Washington has been eying what goes on in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. So the saying could be changed to as "Taxachusetts" goes, so goes the rest of the nation.

I'm wondering, will this proposed new law give the Obama Health Czar the idea of forcing every citizen in this nation to take drugs of mind altering capabilities to sedate those of us who would be thought of as seditionist? Don't laugh or think me crazy. Just look at what they are proposing and then tell me it could not happen under a "state of emergency."

As for me an my house? They will have to kill me in order to inject me with anything I don't want them to inject me with. My state motto is still "Live Free or Die". It's my personal motto as well.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Real Ted Kennedy

Over the past week there has been a lot of talk about the late Edward M Kennedy. The "Liberal Lion" from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts succumbed to brain cancer last Tuesday night. He was diagnosed with the fatal cancer in May of 2008.

The eulogies were, as usual, farcical and false to a great extent. The tributes on TV and in the news for the most part seem to ignore the evil that the man was involved in. This is how legends get started. You take the life of a person and strip out the negative truth and what you are left with is something less than positive.

Many said Kennedy never spoke ill of anyone. That Kennedy got along with everyone. That Kennedy reached across the isle to forge positive relationships in order to accomplish what was best for the nation.

Those pundits ignore the letter Kennedy sent to the USSR during the Regan Administration saying that he (Kennedy) would do all in his power to see that Regan failed in his policies on the home front.

Those pundits ignore the fact that Kennedy personally attacked Robert Bork, one of Regan's nominees for the Supreme Court.

Those pundits forget that Kennedy allowed a young woman to drown because of his drunken ways.

Those pundits forget that Kennedy and some of his close relatives have been accused of sexual crimes and that some Kennedy relatives were convicted of sexual crimes.

Those pundits forget the slurred speeches over the years delivered by Kennedy.

Those pundits forget that Kennedy was anything but a perfect human being and was capable of cruel and evil and despicable things. His life history is full of such ill deeds.

No, I do not share in the positive morning for this man. May God have mercy on his soul because there are millions of people currently living and long since dead who would not show him mercy for Kennedy did not show mercy upon them.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Obama Czars Want to Control Speech

The scary thing is this. There are those who want to control every aspect of your life. In fact they even tell us they want to control every aspect of your life. They don't care about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

What they want is power and pure power. Many of Obama's Czars have said and continue to say things that directly oppose the Constitution and your rights. But the media does not report any of this. The Lame Stream Media doesn't report on anything that affects your rights unless it is something that a conservative does.

Remember this, if those who are popular are silenced, what do you think will happen to you and your family? You will be silenced as well.

Jefferson said that a nation in fear of its government is nothing more than a nation of subjects but a government in fear of its citizens is a free republic.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health Care or Health Insurance?

There are some who have answers to the Health Care debate. And the answers are based on putting patients and doctors in charge of health care, not government, not insurance companies.

The one thing this video missed is the fact that insurance should be for covering the major things in health. Not every day things like physicals or because your kid gets the sniffles and you want to go to the doctors office because all you have to pay is a $10 co-pay.

Hey, think of this next time you visit your doctor under a stupid co-pay. How much do you pay annually for this kind of insurance? Then ask yourself how much did you use it? I think you will find that if you got yourself a major medical kind of insurance plan and banked the rest, you would have a ton of cash to pay for that stuff you now overpay for.

Think of health insurance as the Universal Life Insurance of health care. Everybody wins with that kind of insurance but the person who is actually insured. Thank about it.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

When Saturday Comes to New England

It is no secret that I call New England home. It is not secret that I call the great state of New Hampshire my home. And it is no secret that I currently reside just outside the state capitol of Concord.

What is a secret is what I do on Saturdays here in New England. I do what every other citizen of our nation does. I try to relax and have some fun. I exorcise my Liberty and my Freedom.

In New England through out the Summer and Autumn months you will find celebrations called "Old Home Day". This is really something that many other parts of the country may call "Town Fairs" or maybe even "Town or City Field Days".

Here in New England many towns celebrate their "birthday". What you usually get with this is a small town parade, merchants with special sales, maybe even a BBQ on the Town Square or Town Green. It is a typical New England tradition.

Hey, we will celebrate with a parade and food at the drop of a hat. We will use our kids to give us the excuse to participate in silly races such as potato sack racing and other activities including, but not limited to, face painting and hot dog eating contests.

This is America after all. We have a reason to celebrate at the drop of a hat. We have a reason to recall the founding of our town, our city, our state, our nation. We have a reason to spend our Saturday over eating. Its called Freedom.

And just think of this. We are a nation where it is very easy to "get there from here". So we don't have to limit our celebrating to just our own town or city. We can travel to another town, another city even another state and participate and revel. We are the United States of America.

We have fought, we have shed our own blood, we have sacrificed so much so we deserve to be able to celebrate whenever and whenever we want. Most other nations on the planet cannot say that. Most other nations on the planet cannot compare. In fact when it comes to Liberty and Freedom, no other nation on the planet can compare.

We don't have to worry about authority breaking up our fun. We don't have to worry about a Pontiff, a Potentate, a dictator encroaching in on our fun.

We can even decide that a simple protest of our very government is going to be the fun of the day.

I say, go out and about. Travel the roadways to a different town. Make merry and celebrate your freedom. Express your pleasure and gratitude of the sacrifices of the past for it is those sacrifices that allow you, that give you the ability and the right to do just as you please on your Saturday.

Enjoy your America. Enjoy your freedom. But just remember there are those who stalk in the shadows, in the alleys, in the dark doorways who have only one thing on their mind. To remove you from your freedom and liberty. So celebrate today and on Monday get back to work preserving your freedom so that come the next Saturday, you have the Liberty to celebrate again.

Isn't America a wonderful place? I think so. Now I'm off to celebrate. What are you going to do with your Freedom and Liberty this Saturday?

Friday, August 21, 2009

The annointed one has no cloths

The polls, and I mean ALL polls, even the most Liberal of polls show that Obama is slipping. He is losing his touch. His approval ratings in some very good and pretty accurate polls have his approval rating below 50 percent for the very first time.

I must say, I don't think Obama knows how to handle having people not liking what he is doing.

First of all you should know I am not one to believe in polls anyway. They are too easy to manipulate with even a single word in a question. What does interest me is that even the most Liberal of polls show he is not liked very well anymore.

Now some will try and say that Obama is no different than President Reagan at this point in his first term. Well yes he is different.

Reagan during his recession wasn't trying to take over the health care industry and he wasn't talking about raising anybody's taxes. Obama is talking about raising taxes and fees and he wants to take over the entire health care system at a time when he is the cause of record deficits that outpace any president in our history.

So you see there is a huge difference. Not to mention Reagan could communicate to the people without a teleprompter. By the way, what the hell does "wee wee up" mean anyway?

Although the press are trying feebly to circle the wagons around Obama, it is Obama that has caused his own Waterloo. He has lied to the people and the people know it. And there is no way to explain his way out of it. He tells people they are lying about health care when the people are simply reading the proposed bill that Congress wrote and published. Nice touch. Tell a person that what he is reading is a lie when the very thing they are reading is written by you or your left wing buddies.

Maybe Obama should be pricing land in his Half Brothers neighborhood. After Obama wears out his welcome with the American people, Kenya may be the only place on earth where he can live out his days in peace. Oh wait, there is Cindy Sheehan. I am sure she will track him and George Bush down no matter where they go. Then again, it really is hard to get rid of a real and true left wing nut job.

One question the press should as is, how can Sheehan afford to stay on Martha's Vineyard while the President and the first family vacation? Who is bankrolling this excursion into Liberal wing nut-dome?

Then again, we are talking Martha's Vineyard in the state of Massachusetts. You can't get much more left wing nut job than that outside of Washington, D.C. and California.

Maybe someone should take a poll "will you be vacationing with the President on the Vineyard this year?" I'm sure polls would show more than 75 percent of the American people will not.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sympathy doesn't change the facts

I am sitting here going nuts. I am having a hard time keeping my cool. I am sure my medical emergency someday will be due to a heart attack from stress. The question is why did I have the stress and will the government pay for my treatment to keep me alive.

The answer to the second part of that question is, in my opinion in which I believe with all my heart is, no. I am a conservative and as such I don't believe in government run health care. I am sure someone at some point in the future is going to look at my record and decide that since I was so against the government, it would be better for everyone (at least the government) if I were to no longer be on this earth.

Now make no mistake about it. I am a Christian and I firmly believe that when I am absent from this earthly body, I will be in the presence of my Lord in heaven. So for me to die by natural causes is not a fear that I have. The point is will I be helped along by those in power because I did not agree with them in taking control of my health care.

The first part of the question begs another question...why did I have so much stress in the first place? The answer is a simple one. My government gave me the stress.

I tried listening to a Blog Talk Radio talk show this evening that was talking about health care and the reform that our government wants to foist upon us all. It was even disguised as a "faith" talk about health care reform.

Now understand this, Christ Himself would not go for government control of health care. But some of our so-called faith leaders seem to think that health care is a right granted to us by God. It is not. You don't even have a RIGHT to eat. Think I am wrong? Then well answer this question. If eating is a RIGHT then why is it not the case that our government owns and operates every single grocery store in the land? Hey, eating is far more important than health care. You can live for a long time with out going to the doctors office. But you can only last so long without eating.

We have even people of "faith" who are willing to lie for the left because they think it shows sympathy. Well, it doesn't. True sympathy would be to help others help themselves. The old wise tale of feeding a man with a fish and teaching him to fish applies in every aspect of our life including health care.

We have seen that by giving humans something that they feel doesn't cost them anything often leads to those things becoming highly expensive and highly over used. Don't believe me? How often do you think people would go to their doctor if all they had to do is pay five or ten dollars out of their pocket? Very often as it turns out. They go even for a simple cold.

Why is it then, that nearly every other country with government run health care rations that health care in some form or another? Is it out of sympathy? Not it is out of cost control.

Simply put, you cannot control cost on the healthy. You cannot control cost on those who do NOT use the health care system. You can only control cost on the sick. You can only control cost on those who DO use the system.

So the question should be, if all of you who support so-called health care reform, will you complain when it does not live up to your expectations? Because by its very nature and design it cannot.

Will you curse health care on your early death bed or will you praise the wisdom of some government board who denied you life saving or life extending care?

Yea, I didn't think so.