Did we the people miss something here? How is it a guy can remain in office and still do everything wrong and illegal. I am talking about Kwame Kilpatrik the mayor of the fallen city of Detroit, MI.
Are we to believe he can get away with what he does simply because he is black and a Democrat? If this were a white Republican, we would be hearing for his lynching by now. This guy would not still be mayor and he probably would not be running around free on bail and/or bond.
If it were you or me, we would absolutely be locked up. Read the story for yourself:
It seems that this election is actually the season for flip flopping. Good grief, both candidates are flopping more than a fish our of water. Can we get some real leadership here? Can we get people who actually stand by what they say?
How are we, the American people, going to know who to vote for if these guys can't even stay the course on what they believe? Is it too much to ask that people actually stand for something and then stand by what they stand for?
This is just the tip of the ice burg with these two...and of course one is worse than the other but I will let you be the judge of that:
Can we take some personal responsibility here in this country? Why is it that when someone points to us, the individual, as being the one who needs to take care of our own business, that person is the one who gets ramrodded with vile and hate?
People in this country and in any other country, are in a financial pickle because of themselves for the most part. It is not President Bush's fault that people can't afford their mortgage. It is not my responsibility to bail someone out because they paid too much for their home.
By the same token, Mr. Obama cannot and should not bail anyone out of their own financial mess. If you are poor and broke in the United States of America, it is your own fault. Pure and simple. Otherwise, how do you explain how so many who are not born here, come here and get rich? They depend on themselves, not the government. They learn how to manage their own money and they take responsibility for themselves.
It is shameful to see how people lambaste this blogger for telling the truth.
Freedom is not free nor is it for the stupid or timid. It is for those who are brave, who take responsibility for their actions. It is for those who know that to live any other way is not living at all. It is for those who recognize that millions have fought and died over the centuries to protect freedom. To live any other way would be a great dishonor to those who served, fought and died. Think about it.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
A few ramblings about this and that and the otherthing
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What Barry and his kind really want from big oil and the American people
How interesting this is. Recently, Obama was making fun of McCain for making fun of him about the people of America saving gas by inflating their tires.
First of all, are you serious, Mr. Obama? I think the tire pressure thing has been so en grained in our collective psyche that it would be a safe bet to say that at least 90% of the American public know that properly inflated tires saves gas, gives you better handling and extends the life of your tires. But to state this as a potential plank on the energy platform is bordering on the ridiculous.
Where are the solid planks on energy from you and your camp? I have not seen anything relevant unless you are mimicking what the Republicans have been saying. But then the very next day you flop and tell us that drilling is not going to solve our problems today.
Mr. Obama, the liberals have had a “don't drill in our country at all” policy for decades and we now see where that policy has lead. We are paying record prices at the gas pumps while backwards countries in South America and Africa pay under a buck a gallon. How is that possible?
True those nations' governments subsidize their oil industries heavily. So is that where you are going to take us Mr. Obama? You wish to do a Hugo (and I don't mean the hurricane although the effects would be far more devastating) and nationalize our oil industry?
And for crying out loud, can someone please tell me what a “windfall profit” is. Who is to say that 11 billion dollars is too much for a company to make. Doesn't the federal government and all the state governments make far more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies? Why yes they do. Doesn't the fed and the states tax the income of the companies, large and small, that deal in oil? Why yes they do.
So should not the fed and the states give back to the American people what they took because they, the government has windfall tax profits? After all, none of the governments involved have ever risked a dime to explore for oil. None of them have paid to lay the infrastructure that now gives us our pipelines.
Oh sure, they may have given tax breaks every now and again...but that is what they were. Nothing but a reduction in the taxes that those companies already had to pay. How is that signify that the government “paid” for anything. It is our money to begin with.
And with todays technology and the fact that just about every other oil producing nation on the planet is going after oil reserves even in areas where US companies cannot change your mind? Of course not. You view the big oil companies, which are small compared to the oil companies around the world, as evil. You think that even if they made nothing, that they were still cheating the American people.
It is you and your ilk, Mr. Obama who are cheating the American people. Why don't you tell the people of this great nation just what you have in mind for us as far as your energy policy would go? You would not dare because the American people would reject it outright.
The American people deserve more than rhetoric, Mr. Obama. And those goes for Mr. McCain as well. We need real answers. Yes alternatives are a good start but you and I and the rest of America know that any viable alternative will not be fully integrated for at least two decades if not longer.
So why is it OK to pursue technologies that will not pay off today but not drill for our own oil that will obviously not pay off today? Because in both cases, we will be a much stronger nation tomorrow.
But all you wish to do is pit the “rich” against the rest of us. You pit the rest of us against the “poor”. And you wish to tax the hell out of the very people who make this nation great. And you know I am not just talking about income tax. Any tax you levy against an oil company for “excessive” profits will only get passed on to the American consumer. It is just another money grab for bigger government.
Come on Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain. Come clean and tell the American people what you really want to do to us. I promise you that 90% of us will not stand for it.