Monday, October 5, 2009

Is it Insanity or Ignorance?

We have a battle in Afghanistan that is going badly. More soldiers die almost daily. We have an economy in the tank and all you hear from the lame stream media is that this is going to be a "jobless recovery." Forget the fact that such a statement is a plain oxymoron.

You have a deficit growing and growing and growing. You have three nations, including one of our allies, asking for a new world currency instead of the Dollar. Throw in there that two rogue nations are moving ever closer to having a nuclear weapon and you have to wonder, is our President INSANE or just IGNORANT?

President NObama is worried about green house gases so much that he has signed yet another executive order telling all government agencies they need to cut green house gases and gas use and water use by 2015 to 2020. Forget the fact that Obama will be out of office by then and that a more sane President will most likely roll that order back.

All the while he is telling the government to cut back, he is jetting off to places around the country and the world. Hell, he even thought he could steel the Olympics for his adopted city with just a speech and a smile. And in order to do that he had to use not one, but TWO jets to fly over the "Pond". Oh yes it took two jets.

You see, Mrs NObama had to fly in her own jet. So yes, the American tax payer paid for two jets not to mention the carbon footprint that had to leave behind.

Yet NObama still thinks its OK to order government to use less. I guess this is another case of 'do what I say not what I do'.

Frankly I think its time that NObama just come clean and admit how ignorant he really is. Then maybe we can get someone in office with a little common sense. The good Lord knows this arrogant idiot doesn't have any.

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