Saturday, March 1, 2008

Clinton's Desperation or The Last Stand

Hillary Clinton is getting nuts. I mean not the same kind of nuts she and her camp already were. She is crossing over into a whole new world of buttery. Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has gone out and hired Jack Nicholson, the actor, to do a spot for her.

Well, there is nothing wrong with a famous actor doing some stumping or promotional bits for a candidate. But it is the choice of this ad, which is below, that draws some interesting questions and concerns.

Here is the "experienced" candidate using movies to get her point across. Does she think that people will believe the "Joker" from the Batman movie is truly a good spokesperson for her campaign? Does she really think a fictional military officer that was a little nuts and did questionable things is a good spokesperson for her campaign?

It goes to show that Hillary and her camp have no clue what the American people want or need. Yes, I understand the fact that Americans are highly influenced by celebrities but not the many characters they play in movies.

You can check out some more Clinton/Nicholson spots at the Huffington Post. Some are funny and a little unbelievable but they all raise the question is this woman the best candidate the Democrat machine could put fourth?

We can't give Hillary all the press on this, however. Obama has a new advertisement spot. I should say it's more of a promotional piece that really says nothing. Typical of Obama. No substance at all. But it is slick and its produced by of the Black Eyed Peas musical group.

You have a bunch of stars and others chanting and singing "Obama" over and over. They have different celebrities speaking in Spanish talking about this is our America, this is your America. Now I don't want to sound insensitive or prejudiced but I happen to believe Americans should speak English. But that is another story all together for another day.

All we keep hearing from the Obama camp is "change." I want to know change what and how are you going to change it. This spot talks about change. But no substance. If you can listen to the whole chant then watch the video below.

Unfortunately, even though I searched and searched, I could not find a similar spot from John McCain. Oh sure, there were plenty of spoof ads and anti McCain ads that mimic the two above but none seem to be serious ads from McCain or his camp. I wonder if McCain is the more serious candidate after all.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Corn, Not the New Fuel We Hoped For. $4 Gas Doesn't Have To Happen in America

There was a news conference today. The President of the United States talked with the press. I am continually amazed at how liberals think this man is such an idiot. Granted he is not an eloquent speaker. But then again, the liberal Mayor of Boston, MA is far worse than George Bush ever could be.

But that is not what this post is about. The interesting thing is what President Bush said at this press conference. He talked about how the economy is not dead and how it probably wont fall into a recession. He also talked about our dependence on foreign oil. He ran rings around the press asking the questions today.

But the most interesting thing he talked about was the price of gas and why it was going up. Something the liberal media does not want to get. Big oil in this country does not control the price of crude oil. He talked about how the US could avoid having to pay $4 a gallon at the pump. He talked about alternative fuels and how the US is a leader in the research of alternative fuels. He also nailed something that most people don't get.

President Bush talked about the hidden danger of turning corn into fuel. You see corn is the base food for life on this planet. Humans eat corn directly and indirectly. What do I mean by indirectly? Well, food animals also eat corn. I am talking cows, pigs, chickens, lamb, etc. all eat corn as well. So when the price of corn rises it increases the cost of feeding live stock. Not to mention the fact that products that contain corn for human consumption also rise.

So you see our entire food chain is heavily dependent on corn. So you increase the demand for corn and the price goes up. Simply the result of supply and demand. This also has another problem attached to it. Because corn is in demand and it's value is on the rise, this makes it a commodity that people want to get in on.

Farmers are dropping other crops for the more profitable corn crop. Can you blame them? Farmers are business people after all. They need to make a living. They have people who work for them that must be paid. Farmers have debt they have to pay off. So if they decide that corn will earn them more per acre than wheat or barley or strawberries, then they will make the switch.

This switch reduces the food that we as humans have available to us. So you see our own liberal environmentalist wacko policies are forcing prices to rise all over. We have an oil policy that is in the toilet. President Bush made it clear that we need to build new oil refineries. He has proposed using old, close military bases to do such a thing. The Democrat congress has shot that idea down. Why?

Other countries are drilling off the their coast and in the Gulf of Mexico so why can't we. Liberal environmentalist prevent us from doing so. Why?

We have technology that allows us to drill almost horizontally so that means that oil drill sites are much smaller than they used to be. So we could drill in Alaska yet not need to be in the middle of the oil fields to do it. We could be on the edge of them and drill sideways. But we still can't do that because of environmentalist. Why?

We have wind turbine technology that is very efficient today. We could build wind farms to harness the clean power of the wind. But environmentalist stop them from being built. Why?

We know that bio fuel produced by corn does not have the same thermal factor as oil fuel. What that means is that you don't get the same gas mileage with bio fuels as you do with oil fuels. So your car that gets say 35 miles per gallon on gas will get only 30 miles per gallon or less on bio fuels and bio fuel blends. So it will take more fuel to go the same distance than with straight gas.
So why do we think this is a good idea? Why?

High taxes, the wrong kind of energy policy, high food cost due to the wrong energy policy is all contributing to that famed $4 per gallon gasoline cost that Americans may be faced with by the time the Summer of 2008 arrives.

How do we stop this madness? Get on Congress to stop pandering and start doing something that is real and meaningful. Drill in Anwar. Drill in the Gulf. Build wind turbines. Build nuclear power plants. Build new and more advanced oil refineries. Invest in other alternative fuels other than bio fuels made from corn.

Yes, America can be independent in its energy needs but we have to get the Liberals, the Democrats and the Environmentalist out of the way. We have to demand this. We have to insist on this.

In the mean time, President Bush can continue to run rings around those who think he is nothing but a big time Texas Idiot.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hope and Change are Empty Liberal Programs

It looks like HOPE is alive and well. The Obama Hope Train is pulling into Texas and Ohio and it looks like it is leading the Clinton Train. But stop for a moment. Are you like me on this hope train? I hate it.

It is empty rhetoric and means nothing. I take that back. When someone starts preaching “hope” instead of giving you the details of what they want to do, you better hold on to your wallet. Better still, you better hide your wallet because they, the hope mongers, are coming for your hard earned money.

Have you noticed a very loud silence on the details of what Barack would do if he is elected to office? This is not by accident. The Obama camp knows exactly what his hope will bring to the whole of America. Higher taxes and bigger, much bigger government.

Although this is not the first time hope has been bandied about as a slogan but it has taken on new meaning of late. In fact it is the twin of change. You hear all about how America needs a change. A change in what direction? A change to what? I ask the question, what kind of change? The answer I get back is silence. Silence that is ear shattering.

Change and Hope, the twins that devastate a nation without rhyme nor reason because those who peddles such notions refuse to let us know what kind of change and what kind of hope they are selling us. They hide behind beautiful speeches that move you to tears but in the end, when you actually take the time to study what they said, you realize they actually said NOTHING.

Obama said in one of his speeches, “Yes we can.” He repeated that line again and again. But when you listen to that speech again and take the emotion and background noise out, you realize he didn't say a damned thing. But all of his speeches are empty. They lack true substance. They lack substance is because if he were to tell you exactly what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it, nobody but the hard core left would vote for him.

This is true of Clinton as well. Although she tells us a bit more in detail what she would do if elected, we are still left with rhetoric that reaches higher than the Sears Tower in Chicago. The big problem is the major media lets these people get away with giving us empty speeches. The media gives them a pass on having to detail everything in their platform. Yet when a conservative tries to get away with empty promises, they are called out on the mat.

Raise taxes? Don't tell the American people that. Instead tell them you offer hope of a better tomorrow through government programs. Grow government bigger? Don't tell the American people that. Instead tell them you see a new day where every person has an equal opportunity – an equal opportunity to access government services. Reduce their freedom? Don't tell the American people that. Instead tell them you believe that everyone has a right to everything in life and that it is unfair if some have better choices than others. Tell them you will make sure everyone has the same choice as everyone else. In other worlds, no choice at all.

When you break it down, what you find in all the words of Hope and Change, from Jesse Jackson in the 80's to Bill Clinton in the 90's to Barack Obama in this decade, is empty rhetoric with nothing but higher taxes, less freedom and no choice. Hope and change are not political programs. At least not unless you are a left wing nut liberal. But for the sane majority, hope and change equals despair and devastation.

Could it be the change we need is a change from the liberal left? Could it be that our true hope lay in reverting back to the original intent of our Founding Fathers and our Constitution. Could it be that the road to glory is paved in personal responsibility?

Yes, I guess I agree, empty promises of change and hope are much more palatable. At least until we look into our wallets and see nothing but lint. The same emptiness we have with all of this hope and change rhetoric.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Demons Post 9/11

When September 11, 2001 happened, everyone, including Congress, was united on what needed to be done. We needed to secure our borders. We needed to make those responsible pay. We needed to go to war if needed to take down the evil doers that perpetrated such an evil and heinous act.

The pacifist were nullified to dark corners of society and we were sure we would not hear from them again. They hid because they knew that no matter how much we tried to be peaceful there were going to be some on this planet who just wanted us, Americans, to die by the bus load. Or in this case, by the air plane load.

Those pacifist were pretty smart though. They knew, like our President, George W Bush, that this was going to be a very long and drawn out affair. The pacifist knew that at some point they could come out of the shadows and emerge from the dark and dank places to begin their rhetoric again. They knew that if they began whispering how bad this war was, that those in power and media would hear them and begin to repeat their stupidity but not in a whisper, but with booming voices.

The pacifist knew they would not only rewrite history in such short order but they would make sure that those who were their angels, their heroes, would again come back to the fold and degrade and denigrate all the great men and women of our armed forces. The cry “Baby Killer” would once again be heard across this land.

The pacifist did not care about freedom. They do not care about liberty as long as they have the liberty to spew their ilk from sea to shining sea and from border to border. They do not care that history has shown that the pacifist manifesto does not work, never has worked and never will work. They will not stop preaching their nonsense as long as they have breath in their lungs.

Forget the fact that the enemy, who is not the President, or their government, will stop at nothing to kill them as well as everyone else in our nation. They still go about their daily life believing in a lie. Even when they are faced with death, they seem to blame those of us who would die to protect them instead of the person who is actually pointing a weapon of death at them. They see the world as have and have nots. And those who have only have because they took away from the have nots.

Pacifist are preaching to us now in this electoral cycle. We see them in the form of Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. They claim that President Bush lied to us to force us to go to war. They ignore the fact that the information that President Bush had was the same information that President Bill Clinton had. In fact they even fail to mention the fact that Bill Clinton himself said he had the same information that George Bush had. After all, he gave George the information so it could not have been a lie.

But that does not stop the pacifist from rewriting history. They say the lie. They get others in power to repeat the lie because those in power think they will gain more power by saying the lie. Then they echo what those in power are saying as if to give the lie more credence. Before you know it, everyday people with short memories, believe the lie is true.

And now we have candidates that say that George Bush lied to us in order to go to war. Forget the facts. Forget who provided the “lies” to George Bush. Forget that they were all for us going to war over 9.11.01. No, the pacifist don't care about the lives that have been lost or the lives that will be lost because of their actions. All they see is an evil empire trying to hang on to global power.

They don't see that we are in a fight for our very way of life. They don't see that if we are defeated they will lose their ability and privilege to spew their propaganda because the new power will see to it that they all die or are at the very least silenced by the death of all they hold dear.

We as a nation, cannot let a rewrite of history happen right under our very noses. We cannot stand by while the pacifist and power grabbers try to rewrite history that is less than a decade old. We as a people cannot bury our heads in meaningless drivel such as Hollywood and celebrity gossip and let a few who wish to imprison your thoughts and mold your children in their image.

Our nation was born out of blood. Our nation kept its freedom by blood. Our nation has suffered because of our blood line. We are the chosen people of the planet to bring freedom and protect freedom for all of those who want it, cherish it, and are willing to die for it.

We are that beacon of hope, that bright light in a sea of darkness that guides people from all over the globe, to our shores. These same people dream every night about how to better their lives. They dream of how to better their children's lives. They dream of a country they can call their own, where they have a voice in their government, a right to rule by self determination.

Yet the pacifist and power grabbers would deny these people this right. They would attack those who actually are willing to go to war to secure that right for everyone. They demonise, hate, spit upon and rewrite their heroic deed into stories of shame and despair.

All the while, we the people, who have gathered to form a more perfect union, bury our heads in the sand and let the few rewrite what we know to be true. We let them twist the truth into something sour and evil. How do I know this? Just look at the people we are voting for this election cycle. That is all I need to know. That is all the proof I need.

You want me to be wrong? Then vote for those who will not stand for rewriting history, who will not lie and tell us we are to blame for being attacked. Vote for those who will stand up for our Constitution, our Founding Fathers and our way of life. Vote for freedom, not entrapment or slavery or dependency. Vote for freedom.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Sunday Wrap Up, Feb 24, 2008

The Sunday Wrap Up, February 24, 2008

I have to say that I am happy that the pilots of the B-2 Stealth Bomber that crashed this week end are alive and healthy. Our freedom took a small hit when one of only 21 of these marvels of technology went down.

The military says those magnificent birds cost a cool 1.2 billion US dollars each. That means the total fleet cost a very cool 25 billion to build. Yes a very expensive aircraft fleet but money well spent. In fact we should probably build more of them. In fact we should build more stealth fighter jets and maybe even stealth rockets.

Lets face it the cost of freedom is very high. It cost a lot in blood and money. If you think for one moment that we would survive as a nation with a week military, then I would suggest you look at every other nation with a weak military. Most of them have changed governments many times since our nations founding.

We have a special place in history for being a steady and reliable and amazingly enough we have had over 40 bloodless changes of power. And despite what the Liberals call President George W Bush, there will be another bloodless change of power next January. Amazing.

And all of this brought to you by the men and women who fly, drive, sail and use the amazing and sometimes expensive equipment that protect our nation and our liberty.

Global warming or global cooling or is it man made global climate change? Now even I am confused. Anyway, it seems that Sir. Richard Branson has a first for the record books. His Virgin Atlantic Airlines has just flown the first commercial jetliner fueled by bio diesel

Now, we all know that bio fuels are not the answer to our energy problems (not that we have energy problems in the first place) and our climate pollution problems. However, they claim that bio fuels will solve some of our energy and pollution problems. Bio fuel emits less pollution than regular jet fuel.

This is all well and good except for the fact that bio fuel takes away from people fuel. What is people fuel? It is commonly referred to as food. Bio fuel is made from different kinds of edible food products such as corn, wheat, coconut and other food stuffs and food staples. Even sugar cane can produce bio fuel.

But that is just the tip of the ice burg with the problems of bio fuel. The main problem is the reason we are traveling down the bio fuel road to begin with. It seems that those in the know are now confused about this as well.

This is evidenced by a recent AP story about this historic event. Although it is not about the fuel itself, it was about global warming or global cooling. Well here is an excerpt from the story, you decide.

Aircraft engines cause noise pollution and emit gases and particulates that reduce air quality and contribute to global warming and global dimming, where dust and ash from natural and industrial sources block the sun to create a cooling effect.

So my question is, if jet aircraft can cause both global warming and global dimming which, in the end produces global cooling, then should we not start flying these things around the globe in strategic places? I mean should we not fly air craft in areas that are too hot so it can give them some relief?

How can you get hotter and cooler at the same time unless you are sitting in an air conditioned car in Arizona? Trust me on this folks. These people are going to be coming after you wallets and they are going to push for laws that limit or eliminate your freedom and liberties. They will do this all in the name of “saving the planet when they don't even have any logical or conclusive evidence that man is the cause of any climate change taking place on our globe.

Read the story for yourself: AP – Virgin Flies Biofueled Jed From London

The Devil is in the Details

There was a movie that was released back in 1997. It has as much relevance today as it did back then. Actually, it was a movie that was probably at least a decade overdue. It started Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino. The name of this movie? Devil's Advocate.

Now why is this movie so relevant today? Because it is a movie about lawyers. Yes, I know all the jokes about lawyers. I even wanted to be one of those blood sucking parasites at one point in my life. I went to school for law and order. I took the requisite business law, criminal justice and criminal law. I even took international law 101. Plus I dabbled in Constitutional law.

All well and good, you say but what does a fictional movie out of Hollywood have to do with today and what does it have to do with liberty and freedom? Well, man's law dictates everything you do in your life. Lawyers make the laws. Lawyers interpret the law. Lawyers bend the law to fit their need in and out of court. Lawyers can make a seemingly very clear and concise law murky and even twist it to mean something it was never intended to mean.

Lets take the First Amendment of the Constitution for an example. We have freedom of speech and a free press. Not according to McCain/Feingold. It says that money is not equal to free speech even if you need money in order to express your right to free speech. This law limits your ability to freely express your opinions and thoughts when it concerns elections and those running for office.

How about the “Separation of Church and State.” Many Americans do not know that those words do NOT appear anywhere in the Constitution. However, some lawyers decided that they could twist the actual words that are written in the Constitution to mean something it was not intended to mean. These lawyers successfully twisted the Constitution to mean that there cannot be any connection between religion and our government.

This was clearly not the case nor the intent of our Founding Fathers. If you read any of their letters, decrees and the Constitution itself you would know the Founding Fathers did not intend for the total separation of church and state. They only intended that there be no national or formal government religion or church such as there was and is in England. You know England, its the country that our Founding Fathers saw fit to separate from through the American Revolution.

In the movie “Devils Advocate” Al Pacino plays the devil, Satan, who runs a very powerful international law firm based in New York City. First of all, if he truly wanted to be at the center of sin, would he not have based his firm in Las Vegas? Well, no. New York is the hub of the business world. Just about every major law firm in the world is either based there or they have a major presence in that city. The Devil (Pacino) also known as Mr. Milton, has a few very memorable lines in this movie.

One of the more true to reality lines is “Lawyers are into everything.” This is true, lawyers control the law. The law controls everything. If you don't believe me, then just read your contract for cellular phone service, for any contest or give away, for any service or offering. A lawyer wrote all of that. A lawyer thought up all the laws that need to be put into those contracts and agreements.

Just look at your computer. Every time you download or upload a new program or service, you have to agree to some terms. You have to mark that you have read and understand and accept those terms before you get to use that program or service. If you don't agree, you don't get to use the program or service even if you have already paid for it.

Lawyers control every aspect of your life. In this country and in most countries across the globe you cannot even practice law unless you pass some sort of BAR exam that is set up and administered by lawyers. This is there way of keeping average people out of their ranks. This is how they keep control of your life. They keep control of the law and the law controls your life.

I am not saying there are not good and honest lawyers out there. Of course there are. But they have to work within a system that has been corrupted by more powerful lawyers of days gone by. The good lawyers fight an uphill battle on a daily basis to keep you and me safe.

It is very important that we elect people who know the law yes. But it is even more important to elect people who will not attempt to bend the law to their own selfish interest and will. When they do that, we the people, suffer. We the people lose our rights. We the people lose our freedom. We the people become ensnared, entrapped and enslaved by the law.

Yes, lawyers are into everything. Yes the law controls our daily life. Yes, the correct saying is “The Devil is in the Details.” Think about it next time you decide to hand over your freedom of anything to a lawyer running for office. Notice, once you give him your freedom, they never give it back even when you ask.