Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A world of free energy

There has been a lot of talk over the past couple of decades about energy, oil in particular. The environmentalist wackos want us to regress back to the Dark Ages. Oil men want us to drain every single drop of the Texas Tea from the earth.

Then you have the, how can I put this nicely, IDIOTS talking about Global Warming even though science is proving on a near daily basis that Man Made Global Climate Change is not and cannot happen.

We have President Obama and Democrats and other Liberal groups all over the world telling us that we need to FIND alternatives. We have governments spending the money of hard working people all over the world on researching "alternative" fuels.

Listen up folks, we already have alternative fuels available to us to power nearly every car, truck, home, light bulb, dishwasher, computer, hot water heater or just about anything else you can think of that uses oil, gas, electricity or even hot air.

Thats right, we already have the alternatives. And they are clean alternatives. And NO I am not talking nuclear power. (I am not a huge fan of nuclear power anyway and it really has nothing to do with what to do with the waist. Its just expensive and the danger from our enemies to attack these plants is just too great.)

Now you may be asking what alternatives do we currently have? Good question. The answer is not "clean coal" although it can be in the mix. It is not bio fuels. Why the hell would you want to take food for humans and turn it into fuel? Makes no sense when you have other alternatives that are cleaner and more efficient.

I'm talking about WIND, SOLAR, GEO THERMAL and ... Hydrogen. Yes hydrogen. No hydrogen does not have to be dangerous. No hydrogen does not have to be liquefied at super cold temperatures. No hydrogen does not have to be packed as a "fuel cell" which is rather inefficient and costly.

Lets take a look at wind: We can't build wind turbines because environmentalists say they kill birds or spoil the natural beauty.

Lets take a look at solar: We can't build solar fields because it kills lizards, rare flowers and other animals on the ground and spoils the natural beauty.

Lets take a look at geo thermal: We can't build more geo thermal because they are big and ugly buildings and it is limited to a very small part of the country.

Lets take a look at hydrogen: We can't use hydrogen because we don't have the technology to produce it cheaply or fast.

The above are all myths. Yes MYTHS. First of all, just about every single home in the nation can benefit by putting a small wind turbine and solar panels on their property. Will people be able to get all of their energy needs from these energy producing resources? For most of us probably not, but you could reduce your external energy consumption by up to 80%.

How about geo thermal? Simply put, you can heat and cool your home or building using a geothermal system. Yes it is a little more expensive than a traditional oil or gas heating system but it will pay you back in quick order and you wont need to supplement your heating and cooling needs with external resources. And geo thermal is clean and quiet.

Hydrogen? Well, a company called United Nuclear has come up with a devise that can let you MAKE your own hydrogen from your own water. Check it out here.

Now if a homeowner or building owner were to use all of the above, they could reduce their external energy needs up to 100% and even be able to sell the excess power back to the local power grid. (Imagine if just 25% of US homes and buildings were able to send clean power back over the power grid instead of taking it from that grid)

Why has not the world governments pushed for this kind of evironmentaly sound energy production? Because all of those above alternatives do not produce a drop of green house gas. That means they cannot regulate, tax and control it.

Come on people, use your head now. We have cars that run on compressed air engines. We have the ability to make our homes mini power plants and not put a lick of green house gas in the air. We have the ability to affordability turn every gas car and truck into a hydrogen vehicle. Again, producing not a lick of green house gas.

So why does our government and other governments and the United Nations ignore all of this? It all has to do with money and control. For crying out loud, Saudi Arabia is now talking about needing financial assistance from the rest of the world when oil stops being the main source of energy production.

Still think this is not about control and money? Think about it, if we had free or nearly free, endless, clean energy would their be a need for so much regulation, taxation and reduction? No. Still don't think its about control and money? You need to re-read this post then.


American Idiot said...

This post is difficult to respond to because you're insulting, yet we agree on the sources of energy that should be used.

Wind, solar and geothermal are exactly the types of energy "environmentalists" want, support and are trying to get our government to invest in. The United States is by far the slowest industrialized country in the world to move to clean energy sources.

Many, many other countries across the world ARE using these types of energy. Heck, if you go to Germany you can visit entire cities that are running off of 100% clean, renewable energy, mainly wind and solar. Every building has solar panels on them. It is pretty amazing.

You clearly dislike "liberals and democrats," but you completely agree with us on the types of energy we should be moving to, not just for the United States, but globally.

I am happy to see, even though you insulted democrats a number of times in your post, that you at least have the right ideas, even on why nuclear is probably a bad idea, as I, and many other democrats have.

As far as the "cap and taxing" stuff, that's not really the preferred way to change to clean energy, however, it does have some benefits. Ideally, the cap is put in place, which will stimulate competition between businesses. Utility rates should not sky rocket because of allowances for utility companies, however, as there is no official legislation out yet, it's hard to say what will or will not happen.

I also find it strange you're saying that proof keeps coming out that disproves climate change is real and man made, whereas, everything I see and read, from reliable sources, even from Non-partisan sources, show that it is completely real, it's getting worse and is already affecting us now.

Anyway, before you throw out a barrel of insults, I would suggest, maybe, making sure you don't actually have pretty much exactly the same perspective on the topic as those you are insulting. :)

Zinc Media Books said...

Well of course my post was insulting because it was meant to be because it was based on the truth. Something which you obviously do not like.

If you don't thing enviro-whackos are not getting in the way with all this "free" energy then you need to take trips to PA, MA, VT, TX, CA, WA and other states where wind farms and solar farms have been proposed but blocked or limited.

You should stop FEELING insulted and actually get mad at those who are in the way of building such alternative sources. I am sure T Boone Pickens would welcome your support for wind power.

You see, Mr. Pickens cant get his wind farms built either. Although it is mostly government that is getting in his way this time, but that government is supported by enviro-whackos.

I have been a huge advocate of alternative energy. But every where I look it seems some environmental group is blocking, forcing a scale back or in some other way hindering the progress of such sources. Save an owl and a tree to save a sea gull to save a lizard, all have prevented alternative power generating sources from being built.

Maybe you should stop and think before you comment. But thanks for reading.

Unknown said...

We operate a data center facility in Toronto Canada. The facility is designed for toronto Coloction. (For those of you how don't know what a data center is, basically is a large computer room, filled with hundreds / thousands of servers).

99.9% of all Data Center facilities around the world do very little in terms of free energy.

Our facility, has been optimized. We get at least 6 months of cold weather. So, in order to help reduce our carbon footprint, and reduce our electrical load on the power grid, we turned to Free Cooling.

We have so many systems that take advantage of this cold climate. The largest and most evident system is that our Chillers that cool down the water(glycol) that is used for the air conditioners basically are shut down for almost 80% of the time now.

We introduce large outdoor cooling grids of pipes that basically expose the pipes to the cold climate, and thus through the heat transfer of the metal pipes, the warm / hot water in the pipes gets cooled down, and returns back into the loop.

The chillers that would normally cool the water in hot climate temperature are basically non utilized now because of the cold ambient weather.

This is just one example of what we have done to take advantage of Free Cooling, and helping save the world with utilization of Free Energy.

to read more about this, visit us at www.datacenterscanada.com under the facilities section.

Paul @ Data Centers Canada
Toronto Colocation Facilities