Sunday, September 6, 2009

Did we win one?

I just learned that Green Jobs Czar Van Jones has quit. Yes, NPR is reporting that "Czar Jones" has resigned his post at the White House.

He claims he quit because of a "smear campain" against him. I am still trying to figure out how people on the left side of the political isle, or any isle for that matter, can get away with calling the truth a smear campain.

How is telling the truth using ones own words a smear? It isn't. The reason it becomes a smear is because the one who said the convicting words wants to hide from those words.

Think about Obama telling people he is not for taking over the health care industry when he is on record numerous times saying he is for a Single Payer System. He has even given a time line as to when he would like to have that system in place. But he says that those who point out those facts are using scare tactics and a smear campane against him.

Well what was so controversial about Mr. Jones? Asside from the fact that he is an avowed communist, he said that he believes that the 9-11-01 attacks were the work of our government.

Oh sure, there are some others here in the USA that feel that somehow the government of the United States had a hand in the destruction the World Trade Center Towers. But none of those kooks works in high places of government. At least none that we know of.

However, Van Jones, is nothing more than a huge black communist. Black in the terms of his race. Although he is black in the terms of stealth as well. He wants to do things from a secret position. This position was that of a Czar appointed by Obama and accountable to no one.

Well, Mr. Jones thought he could get away with being in stealth mode but people out there in America found the things that Van said, wrote, supported and tried to bring about into reality. He has his own self serving agenda to blame, not some smear campane that really is nothing more than the truth.

You could say this is a minor win for those who fight for liberty and freedom. You could say that this is a small step forward in taking back the country in which they love so dearly.

Yes, Van may have quit, but we still have some 47 or so Czars to go. And, indeed, we have the biggest Czar of them all to get rid of...Barack Obama. Lets hope that more Czars vacate their positions due to public pressure because of the truth being reported. And then let us hope and pray that in 2012 we are able to vote out Obama and in his stead, put someone who still believes in our nation, our freedom, our constitution.


Betty said...

We the People have won a victory with the resignation of Jones but we have to stay vigilant and continue looking into the lives of the other czars and speak the truth about them.

Thank God for people like Glenn Beck and the truth he speaks!

God bless.

VH said...

Van Jones did it to himself; He used radical language to describe himself and his beliefs. Good riddance to Mr. Jones.

da patriot said...

Van Jones was chosen because he shared Obama's vision. As scary as that sounds, it gets worse, you can be sure that the lions share of the other czars share that vision too. This celebration will have to be brief, we got a lot more work to do.