Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When the Heart is broken due to do gooders

I often get accused of being a cold and hard s.o.b. Does that really bother me? No, not at all. Am I really a cold hard s.o.b.? Depends on who you ask but I like to think that I am far more compassionate than the Liberal that says I am cold and hard.

How is that? Well for one, I don't go around giving people a fish and then expect them to learn how to fish all on their own after I leave. That is what a Liberal does.

To be fair, Liberals have good intentions. The problem is they don't think about things logically nor do they think about what their actions will do in the long run.

So, yes it is very heart warming to give a man a fish today. You know he will eat today. You know he will feel warm and fuzzy today. The Liberal will feel warm and fuzzy as well. But then the Liberal goes away the next day. The man still has a need to eat but the Liberal does not see nor does the Liberal meet that need.

They failed to give the man the fish. So the man comes back to where the Liberal was looking for his daily fish. But the Liberal is not there. So the man does not know what to do so he goes hungry for that day.

I, on the other hand, would love to give that man a fish to fill his belly today. But I think of something better. I teach that man to fish. I go with him and help him land his first fish. That night we both dine and are happy and full and warm and fuzzy all over.

The next day when I leave, the man does not go to the corner looking for a fish to be given to him so he can eat that day. He heads to the lake and puts his line in the water and catches his dinner. He dines again that night and is full and feels warm and fuzzy all over. Meanwhile across town, the man whom the Liberal fed yesterday and did not teach to feed himself is cold, hungry and alone.

I ask you who then is the cold, hard s.o.b.? Not I, for I have eliminated hunger in one man. The Liberal has perpetuated that hunger in another. To me that is cruel and unusual punishment.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Crash is not always a Crash

There has been a lot of coverage lately about the Tiger Woods accident and the so-called "gatecrashers" or "party crashers". Tareq and Michaele Salahi did what was previously thought impossible and unthinkable. They "crashed" a White House party.

Or did they?

Now why is this even such news? Why is there so much talk about it? Why do you even have some Senators and Representatives calling for criminal charges?

Look at it this way. No matter what you feel about Barack matter if you agree or disagree with his politics and policies, that is not the issue.

The issue was the unauthorized access to the Office of the President of the United States of America. This was a major security breach at best. And if the Salahi were bent on doing some damage, they could of easily carried out such an attack on the President, his guest and the White House itself.

The Secret Service had a major lapse in security and I don't care who you are, you cannot blame the Salahi's for this. All they did was show up.

So what if they lied. Did they have the credentials and clearances to enter the party? From what everyone involved is saying, they did not. So even if the couple said they had an invite, if there name was not on the list and they had no written invitation then how did they get in?

To blame the Salahi's is ignorant at best and just plain passing the buck at worst. The lapse was on the Secret Service and the White House staff.

The other issue is, the Salahi's have been spotted in a picture with then Senator Barack Obama back in 2005 leading some to think that the president knew the Salahi's if even in passing. In other words, they were not total strangers to the president.

If this is true, and by the pictures it is true, then it it possible that some White House staffer recognized the couple and gave them the green light to enter the party.

In any event, this was a breakdown of communication and security and it put the Office of the Presidency at risk which is inexcusable. It also showed that if someone really wants to get at our president, that it is totally possible, which is unacceptable.

If the White House were smart, they would just say that the president knows the couple from events when he was a senator and that indeed were or should have been invited. Then quietly investigated how the breach of security happened and taken care of it.

Instead, we have opened a Pandora's box and now the whole world knows just how vulnerable our leader actually is.

Then again, this could be a stern warning to our president that his enemies be they domestic or foreign, are sending a message, "Barack we can get at you anytime we want."

Now that indeed, is a sobering thought.

Monday, November 30, 2009

At what price fame?

There is a media firestorm over the week end accident of Tiger Woods. Now I am not ashamed to say this. Who cares?

Why is there such a media firestorm about this? The man was in an auto accident. No big deal. He was probably a little drunk. No proof of this claim but it just seems strange otherwise unless he fell asleep at the wheel. Again no proof. But the big thing is...why do we care so much?

Look the man is human. He makes mistakes. So what if he is having an affair with another woman (or a man for that matter). Again I have no proof so I cannot say for sure what all the issues are that are surrounding this car accident.

The bigger question is why is there such media coverage, such media frenzy over this? What about the Global Warming Hoax? Don't here that kind of media fanfare over this mess which has far more importance of weather or not Tiger was drunk or coming home after an evening tryst with someone other than his wife.

But if you Google the Hoax and Tiger Accident you will find far more "hits" for Tiger than you will over the Hoax. Now this is a sad commentary on our popular culture.

Don't people understand that Global Warming will limit how, where, when and even who they get to see on a daily basis? Don't people understand that Global Warming will cut them off from their beloved movie, sports and music stars? The stars wont be able to travel. Movies will be severely cut back due to the fact that movies are not really needed but use a lot of our limited resources.

Don't people understand that Global Warming will limit their ability to use their big screen TV's to see their favorite star? Don't they understand that they will not be able to drive their gas guzzling vehicle to their local Walmart to buy that new CD or DVD?

But somehow the Tiger car accident is more important than the huge Global Warming Hoax that has been uncovered over the past week.

I guess we should be thankful that it was not Tom Cruz in that car. I am sure that would have been an even bigger story. After all how could Tom get in an accident unless he was not listening to the latest tape from the Scientology church.