I have mentioned many times on this blog and on my Talk Show about alternative energy for cars and trucks. I have mentioned that it is always the private sector, those "evil" capitalists, that come up with viable alternatives to what is in use today.
It is ALWAYS government that allows those alternatives to be squashed. Why? Simply because government does not understand the free market. Government does not understand how to make something work or how to make a profit off of the idea. Government can only be behind the eight ball when it comes to market conditions.
I don't know how many times our government has been told that ethanol is not the answer. I can't tell you the overwhelming evidence the government has that ethanol actually cost more than good old gasoline and that it is not as efficient as regular gasoline.
Then you ask, well what about other alternative to gas and ethanol? Our government and other world government don't seem to be pushing or encouraging other cheap, maybe even free alternatives. Hydrogen from water is one very viable alternative. But how will the government tax hydrogen? They can tax your water and that may make you drink, bath, water and wash less and thus also make you drive less. But what about something they cannot as of yet tax? What about air?
You don't think plain air can be an energy source? Maybe you should view the video's below. You will have second thoughts about the very gas you breath.
Now just imagine no pollution at all from your car. Imagine no more fuel stations anywhere. Imagine combining the air engine with a hydrogen powered motor to increase power and range. Imagine the freedom you will have. I want one and I want one NOW. Do you think our government will make it happen? Of course not...silly question.
Friday, September 4, 2009
An Air Car That Rolls Far and Fast
Thursday, September 3, 2009
33 Minutes Is All We Have
If a nation were to launch a missile...a single missile at us, it would only take about 33 minutes for it to hit just about anywhere in the USA. Now imagine a chemical war head or a biological war head or even a nuclear war head attached to that single missile.
Now imagine multiple missiles. How would we defend ourselves? Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people would be killed or wounded.
Now imagine the two planes that hit the World Trade Center Towers in 2001 were missles instead of planes. Or imagine those planes had nuclear weapons on board. How many thousands more would have died that day?
There are nations that do not like the USA for good or bad reasons, really doesn't matter. Know they hate us and are actively working to find ways to harm us. Many of our so-called friends secretly do not like us and, if given the right opportunity, would turn on us.
Now imagine we had a way to defend ourselves against such attacks, but we did not. How would you feel? What would you say? Who would you blame?
Without a shield of some kind, we are wide open and you and me and our kids are vulnerable. What will it take for you to wise up, wake up and demand that we arm up?
Rahm and Obama are not Change artists
Barack Obama campaigned on change. Change from the old politics. Change from the grid lock in Washington in the past. Change, change, change.
The real truth is that Obama and his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel are nothing more than old dog Democratic politicians trying to play both sides of the coin. They view this health care reform debate as a win-win for them.
The Young Turks make sense in this video. Lets face it, America voted in the last election for change based on the rhetoric spewed by Obama and Emanuel. Instead what we got was the good ol' boys with a different skin color and ethnic background.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Al Gore to be sued over Global Warming
Al Gore hides in his mansion with a $10,000 a month electric bill. Al Gore leaves his lights on during the world wide "lights out" campain. Al Gore runs around the globe via a private jet and heavy gas guzzling limo's spouting and promoting his "Inconvenient Truth" movie. Al Gore ignores reputable scientists all over the world the refute and debunk global warming. Al Gore wont debate anyone on the issue. So now there are a group of scientist want to sue the former Vice President. I say its about time.
The Government is holding out on us?
Our government, be it state or federal, is doing us all a huge disservice. I say that because all we hear about is Global Warming and how we need Cap and Trade legislation which we on the Right side of the Political Isle call Crap and Tax.
Our government is spending billions and billions of our tax dollars on technology that does not work or is, at best, taking current technology down a notch or two.
We know for a fact that ethanol reduces the mpg in most cars of today because it has far less energy in it than good old fashioned gasoline. We also know that there are a number of competing sources of energy that are cleaner and cheaper than ethanol yet the government is ignoring them.
Here is yet another example of an American, without government help, coming up with a viable source of energy that could be used in homes, cars and maybe even in large industrial environments. Its one of those "aha" moments when you watch the video and you think, why the hell did we not come up with this idea sooner.
We didn't come up with this idea because unlike the government back in John F Kennedy's day, our government is not about a national goal to find the best solution to a problem, it is a government bent on dishing out solutions that fit the lobby of our seats of power. It it means money in a Senator or Congressman's pocket then that is what gets pushed. And that my friends, threatens our very freedom.
Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard 'round the world
You might think that the headline above was a farce or was some lame attempt by me to garner a fantastic eye grabbing headline. But you would be wrong. It is absolutely true.
Dateline: the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts. The New England state that is famous for the likes of the Liberal Lion Ted Kennedy and the arrogant gay man representative Barny Frank now gives us a glimpse of what government is willing to do to its own citizens.
The State Senate of Massachusetts has passed Pandemic Response Bill 2028 a bill which could force the residents of MA to inoculated against their will, destroy their property and/or have property taken all without a warrant and if one fails to comply or allow compliance with this law, a citizen will be fined up to $1,000 per day of non-compliance.
Now first of all, one could say it is just a small state. This would be true. But it could also be true that this would be a test case for the rest of the nation. Remember, Health Care Reform is the baby of Ted Kennedy and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a form of Kennedy health care already. It is the model for the HR 3200 for national health care reform.
The MA model does not work by any standard. So now we are going to be looking at another test case that will infringe on the rights of Americans and they will do it in the name of "public safety" and "public health". Remember this is the same bunch of Liberals that say smoking a cigarette outside is a public health threat and they wanted to ban smoking in public parks.
You have to understand that Liberals will stop at nothing to get power, to keep power and to lord that power over you on a daily basis. It is now coming down to them wanting the very power over weather or not you get health care and weather or not you get inoculated with drugs that are not even proven to work or even proven to be safe.
It used to be said that as the State of California goes, so goes the nation. Well California recently decided that the people are the final voice and when the people vote that vote shall be upheld. But that does not seem to be spreading across this nation. Instead, it seems the Washington has been eying what goes on in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. So the saying could be changed to as "Taxachusetts" goes, so goes the rest of the nation.
I'm wondering, will this proposed new law give the Obama Health Czar the idea of forcing every citizen in this nation to take drugs of mind altering capabilities to sedate those of us who would be thought of as seditionist? Don't laugh or think me crazy. Just look at what they are proposing and then tell me it could not happen under a "state of emergency."
As for me an my house? They will have to kill me in order to inject me with anything I don't want them to inject me with. My state motto is still "Live Free or Die". It's my personal motto as well.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Real Ted Kennedy
Over the past week there has been a lot of talk about the late Edward M Kennedy. The "Liberal Lion" from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts succumbed to brain cancer last Tuesday night. He was diagnosed with the fatal cancer in May of 2008.
The eulogies were, as usual, farcical and false to a great extent. The tributes on TV and in the news for the most part seem to ignore the evil that the man was involved in. This is how legends get started. You take the life of a person and strip out the negative truth and what you are left with is something less than positive.
Many said Kennedy never spoke ill of anyone. That Kennedy got along with everyone. That Kennedy reached across the isle to forge positive relationships in order to accomplish what was best for the nation.
Those pundits ignore the letter Kennedy sent to the USSR during the Regan Administration saying that he (Kennedy) would do all in his power to see that Regan failed in his policies on the home front.
Those pundits ignore the fact that Kennedy personally attacked Robert Bork, one of Regan's nominees for the Supreme Court.
Those pundits forget that Kennedy allowed a young woman to drown because of his drunken ways.
Those pundits forget that Kennedy and some of his close relatives have been accused of sexual crimes and that some Kennedy relatives were convicted of sexual crimes.
Those pundits forget the slurred speeches over the years delivered by Kennedy.
Those pundits forget that Kennedy was anything but a perfect human being and was capable of cruel and evil and despicable things. His life history is full of such ill deeds.
No, I do not share in the positive morning for this man. May God have mercy on his soul because there are millions of people currently living and long since dead who would not show him mercy for Kennedy did not show mercy upon them.