For the past 29 years or so, we here on earth have been told that at some point we will burn up. Yes, man would cause the earth to become a scortched desert much like the surface of Mars only much, much hotter.
Lets forget the fact that for at least a decade before 1979, children were learning in school all about the affects of Global Cooling and how mankind was to blame for it. In fact, I do remember a Dr Seuss TV special about just the subject.
In the TV special, Dr Seuss tells us a tale of the Lorax (you can see a short clip of the film here: and how the Lorax, being very wise, was warning us of unchecked polution and destruction of the environment.
However, the Lorax was not warning us of hotter than hell days to come. He was, in fact, warning us of an ice age in which we would not be able to get out of. This was back in 1972. Why not ask a Global Warming alarmist about the days of Global Cooling. Many will deny such events but you can show them this childrens film to make your point in an entertaining way. After all, who can hate Dr. Seuss?
The point is there was a call back then to limit our choices. There was a call back then to increase our taxes to "fix" the problem. There was a call back then to force humans to revert to "simpler" times. In other words, give up your cars and most modern conveniences of the day.
To be fair, the railing against over consumption was a valid point. That point comes home to roost today in the form of our current economic problems. We have outspent ourselves. Many people have huge amounts of debt from over consuming products and services. And somehow, those who would wish to rule over us came up with the notion that all of this would lead to the destruction of earth.
Make no mistake about it, they mean to rule over you. The proof? Back around 1979 when scientist began to show that the earth was not cooling but actually heating up ever so slightly, they knew that their environmental extreemist ways were in danger. They had to come up with something to keep themselves viable int he public eye. So quietly, over time, Global Cooling became Global Warming.
Now, since the fact that the earth has actually cooled a little over the past decade or so, they are again changing their tune. Quietly Global Warming is giving way to Man Made Global Climate Change. You see this covers everything. No matter which way the earths temprature goes, they can blame it on the activity of man. They may have finally found a way to get your money and force you to give up modern conveniences that they deem to be unnessary.
But don't think for an instant that all environmentalist are on board yet. In fact you have some who try to lie and fudge the numbers to make things look worse than they are. We have people in our own government and government agencies that fall into this catagory.
NASA is lead by one of these quacks. Dr James Hansen, Mr. Al Gore's chief scientific advisore, is the head of the National Aeronotics and Space Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and this guy has been on board for Global Warming for years.
There is an article; The world has never seen such freezing heat
By Christopher Booker ( that gives detailed information on how this guy was misleading the public on Global Warming. I am sure you have heard that October, 2008 was the warmest on record. When in fact, the proof across the globe is that it was actually one of the coldest months on record.
The lies of the left are all about one thing. Taking away your freedom and liberty. Telling you what you can drive and when you can drive. Telling you what kind of house you can live in. Telling you how you are going to raise your family and live your life. All in the name of saving the planet...which is obviously not in danger to begin with.
This Global Warming or better yet, Man Made Climate Change consortium is nothing short of Socialistic at best and Marxist at worst. This is all about power. This is all about taking the most powerful nations on the planet and reducing them to third world status simply because they do not like the USA and the West in general.
The Global Warmist think that the West uses too much of the worlds resourses and has too much compared to the rest of the world. So instead of helping nations who are poverty stricken, they try to reduce the west to the level of those third world nations by coming up with this Global Warming crap and all its incarnations.
This is nothing but a money and power grab. Hell, if the elarmist were serious about solving this crisis, then why do they block so many attempts to correct the problem such as building solar and wind farms? And why do they opperate huge sea craft and jet air craft to globe trot to spread their rot? Why do they drive SUV's on nearly every continent in order to spread their message?
It is not about saving the planet,people. It is about limiting your freedom and liberty. It is about controling your life to fit some twisted idea of what they think utopia should be.
Granted, it would be nice to have non-poluting cars on the highways of the world. It would be great to harness the wind and sun and geothermal for our energy needs. It would be fabulouse if we could power our homes and boats and planes and cars with water (hydrogen). The entire world would benefit from such things. I am all for those things. But when you have a bunch of hypcrites at the helm of this thing, you have to wonder why they are doing it.
Simply put, it is a way for them to scare the hell out of you. If they scare you enough they feel you will then willingly give up your liberty and freedom and let them run the show. How else do you think Obama got elected?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Is it getting hot in here?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How did Obama get elected?
There is not much I can say about this so I will let the video below do all the talking.
This is just a crying shame. Half of their information is false, as in plain wrong. The other half of their information...oh wait they don't have any other information other than tabloid fodder. Gotta love our "fair and balanced" media.
And the Liberal Democrats think we need a "fairness doctrine" for radio. I guess that is the last place where people can learn the truth but the Liberals are not standing for that.
Time to pick up your guns and ammo cause its gonna get nasty out there.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Looking upon the past is keeping us from the future
I think I am getting a little sick and tired of hearing about the glory days of the Reagan years. Yes, it is good to remember what Reagan stood for. Yes it is good to know that what Reagan did worked for our nation because it was a simple, foundational principle that he lived by.
But to wax eloquently over and over again about the Reagan era. To opine for a new Ronald is really getting on my nerves. Look the Democrats have searched and search for their new John F Kennedy.
They thought it was Clinton. But they were wrong. They searched for a new, new JFK and thought it could be Al Gore. He bombed. Then they said the guy they needed and were looking for was right under their noses all along. John Kerry. After all his name was John and they had nearly the same initials and the same full, thick head of hair. JK and JK. It was clearly meant to be. Well I guess it wasn't.
Now we are getting caught up in the same kind of ridiculous nostalgia that we used to ridicule the Democrats for. We say we want a new Reagan. Well there cannot and will not ever be another Reagan. Reagan came at a time when we needed him. OK so I am going to compare Reagan to a hero of history although he is just a legend.
King Arthur was the huge hero England needed. He came at the right time with the right ideas and the right will of mind to get things done. Reagan was the same. But his time is gone now. He is gone now. But as with both figures, their principles are still sound and solid.
So can we have another Reagan-like candidate? Well yes we can and we should. We should seek out a freedom loving, limited government thinking, Conservative principled leader who will roll up his sleeves and not bend to the mass media's will.
I hear the name Newt being bandied about much as Obama's name was bandied about a few years ago. Newt may very well have the same principles as Reagan, which is good. But is Newt really the Reagan-esque leader we are looking for?
I am not so sure. Newt has huge baggage to overcome and you can be sure that will not get a pass from the media like Obama did. You can bet the press will be all over him. From head to toe. Every little sordid detail about Newt's life will hit the air and the paper. Newt will suffer an anal exam like one has never seen before.
But there are those who believe that Newt is up for the test and that, like Reagan, his time has come. I guess you could say in that case then, that Obama is the Carter of today. In which case a similar situation is about become reality. If Obama acts like a Jimmy Carter, someone the Democrats really don't like to talk about, then yes it would all most be a shoe in for Newt.
The real issue is not if Newt is the guy. The real issue is why is Newt thought of as the guy. Its because he has those traditional conservative principles that never fail us as a nation. That is why. He is the only top name candidate with those principles that currently has expressed an interest in the job. Oh sure you have people like Ron Paul but they don't have the intestinal fortitude to be a national figure and win the White House.
That does not mean that Ron Paul cannot play a huge, important and needed roll in getting a Reagan Conservative elected. He very well can. Am I a Newt supporter? Not exactly. Not yet. Am I convinced that if we run a Reagan Conservative like Newt that we could win the White House and even Congress back? Absolutely.
Let us look and search and vet out those Reagan Conservatives. Let us bring fourth those Founding Father principles in our next candidate. Lets nurture those principles and never abandon them again. Then you will see a nation prosper and freedom will again come to parts of the world that has none and it shall be done without firing a single gun in anger. Much like Reagan defeating the Soviet Union.
Yes the 80's were the glory days of the modern Conservative movement, but it doesn't have to end there. Those days are based in principle, not fad. That means those days can be had again. And we should demand those days from our next candidate.