Thursday, November 19, 2009

Save Energy but USE Your Energy Hog Dryer

This is one of those "you got to be kidding me" kind of stories. We have all heard how we need to save energy. We have all heard that we should could cut back on our consumption of energy via buying energy saving light bulbs, turning our thermostat down to 68 or 65 degrees. We have had it beat into our heads that we should drive less, buy more fuel efficient cars and group errands together to reduce the number of miles we drive.

We have heard that buying Energy Star rated appliances is a good thing. That watching less TV and playing fewer computer games will help save the earth. Yes we have even been told that eating less meat or even just eating less will also go a long way to curbing Global Warming.

So imagine my surprise when I read a Reuters story about how people are taking all that advise to heart and not using a major appliance in their home. Well that is not the surprise. Of course people want to save money if they can. Especially in these hard economic times.

People are turning off their electric or gas powered cloths dryers and choosing to let mother nature handle the drying chore by simply hanging their clean yet very wet clothing on the dry line outside their homes.

How could anyone be more frugal unless they washed those same cloths by hand? The surprise does not come from people turning off their dryers...yet the surprise comes from others not wanting those people to hang their clean laundry outside at all.

I kid you not. There are families in the United States of America that are currently fighting for their right to hand their laundry out to dry. Can someone tell me why would you not want someone to hang their laundry? The two main excuses is that it makes the neighborhood look like trailer trash and neighbors say they don't want to see thongs and other undies on the lines.

Now first off, isn't that a very un-American thing to say about people who live in the numerous mobile home parks across the nation? Yes it is. And are you not being a bit nosy if you scope out your neighbors drying laundry looking for that thong or g-string? Why yes you are.

So I ask you, what is so un-American about hanging your laundry out to dry? After all celebrities do it all the time.

Check the story out here. U.S. residents fight for the right to hang laundry

1 comment:

Stunatra said...

"Florida, Utah, Maine, Vermont, Colorado, and Hawaii have passed laws restricting the rights of local authorities to stop residents using clotheslines. Another five states are considering similar measures, said Lee, 35, a former lawyer who quit to run the non-profit group."

This is fucking ridiculous!!!