Friday, August 1, 2008

Im Right on Obama. Prove Im Wrong

I was taking the entire summer off. But this Obama thing has really got me in a tizzy to coin an old fashioned term. I am still waiting for someone...anyone to tell me exactly why they support this man for President of the United States of America.

All I can get in reply is sound bites. “He will change things.” “He will end the war (battle) of Iraq.” “He will make the world love us again since GW has the world hating us.” I ask how he plans on doing this and people actually get mad at me.

They call me a racist. Then I have to point out to them I am a black man so by their own definition I cannot be a racist. Then they call me a Bush lover and I point out how many things I disagree with GW on including most of the Patriot Act.

Then they claim I am just blind and stupid and I have to point out that I know that there only 50 States in our Union not 57 as Obama has once claimed. So that leaves me with the burning question. What does this guy stand for? What do his supporters know about him and why the hell do they support him.

Lets face it. This guys is a racist. He hates half of himself. Yes people, he is not a “Black” man. He is half white. His mother is ALL white. That makes him HALF white and HALF black. He is also not a descendant of slaves as most blacks in this country are. He grew up in a rather privileged life. By that token, since I am the son of a career military man, I also did not really grow up in the inner city. Although I have spent a few years of my life living in a city called Buffalo, NY. I attended public school number 31 in that city for part of my 1st and 4th grade and all of my 8th grade years. Do I know what its like to live and play and be scared in such an environment? Yes I do.

Barry has not had to deal with such things. Yet he will run around and tell Europe that our country has never been represented by someone who looks like him before. What about Secretary Powell and Secretary Rice? I guess they are not “black” enough. But then I would argue that those two Americans are more black than Barry.

What about the men and women of our military who are black? They represent our nation. And I am certain that most of them are far more black than Obama. In fact many of them come from the inner city.

Plus I have this issue with Barry making all kinds of simple mistakes. These exact same mistakes have labeled President Bush as an idiot. Yet Liberals still view Barry as brilliant. They make excuses for him like he has had little sleep. What the hell do you think the President does? You think he gets 10 hours of sleep every night?

Hell no. Being president is one tough job. Look at all the men who enter the office with full un-gray hair and leave 4 or 8 years later almost white haired. Its a tough job and you often get very little if any sleep. If this guy makes these kinds of mistakes while only on the campaign trail, what kind of really important mistakes will he make while sitting in the Oval Office?

Right now we take pot shots at his mistakes. But once he is in office, people will die for mistakes like that. This is serious folks. You have to think about the people of this country. You have to think about the two candidates realistically. No McCain is not an ideal candidate but we now have to go for the lesser of two evils.

Sorry to say that at this juncture it is McCain that is the lesser of two evils. Worse yet is that compared to Obama, McCain is a total Saint.

Oh, and I can say all this about Barry because I am black. I also am part Native American so I can speak for them as well. They don't want Barry in the White House either. Blacks only support him because he is black but he is not like them. And they lack the knowledge of history of the Democrat party as the racist pigs they truly are. Doubt me, then who blocked civil rights for over 100 years? The Democrat party.

I am more qualified to be president than Obama. And I am sorely under qualified. So where does that put him? You think I am wrong? Then tell me specifically why I am wrong. I dare you. I know you can't because you know I am right.