Saturday, March 15, 2008

Taxes are the Tyranny of the Liberals, and they get caught up with them too

Taxes are all the rage these days. Actually, taxes have been all the rage for centuries. People from across the planet in just about every modern (and pre-modern) century have decried about taxes. From the high taxes and levies from ancient China to the unfair taxation that lead to the American Revolution, taxes have moved people to action in order to stop the tyranny

Well, now we have a new kind of tyranny One in which moved enough of our Founding Fathers to take action. But now we have a problem. We have high taxes again and this time the powers that be don't see a need to reduce them, change them or make them more fair and respectable.

In fact we have a significant number who think that we are not paying enough in taxes. But that is not where this post is going. We all know how taxes force millions of families to work harder and longer than they should just to make ends meet. Well, OK so there are other reasons for the current economic woes including people biting off more than they can chew economically.

But that is what happens when you build an economy on taxes and spending. The citizens take a cue from their government. Our government wants more money so it taxes us. They use that money to spend and spend and spend. In fact, our governments need for cash is so huge that they will take something that does not belong to them.

Our government will tax us on everything. And if we don't pay what they say we have to pay, then they can put us in jail, make us pay ridiculous penalties and fees and even take what belongs to us.

It seems that Aretha Franklin is about to lose her home to property taxes. Yes I know. She is not all that different from many other stars of history that have built up a huge sum in back taxes. Well not in this case. Reports indicate that the Queen of Soul could lose her $700,000 home for about$1,000 in back property taxes. And the reports go around the world which makes the US look like stupid over taxed imbeciles

Before you run off and say too bad for the rich, think about this. Your neighbor, your parents or grandparents, even you could lose your home for the same amount or less.

You pay for something with all your hard work. You spend thousands of dollars in maintenance, improvements, etc. Then a Sheriff Deputy shows up at your door one day and says for less than a months wages you will lose your home. The government is going to take it, auction it and let someone else have it for about the same amount you paid your lawyer to help you buy the place.

Come on, that makes no sense. It has nothing to do with the fact that she or you did not pay a few hundred dollars in taxes on your property. The fact is, government spend so much that they need your money no matter how they get it, they will get it.

So in reality, you own nothing. The government owns everything. Even after you pay for it and care for it and improve it, the government can still take it should you decide to or be unable to pay a few bucks in taxes in order to keep it.

You may think I am being a little alarmist but how many times have you heard about someone losing their car or collections or other possessions do to unpaid or back income taxes? This is just proof that even what you own, you really do not own.

I know that any government can get their money through other means but they chose to take peoples possessions. Possessions in which they worked hard to get. Your home is no different. You pay thousands of dollars over the years, maybe even a million or so after you pay all the interest and the government can just step in take it, and then kick you out? How fair is that for anyone? A $700,000 home for less than 2 grand?

This is the very thing that our Founding Fathers would not stand for. This is the sort of thing they would rail against and even take up arms. I am not saying we need to take up guns and take on our government. Indeed not.

We have the ability to vote for the people who will do what is fair and right. But if you keep voting for people who will tax the hell out of you and then take your stuff should you be unable to pay those taxes, then you deserve to lose your stuff.

Undoubtedly, Miss Franklin is a Democrat Liberal. So she is now reaping the rewards of her vote since Liberals tend to be the biggest tax and spend people in our nation. But no matter what party your candidate belongs to, you need to make them understand that this sort of tyranny will not be tolerated.

Your possessions are yours. You paid for them. Taxing them forever is not right, it is not moral and taking them for a fraction of their value is nothing short of steeling. You or I would be locked up for doing what the government is doing.

This election season we need to tell the politicians, it's my money and I should get to keep it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Support Obama because he is Black. Not this Black man

I get asked a lot who I support during this primary season. When I say, “no way in hell will I ever vote for Hillary” everyone assumes that I am for Obama. Of course I have to correct them.

They usually say something to the effect that since I am a Black man I should be supporting Obama. Now let me say this and I hope I make myself very clear. I don't give a damn about Barack Obama's skin color. Hell, I am not just a Black man myself. I am of mixed heritage. But I do identify with being Black. Thus I am known as the coolest, most politically incorrect conservative Black man on the planet.

I don't support anyone because they are a particular color or they belong to a particular group and I hope to God that you don't either. It makes no sense.

I don't support Obama because he is an empty suite. He has no substance. When you go looking for his record while he was in the Illinois state senate you find he really doesn't have one. He did nothing outstanding. He probably avoided voting on issues as much as he voted at all. He really didn't stand for anything then and he sure as hell doesn't really stand for anything now.

Oh sure Obama can give a great speech. But we also know that he has plagiarized (read as stolen) speeches and phrases from others including the sitting Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick. But Obama is great to listen to. I just want to know more about what he believes.

You could say I am playing the race card. The anti-race card. I don't give a damn about race. I think it would be great to have a Black president. I think it would be great to have a female president. I think it would be great to have an Asian president. It would even be great to have a legally blind president. But I would not vote for anyone because they were one or more of the above.

They need to have the qualifications to do the job. They need to have ideas and beliefs that are similar to my own. They have to believe in something. Something. Obama doesn't seem to believe in anything. At least he doesn't believe enough to have some deep thought and reason. There is no substance to what he says.

Yes we can. OK. Yes we can what? Keep hope alive. What hope? Hope for what? I want to know exactly what you mean by that. I hear a lot about keeping hope alive or that we can do what we need to do to keep hope alive. I don't know what that means.

What is the hope we are trying to keep alive? If it has to do with opportunity, then we live in the land of opportunity. If it is so one can provide for their family, then we live in a land where that is possible to do more easily than just about anywhere else on the planet.

The worst part about Obama is that he never goes into great detail about what his plans are. He never tells you in great detail how he would accomplish his goals and dreams. And of course he never tells us how much those goals and dreams of his will cost each and every one of us.

So I don't support Obama not because he is Black. I would not support him because he is Black. I would only support him based on his ideas. Frankly if you listen and read all about this man you will see he has only shallow ideas and he believes the same old Liberal mantra that every other Liberal believes.

The rich are evil, the government is savior to the world. Sorry, but if that is what he believes, then even if I would support him because of his skin color, I could not because of those beliefs. And neither should you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just some Ramblings

Last night I stayed up late and just “vegged out” watching TV. Now I have to tell you there really wasn't anything on TV at around midnight. But that is not unusual even if you have cable with ump-teen channels.

The interesting thing about it was that I counted how many non-English speaking channels there were that I was paying for. Lets just forget about the junk channels known as shopping network channels. For the record, I have Comcast Cable and there are 4 of those channels that I have to pay for that I never watch.

But I counted all the Spanish speaking channels I have on my cable subscription and there are 3. So in case you are counting, that is now 7 channels that I pay for but don't or can't really watch. Or can't I?

Since there was nothing on the English speaking stations, I landed on a Spanish speaking station. I watched it even though I don't speak Spanish. Now why in the hell would I do that? Was it to learn Spanish?

The simple answer is no. I stayed to watch that channel because they were showing a Godzilla movie. In fact it was Godzilla – Tokyo SOS. I love Godzilla movies. I think I have seem at least 90% of them. This includes the original made way back in the day.

So yea, I stayed up until nearly 2 AM watching a Godzilla movie dubbed in Spanish. Now we all know how bad Asian films dub into English. Just imagine the same movie dubbed in very bad acting Spanish. It was a hoot. And because I have seen that movie before a few times, I knew what was going on. Yea, Godzilla truly is a movie that transcends any language.

Maybe I will surf all the non-English speaking channels late at night for other fun movies with bad dubbing. Kind of make one wish our politicians where as easy to understand as a dubbed movie.

And the Democrats pull out all the stops.

You would think that with Elliot Sptizer being caught in a sting would show how caring they truly are. I guess I knew better. Now we have some prominent Liberals making excuses for this guy.

I know you have heard it all about the Gov. of the state of New York but give me a break on this. It is so bad that Huffington is even suggesting that this is all President Bush's fault. She is saying that Spitzer was set up because Bush has the Patriot Act wire taps.

It couldn't possibly be that Elliot got caught with his pants down. Couldn't be that the IRS tipped off the FBI because of all the money laundering going on. I guess somehow, Elliot not being able to keep his pants zipped up is the fault of Bush.

I expect we will here Elliot say that he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, the hooker. That he only had oral sex and we all know oral sex is not really sex.

How many cops shows can we have?

Really, are we being duped into being a police state? I don't know how many cop shows there are on TV right now but there is a whole lot. And that is not even talking those in syndication.

Lets see, we have 3 different CSI shows. There are what 2 Law and Order shows or are there more? I don't know. I don't have time to go searching the network schedules to count them all. But each network must have at least 3 cop shows on during the week.

Some nights there are 2 or 3 on TV on the same network. They show them back to back to back. Of course they throw in a few stupid shows or reality shows just to keep us off guard but I am telling you its a major conspiracy. The Liberals in charge of the networks want us to be desensitized to all the cop shows so we come to accept having so many cops on the streets watching our every move.

Oh wait, these same Liberals who wish to take away some of our liberties blame Bush for trampling on the Constitution. I guess its because they didn't do it first.

Mac, could be the Apple of everyones eye

Now, I am not a techie and I don't know a whole heck of a lot about computers. But I do know enough to make me dangerous. I have seen the new Mac Air. Its ultra thin and ultra fast.

What makes this thing so thin? It does not have a hard drive. No moving parts. It uses flash memory for its hard drive. This makes the computer faster, lighter, more reliable. It also allows for it to be so thin.

Many people think this is new technology. Actually flash memory is not all that new. So it makes me wonder why more computers and notebooks don't use this better and faster technology? I don't have an answer except the one given to me. Flash memory is more expensive than old hard drive technology.

Yea, I guess that is true but flash technology would be a lot cheaper if everyone started using it. I know my next computer will be one with flash technology. It will free me up to do so much more and a lot faster too. I guess that is another reason to choose an Apple computer over an old clunky PC with Windows technology and software. Bill, you could be in trouble after all.

Now if we could just get Steve Jobs to lower the price of his stuff, he would become the next Bill Gates. Then there would be millions of people who hate him instead of hating Gates and Microsoft.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

And the Polls Have it by a Nose, or a Football field.

The fight between Clinton and Obama is getting fierce. Not to mention POLLerising. We have a poll for everything in this campaign. On BuzzDash, there is a poll that ask the question “do you believe Clinton to be hypocritical to want Obama for a VP running mate?” So far that poll is yes 75% and no 25%. What happened to the obligatory undecided? There are always people who don't have an opinion or are just too stupid to try to think up an opinion. But we don't have that category in this poll.

Here is another one: “Does hiring illegal immigrants reflect badly on political candidates?” And still more: “Which candidate would make the best president?” And this one: “Will most Democrats vote for whomever gets the nomination?” Of course you can jump right over to BuzzDash to see the results of these polls and more stupid polls, but not until you finish reading this blog.

Of course there are polls for asking if Americans still believe in the mainstream media. The answer is that 2/3 of Americans think that the media is out of touch with reality basically. Yes, people are getting their news from the Internet and other alternate sources, just like this blog. Maybe the alternate sources are just more credible.

Then we have the poll about President Bush's approval rating. About 1/3 of the country believes Bush is still doing a good job. Before you think that is low, check out what those same Americans think about the Democrat controlled congress. It is far worse that President Bush. About 1/5 of Americans think that Congress is doing at least a good job. Think about that. Nearly 80% of the population, give or take a few percentage points, thinks Congress sucks. I don't think President Bush ever got numbers that low and for such a sustained period of time.

But you don't hear about that poll in the mainstream media. I wonder why. Could it be that is why only 1/3 of the people think the media is doing a good job? Hey, look at that. The media has the same approval rating as the President. If the medial thinks the President is doing a terrible job with an approval rating that low, should they not say the same thing about themselves?

Of course there are web sites that put together polls from other sources and then averages them out. One such site is Real Clear Politics. The only problem with this kind of site is that it makes things more confusing. Some polls have far different results from other polls when asking the same question. So is averaging these polls the way to go?

Then of course you have one of the Big Daddy's of polls. Gallup. In one Gallup poll they have Obama leading Clinton 49 to 44% but in another poll you have nearly 60% of Clinton supporters wanting a “dream ticket” of Clinton/Obama. Of course they want Hillary on top of the ticket. Well, 52% of Obama supporters don't want any part of a dream ticket and say the vote battle should keep going to the very end.

But here is the Average Thing again. 51% of Democrats polled say they should settle for a joint ticket. Now I am trying to figure out how they came up with that. Did these people not give an accurate answer to the first question? My head spins when trying to figure out all these polls.

In reality, the only poll that counts is the final tally on election night. But then again, lots of people pay attention to these polls and let their vote be influenced by these polls. But if so many don't trust the mainstream media, then who is it they can have such influence with polls? Did anyone do a poll on that?

Wind Farms are Environmentalist Worst Nightmare

Al Gore tells scares us about Global Warming via his movie full of lies called and Inconvenient Truth. Should be titled a Convenient Lie. But I digress. Basically, what Mr. Gore and his liberal environmentalist wackos tell us is that oil and other fossil fuels are bad. They are bad for man, bad for animals, bad for the weather, bad for mother earth period.

So why is it that Al Gore has a huge monthly electric bill for his mansion? Again I digress. The big question is, when we come up with ways to reduce or replace our oil consumption to produce power, why is it those same environmentalist wackos who stand in the way?

Case in point here is in Massachusetts. You have a company called Cape Wind that wants to build a wind farm. Yes, I said a wind farm. Now what is a wind farm you must be asking. It is a field of giant modern windmills that produce clean electricity from the wind. Obviously the wind is a renewable and clean source of energy.

Windmills have a nearly zero carbon foot print. The only pollution that a windmill produces is when it is manufactured. But now that we have a lot of these windmills in operation all across the globe, it is safe to say they can be produced with power generated from these windmills.

Cape Wind wants to put up a field of windmills in the Nantucket Sound. There are also proposals to build wind farms in Buzzards Bay and other areas off the coast of Mass including in sanctuaries. But of course there are those who don't want the wind farms simply because they think they are ugly or they may even kill birds.

These people have formed anti wind mill organizations to keep wind mills from being built. These are the same people who say we need to reduce our dependency on oil. Well, this wind farm was proposed a long time ago. This company is still trying to get these clean energy producing factories up and running.

Why is it that they (Cape Wind) is trying so hard? Because it is now profitable and viable. I have always said when something can be profitable more and more people will want to improve it and make it better and more available. But now that this once hippie and off the grid technology has gone mainstream, it is no longer fashionable for those who cloak themselves in self righteous environmentalism.

If the masses can use something that was once only used by off the grid hippies then it can no longer be any good and it must be opposed at all cost. No matter what good to humanity or the planet this thing is. If the masses can use it and a profit can be made on it, then they will oppose it.

Are these the people you want dictating energy or any other policy? Talk about hypocrites. Al Gore burns electricity to the tune of over $30,000 a year and still gets a Nobel Prize for his work of fiction on Global Warming.

I think you would do well to just jut a few windmills on your own property. But wait, I am sure an environmentalist wacko neighbor will go to court to prevent you from being good steward of your property and the earth.