Friday, April 4, 2008

Hope is a four letter word. Those with hope are cheated.

It is now April. Spring is really in the air for many of us across this great nation. The political process is still in full swing. But this year, this political season, there is something different in the air.

There is a pollen that has not been seen in a very long time.

It is the pollen of Democrat Liberal choice. Yes, thats right. There is still no clear winner for the Democrat nomination for President of the United States of America. The race is still very close, although many believe it is nearly impossible for Hillary Clinton to pull off a victory without the Super Delegate vote. But that is a whole other issue for another post.

Right now, Barack is baking himself to death with all the controversy that surrounds him with his Pastor form Illinois. Plus the fact that more and more information is coming out about his very Liberal voting record in both the Illinois state senate and in Washington, DC as a US Senator from the state of IL.

Plus so many other things that are really too numerous to mention in one post. So I will not delve into those issues. However, with that said, we now see that the new media has caught the attention of our Presidential Candidates and it looks like this new media will not let go of them.

The latest is Clinton on the Ellen show. Clinton talked about how she would see that gays in our country get more of a fair shake than they are getting now. And of course Ellen ate it up. But if you listen, read or watch, you will notice that Hillary did not go into detail about anything and she stopped short of saying total equality such as gay marriage across the nation.

But people will buy into anything as long as it is packaged right. Maybe that is the “Hope” that Obama keeps talking about. Ellen and people like her hope so much that the people they support will do what they say they will do. They don't ever ask for details. They accept the sound bites as gospel and run with it all the way to the polling booth.

Then when reality sinks in, usually after the person they supported gets into office, they still shrug it off and then blame someone else. For example, the “Don't ask, don't tell” military policy is usually blamed on the current President Bush. Forget the fact that it was their hero, Bill Clinton, that implemented that policy. Hey, as Commander in Chief, it would have been very easy for him to order the military to let gays serve openly.

But Bill never promised he would do that. In fact he is also the President that signed the Defense of Marriage Act. The same law that his wife now says she would throw out. Doesn't make sense but then the Liberal just eats up her words and HOPES that what she says is true.

Hope has gotten this country into a lot of trouble. Hope has been the reason for a lot of our liberties being curtailed or eliminated. Hope in and of itself is not evil but those who pander to people while using hope are evil.

You have to watch out when any politician use Hope as a tool to get elected. Hope is not an empty slogan. It is something real and genuine and should not be bantered about.

Then again maybe Hillary is just taking the advice of the many pundits out there. She has to be seen by the public as being approachable and likable. How else do you do it in todays world? You go on talk shows. Although we most likely will not see Hillary on the Oprah show, she has been given some top advice by some top talk show experts. They are telling her how to be more human and more likable.

Is that something we as a nation are ready for? A likable Hillary Clinton. I guess it is something that the left is really Hoping for.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Great Lie Machine Never Gives Up

The Clinton Machine does not know defeat. OK, it may know defeat but it does not know quit. It has never quit. Remember all those years ago at the Democrat National Convention when Bill gave a keynote address that lasted forever? They cheered when he was done.

Did Bill run off and hide? No he learned from his mistake and continued on and eventually became President. No Hillary is faced with a defeat but she just won't quit. She won't give up.

This surprises who? Not me. This is a bunch of people who never have given up on anything. They tried to nationalize health care back in the 90's. It didn't go over very well with the American public back then.

But guess what is front and center on the political landscape this year? Guess what people are beginning to be willing to give to the government now? Their health care. And they are screaming for it. Those same people bemoaned about Hillary back in the early 90's are now praising her and Obama for having the “guts” to take on the medical and health care industry in order to “give” them health care.

This is not the only thing the Clinton Machine wants to take over. They will not give up until they have gotten what they came to Washington to take. Yes, I said take. Because nobody is giving anything over to them. The Clinton's take. They take by lying to the American people.

The Clinton's take by falsifying the facts. They tell a lie so often that people begin to believe it is true. They steel you freedom by telling you over and over again that they know how best to bring relief to you.

They lie to you by telling you that the mortgage mess is all the fault of greedy bankers. They lie to you by telling you that American oil companies control the price of oil all over the world and that they are gouging you at the gas pump.

They lie to you by telling you that bio fuels such at that made from corn will solve our oil problems. They lie to you by telling you that “Global Warming” will kill billions of people in 30 years if we don't do something about it today. Yes Carvil said Billions of people will die in 30 to 40 years if we don't stop GW today.

They lie to you by telling you over and over again that only the government can handle the massive health care crisis even though the government has made a mess of it with Medicare, Medicaid and the VA. But they lie to you and tell you that your health care will be different.

They lie to you by telling you that terrorism is our fault and that George Bush started the whole thing. They lie to you by telling you that 9/11 was President G Bush II's fault not Bill Clinton's. They keep the lie machine in action 365 days in a year. This year they have an extra day to keep that machine in action.

They lie to you by telling you that this President is the biggest threat to the Constitution in our history all the while ignoring their own agenda that takes your rights away. Ignoring two World Wars that if we lost would mean the total elimination of our way of life. Ignoring the fact that the old Soviet Union had a goal of eliminating the United States of America.

They lie to us every chance they get. The sad part is that Americans are beginning to believe the lies. No my friends, the Clinton Machine never gives up. It has done more to advance the cause of Liberals in the past 15 years than any other Democrat or Liberal ever has. They have a powerful machine that runs like clockwork and the press and now the American people are falling for the lies. They spout off sound bites as gospel.

The greatest threat to our freedom and liberty continues to be the Clinton Liberal Machine. Even is she does not occupy the White House this go around, do not ever count her or him out. They will not give up until they beat you and me down, twist our arms until we say uncle. Uncle Billary Sam.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Jokes That Are Played on You and Me

Today is April 1st. Tradition says it is April Fools Day. This day has, what seems to be, a rather rich heritage. Dating all the way back to 1582 at a time when the Calendar was changed to what we are familiar with today. This change came about because of an order given by Pope Gregory XIII that moved New Years from the end of March to January 1.

Although France seems to be the first country to adopt the new calendar it really does not explain how the tradition spread to other European nations.

Well here we are today, in modern times, still celebrating a day that originated from people who were too stubborn to change. Back in the day, as the modern colloquialism goes, people who did not change because they refused to, were send fake invitations to New Years Day parties on April 1st. These people seemed to fall for it time and time again.

Flash forward to today. We still have a bunch of people who allow themselves to be tricked time and time again. But instead of it dealing with changes in the calendar, it is in the political landscape. These people, most of them, seem to allow themselves to be tricked by those who keep telling them over and over again that they care.

They feed them lines about caring and not leaving anyone behind. Does the “No child left behind” law ring a bell? How about the “War on Poverty”? Well now you have some politicians talking about saving the American Dream.

That dream is home ownership. Yes, they are about to play a huge prank on all of us yet again. They, the Liberals and even some who call themselves Conservatives, wish to step in and do something about the very small percentage of us who are going to lose our home to foreclosure.

They, the politicians, think it is governments responsibility to “save” the American Dream for those who over extended themselves and made financial mistakes. I have to say, these people made their bed now they must sleep in it.

Sure, some banks and lending programs enticed a few to get home loans who would not or should not get loans under normal circumstances but it is not the governments job to bail them out when they make a mistake.

Remember, when ever the government bails anyone out, they do it with our money. It's called taxes. Not to mention, the government then wants to change rules or administer stronger regulations so people don't get burned again. Well, this only limits your choices and it limits competition.

But the mortgage mess is not the only place where the government wants to regulate and limit your choices. They do it to us every single day. They want to take over your health care. They want to limit your choices on drugs and over the counter medications. They want to limit your ability to drive the car you want to drive. They want to eliminate your choice for energy. They want to limit your right to freedom of speech and the right to bear and own fire arms.

Are you still laughing? This is serious. We cannot allow this to continue or the joke will be on us. That is you, me and our children and grandchildren. They will not grow up in a free nation. They will grow up in a nation that is devoid of freedom and devoid of the ability to make choices for their own lives.

Now seriously, is that the kind of joke you want to have played on you this elections season?

Monday, March 31, 2008

The most dangerous threat to Liberty can be you.

What is one of the biggest threats to your personal liberty? I mean have you really stopped to think about this? Well, do this the next time you are out and about. You could be at work or shopping at the mall or just out for a drive on a sunny afternoon. Just do this and you will see what I am about to write about.

How do people act and react to you? How do you act and react to others you come into contact with? Do you drive like a maniac or do you allow time and distance for safety? Do you open the door for others or hold it when they are right behind you? How many times have you had a door “dropped” on you as you approached it?

You are probably saying these are nothing but examples of common courtesy. Or rather the lack there of. So what does this have to do with my personal liberty and freedom?

I will tell you it has plenty to do with it. Why do you think we have so many laws on the books? Think about it. It has been estimated that there have been more new laws put on the books in the last 20 years than the there have been the previous 210 plus years of our nations history.

Many of those laws come about because people seem to be lacking in simple human courtesy and decency. How many times have you seen something or had something happen to you and then you retort “there should be a law against that.”

Come on now. Every time you say that, you give some political hack the power to restrict your freedom. I will tell you that you may have said it once or twice about someone else but there have been at least twice as many folks who have said the same thing in response to something you did or didn't do.

All of these laws get put onto the books and they restrict your freedom. Your liberty. I bet you didn't know that it was against the law to spit in public. It is against the law to leave your car running while you run into the store for a pack of gum. It is against the law to curse in public or in front of children. It is against the law to do many things that we would normally just consider to be rude or crude.

Well you may think that some rude or crude things should be against the law. Well, some of the very things you do may also be someday against the law. Things that limit your freedom and put you in danger of losing your freedom and/or your money in the form of fines. Plus you will end up with a record.

The other problem with so many laws is than many Americans don't even know when they actually break the law simply because they don't know there is a law against their actions. Cell phones in cars is one that many states are looking into. It doesn't matter if you think that talking on cell phones is dangerous while driving. Soon you will find laws that restrict you from eating, being distracted by anything, and maybe even talking with others in the car.

You think that cannot happen. Some states already say that 16 and 17 year old drivers cannot have friends or anyone under the age of 18 in the car with them while they drive. Do you think that will stop with teen drivers?

When you hand over your rights to a politician for anything, you will soon find yourself with out rights you did not bargain to give up. Laws cannot and should not be enacted to take the place of common sense or common decency.

We already have gated communities that prevent you from flying the American flag other than on Flag day, Veterans day and July 4. Who would have thought there would be rules and laws that ban flying the American Flag? Where does this nonsense stop? Who is going to stop it?

So the next time you start to say, there should be a law, stop and think, do you really want to give up any more of your freedom and liberty? Because if you do, then be prepared for them to enact a law that limits what you do at some point in time. And the time you will find out about it is when a cop gives you a ticket or a court summons.

Now do you really think there should be a law against common decency?