It is now April. Spring is really in the air for many of us across this great nation. The political process is still in full swing. But this year, this political season, there is something different in the air.
There is a pollen that has not been seen in a very long time.
It is the pollen of Democrat Liberal choice. Yes, thats right. There is still no clear winner for the Democrat nomination for President of the United States of America. The race is still very close, although many believe it is nearly impossible for Hillary Clinton to pull off a victory without the Super Delegate vote. But that is a whole other issue for another post.
Right now, Barack is baking himself to death with all the controversy that surrounds him with his Pastor form Illinois. Plus the fact that more and more information is coming out about his very Liberal voting record in both the Illinois state senate and in Washington, DC as a US Senator from the state of IL.
Plus so many other things that are really too numerous to mention in one post. So I will not delve into those issues. However, with that said, we now see that the new media has caught the attention of our Presidential Candidates and it looks like this new media will not let go of them.
The latest is Clinton on the Ellen show. Clinton talked about how she would see that gays in our country get more of a fair shake than they are getting now. And of course Ellen ate it up. But if you listen, read or watch, you will notice that Hillary did not go into detail about anything and she stopped short of saying total equality such as gay marriage across the nation.
But people will buy into anything as long as it is packaged right. Maybe that is the “Hope” that Obama keeps talking about. Ellen and people like her hope so much that the people they support will do what they say they will do. They don't ever ask for details. They accept the sound bites as gospel and run with it all the way to the polling booth.
Then when reality sinks in, usually after the person they supported gets into office, they still shrug it off and then blame someone else. For example, the “Don't ask, don't tell” military policy is usually blamed on the current President Bush. Forget the fact that it was their hero, Bill Clinton, that implemented that policy. Hey, as Commander in Chief, it would have been very easy for him to order the military to let gays serve openly.
But Bill never promised he would do that. In fact he is also the President that signed the Defense of Marriage Act. The same law that his wife now says she would throw out. Doesn't make sense but then the Liberal just eats up her words and HOPES that what she says is true.
Hope has gotten this country into a lot of trouble. Hope has been the reason for a lot of our liberties being curtailed or eliminated. Hope in and of itself is not evil but those who pander to people while using hope are evil.
You have to watch out when any politician use Hope as a tool to get elected. Hope is not an empty slogan. It is something real and genuine and should not be bantered about.
Then again maybe Hillary is just taking the advice of the many pundits out there. She has to be seen by the public as being approachable and likable. How else do you do it in todays world? You go on talk shows. Although we most likely will not see Hillary on the Oprah show, she has been given some top advice by some top talk show experts. They are telling her how to be more human and more likable.
Is that something we as a nation are ready for? A likable Hillary Clinton. I guess it is something that the left is really Hoping for.