Friday, August 21, 2009

The annointed one has no cloths

The polls, and I mean ALL polls, even the most Liberal of polls show that Obama is slipping. He is losing his touch. His approval ratings in some very good and pretty accurate polls have his approval rating below 50 percent for the very first time.

I must say, I don't think Obama knows how to handle having people not liking what he is doing.

First of all you should know I am not one to believe in polls anyway. They are too easy to manipulate with even a single word in a question. What does interest me is that even the most Liberal of polls show he is not liked very well anymore.

Now some will try and say that Obama is no different than President Reagan at this point in his first term. Well yes he is different.

Reagan during his recession wasn't trying to take over the health care industry and he wasn't talking about raising anybody's taxes. Obama is talking about raising taxes and fees and he wants to take over the entire health care system at a time when he is the cause of record deficits that outpace any president in our history.

So you see there is a huge difference. Not to mention Reagan could communicate to the people without a teleprompter. By the way, what the hell does "wee wee up" mean anyway?

Although the press are trying feebly to circle the wagons around Obama, it is Obama that has caused his own Waterloo. He has lied to the people and the people know it. And there is no way to explain his way out of it. He tells people they are lying about health care when the people are simply reading the proposed bill that Congress wrote and published. Nice touch. Tell a person that what he is reading is a lie when the very thing they are reading is written by you or your left wing buddies.

Maybe Obama should be pricing land in his Half Brothers neighborhood. After Obama wears out his welcome with the American people, Kenya may be the only place on earth where he can live out his days in peace. Oh wait, there is Cindy Sheehan. I am sure she will track him and George Bush down no matter where they go. Then again, it really is hard to get rid of a real and true left wing nut job.

One question the press should as is, how can Sheehan afford to stay on Martha's Vineyard while the President and the first family vacation? Who is bankrolling this excursion into Liberal wing nut-dome?

Then again, we are talking Martha's Vineyard in the state of Massachusetts. You can't get much more left wing nut job than that outside of Washington, D.C. and California.

Maybe someone should take a poll "will you be vacationing with the President on the Vineyard this year?" I'm sure polls would show more than 75 percent of the American people will not.

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