Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard 'round the world

You might think that the headline above was a farce or was some lame attempt by me to garner a fantastic eye grabbing headline. But you would be wrong. It is absolutely true.

Dateline: the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts. The New England state that is famous for the likes of the Liberal Lion Ted Kennedy and the arrogant gay man representative Barny Frank now gives us a glimpse of what government is willing to do to its own citizens.

The State Senate of Massachusetts has passed Pandemic Response Bill 2028 a bill which could force the residents of MA to inoculated against their will, destroy their property and/or have property taken all without a warrant and if one fails to comply or allow compliance with this law, a citizen will be fined up to $1,000 per day of non-compliance.

Now first of all, one could say it is just a small state. This would be true. But it could also be true that this would be a test case for the rest of the nation. Remember, Health Care Reform is the baby of Ted Kennedy and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a form of Kennedy health care already. It is the model for the HR 3200 for national health care reform.

The MA model does not work by any standard. So now we are going to be looking at another test case that will infringe on the rights of Americans and they will do it in the name of "public safety" and "public health". Remember this is the same bunch of Liberals that say smoking a cigarette outside is a public health threat and they wanted to ban smoking in public parks.

You have to understand that Liberals will stop at nothing to get power, to keep power and to lord that power over you on a daily basis. It is now coming down to them wanting the very power over weather or not you get health care and weather or not you get inoculated with drugs that are not even proven to work or even proven to be safe.

It used to be said that as the State of California goes, so goes the nation. Well California recently decided that the people are the final voice and when the people vote that vote shall be upheld. But that does not seem to be spreading across this nation. Instead, it seems the Washington has been eying what goes on in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. So the saying could be changed to as "Taxachusetts" goes, so goes the rest of the nation.

I'm wondering, will this proposed new law give the Obama Health Czar the idea of forcing every citizen in this nation to take drugs of mind altering capabilities to sedate those of us who would be thought of as seditionist? Don't laugh or think me crazy. Just look at what they are proposing and then tell me it could not happen under a "state of emergency."

As for me an my house? They will have to kill me in order to inject me with anything I don't want them to inject me with. My state motto is still "Live Free or Die". It's my personal motto as well.

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