Saturday, August 22, 2009

When Saturday Comes to New England

It is no secret that I call New England home. It is not secret that I call the great state of New Hampshire my home. And it is no secret that I currently reside just outside the state capitol of Concord.

What is a secret is what I do on Saturdays here in New England. I do what every other citizen of our nation does. I try to relax and have some fun. I exorcise my Liberty and my Freedom.

In New England through out the Summer and Autumn months you will find celebrations called "Old Home Day". This is really something that many other parts of the country may call "Town Fairs" or maybe even "Town or City Field Days".

Here in New England many towns celebrate their "birthday". What you usually get with this is a small town parade, merchants with special sales, maybe even a BBQ on the Town Square or Town Green. It is a typical New England tradition.

Hey, we will celebrate with a parade and food at the drop of a hat. We will use our kids to give us the excuse to participate in silly races such as potato sack racing and other activities including, but not limited to, face painting and hot dog eating contests.

This is America after all. We have a reason to celebrate at the drop of a hat. We have a reason to recall the founding of our town, our city, our state, our nation. We have a reason to spend our Saturday over eating. Its called Freedom.

And just think of this. We are a nation where it is very easy to "get there from here". So we don't have to limit our celebrating to just our own town or city. We can travel to another town, another city even another state and participate and revel. We are the United States of America.

We have fought, we have shed our own blood, we have sacrificed so much so we deserve to be able to celebrate whenever and whenever we want. Most other nations on the planet cannot say that. Most other nations on the planet cannot compare. In fact when it comes to Liberty and Freedom, no other nation on the planet can compare.

We don't have to worry about authority breaking up our fun. We don't have to worry about a Pontiff, a Potentate, a dictator encroaching in on our fun.

We can even decide that a simple protest of our very government is going to be the fun of the day.

I say, go out and about. Travel the roadways to a different town. Make merry and celebrate your freedom. Express your pleasure and gratitude of the sacrifices of the past for it is those sacrifices that allow you, that give you the ability and the right to do just as you please on your Saturday.

Enjoy your America. Enjoy your freedom. But just remember there are those who stalk in the shadows, in the alleys, in the dark doorways who have only one thing on their mind. To remove you from your freedom and liberty. So celebrate today and on Monday get back to work preserving your freedom so that come the next Saturday, you have the Liberty to celebrate again.

Isn't America a wonderful place? I think so. Now I'm off to celebrate. What are you going to do with your Freedom and Liberty this Saturday?

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