Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Global Warmning a SCAM?!

Over the past three days there has been an explosion of information, thought, comment and event verbal suspicion on the release of some hacked data, information, studies and such.

This information has reverberated throughout the entire world. Now I have to put in my two cents if you will.

First of all, I have known for years that the information about Global Warming was suspect, fake and just plain junk science. Why? Because, as I often repeat, I grew up in an age when these same Global Warming theorist were touting, teaching and indoctrinating children about the danger of Global Cooling and the coming Ice Age that we would have by the 21st Century if we did not do something to change.

This thought was so pervasive that even Dr Seuss got into the act and produced a TV special called "The Amazing Mr. Lorax" in which the destruction of the forest in order to heat our homes was going to produce so much pollution it would block out the sun and plunge our planet into an Ice Age and kill millions upon millions of people.

Don't believe me, then view the series of videos below from YouTube.

This, combined with the documentation of fraud recently released, how is it those like Ed Begley, Jr. still pro port that the science is sound and just and true? Its a religion plain and simple. In fact its more than a religion. There is now NO reputable proof that Global Warming exist now or that it ever existed.

But that won't stop the radical left from trying to tax you into oblivion just to control your life. Hey, just like Ed, the left wants you to drive unsafe tiny cars, cut back or eliminate your meat consumption and otherwise reduce your standard of living to an acceptable level of Earth Damage Neutrality.

So now Junk Science gets to rule our lives. What next Junk Political Policy? Oh wait, we have that too.

1 comment:

The BoBo said...

Being a baby boomer - I remember those cartoons as well and the junior high school science projects we were all forced to do about the coming ice age. Junk science then...junk science now.