Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Trust me on this, this is how the Liberal left will spin this. That Rep. John Shadegg should be ashamed of himself for saying what he said.

What does he say? Does he say that Democrats want to see you dead. Or that Democrats hope you die and die quickly? No, of course not.

Shadegg suggest that what could happen, what is plausible to happen, what actually may happen, should not happen. He suggest that when KSM has his civilian, criminal trial in NYC it could open up many people to trouble that the Liberals can't seem to fathom.

How would anyone feel if someone involved in the trial lost a loved one because of terrorist activity? Activity that should never happen because KSM should not be moved to NYC for a civilian trial?

We may find out and it will be like living 9/11/01 all over again for some.

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