Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Blue Moon

Have you ever heard the saying "Once in a Blue Moon"? I am sure you have even if you are only 10 years old. It means a chance of a lifetime or at least an opportunity that does not come around very often in a lifetime.

That is what we have going into the year of our Lord; 2010. You see, we will have a full moon on New Years Eve. Now that in and of itself is not unusual. However, it will be the SECOND full moon in the month of December. That second full moon in a single month is called a Blue Moon. And that kind of full moon happens only once in every 19 years or so.

So the next Blue Moon wont happen until the year 2028 or 2029. That is a long time. It is an opportunity to revel at the marvel that God has created for us. Think about it, you get to ring in a new year with a full moon. Also something that is rare.

This has great significance. OK, so maybe I am stretching a bit, but think about this. A Blue Moon is rare and is an opportunity you don't want to miss. Just as in 2010 we have an opportunity to take back our country from the tryanicle and radical left wing nut jobs.

Yes, November 2010 can be a turning point for good in our nation. We can turn back the tide of hate and socialism in our nation and we can make sure it stays on that course...the course of freedom and liberty for at least a generation maybe two.

What we do in 2010 will affect and effect our kids, grandchildren and even our great-grandchildren. What we do in 2010 may even affect and effect the grandchildren of our great-grandchildren. I kid you not. We could touch 5 generations of our families by what we do in 2010. That is roughly 100 years. A century. (And for those who think the world will end in 2012, it was just a movie.)

Now before you go and say 100 years is a long time and nothing we do can affect those so far in the future, look back to the year 1910. Oh, you probably were not alive in that year. Since 1910 we have had two World Wars. I am betting most of you reading this were not born until AFTER World War II.

But what happened in 1910 and 1917 and 1941 and 1945 has affected you in ways you cant even imagine right now. Not to mention a whole century has gone by in a blink of an eye. Most of us never even had the chance to meet relatives that were alive in 1910. They were dead and gone long before we were born. Yet what they did in that year affects us to this very day.

Will we sit by and let history pass us by because we didn't think what we do in 2010 will affect those in 2110? Will we be selfish and only think of what we want today? Will we not care what our posterity will have to live through simply because we wont be alive to witness? I hope not.

As you look back on the year that was 2009, think about all the missed opportunities you had. Think about how different your life might have been if you had but had the guts to take hold of one of those opportunities. Would you be wealthier, smarter, better off? Probably so.

Now look ahead. Do you really want to sit and contemplate about all the missed opportunities you had in 2010? Do you really just want to sit through another year of words and speeches? I hope not.

Take advantage while you still can. You may not have the opportunity tho change America again for another generation...another Blue Moon.

Happy New Year. Now lets go make history. Lets go and Clean House.

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