Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why I am not 'closed minded'

I am often accused of being closed minded. Of course those accusations almost always come from the left side of the Political Isle.

I usually respond with "what am I supposed to be 'open minded' about?" And they almost always respond with out really answering the question. They say things like I need to consider that my way is not the only way. Or they say it is your belief but not mine or others belief. Or they even say, that is just too old fashioned. After all this is the 21st century now.

I am also accused of not even listening or reading what the left has to really say. I beg to differ on that. As much as it pains my ears and eyes and heart, I do listen and read what the other side has to say.

Understand even though I do read and listen, so you don't have to hurt yourself in doing so (yea, I'm a martyr like that) it does not mean that I have to embrace those ideas. In fact, usually it further cements me in my own beliefs because the left is so out there and has no common sense to back up what they say.

Well just to prove that I read and listen to the left on a fairly regular basis, (no I don't read or listen to them every day because I'm sure my blood pressure would be sky high if I did) I decided to list a few of my "favorite" blogs and talk shows.

I must warn you, these Liberal bastions of uncommon and illogical thought will have your head spinning and if you are not careful you might find yourself feeling a little possessed like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. So I would recommend that if you don't have your immune system built up that you take only one or two liberals per day. Trust me on this, your sanity is one of the most important commodities you have and you don't want to lose it. But I do encourage those on the right to read and listen to the left every once in a while just so you know what the heck they are saying about you and so you will be able to pick one out of a line up better.

Know thy enemy is always a good motto. But then, when you read just one or two blogs you know Liberals inside and out. They really are not all that deep. But sometimes, through the massive frustration you will feel, you will find a gem that makes you chuckle. And that chuckle may be what you need to brighten your day or at least give you a shot in the arm to fight even harder against their idiocy.

Visit these sites with the utmost of care. You have been warned. If you feel a tug to the left, then visit my site and talk show to get cured with logic and truth. Oh, and don't be fooled by the term 'progressive'. That is just a Liberal in disguise.

First Door on the Left Blog

The Common Progressive Blog

Our Common Ground Talk Show

The Gay Agenda Talk Show

Oh yes there are a lot more, but I think that is just about all you will be able to handle and still stay sane. Give them a read or a listen but remember, they do not use their head to think. They only use their heart. If you understand that, then you may find it in your heart to have pity on them.

If you want some fun though, call into a Liberal talk show and use logic and reason and listen to them all howl and hiss at you. It really is great fun. But limit your fun to maybe once per week. You know what they say about 'too much of a good thing'.

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