Friday, September 26, 2008

What the Pledge Means to Me.

There has been a lot of talk and argument about Barak Obama and his allegiance. Why does he not solute the flag? Why does he not stand and show his support for the Pledge of Allegiance? Is he not Patriotic? Does he pledge his allegiance to someone or something else?

We can only speculate on what goes on in his mind. But his actions do speak louder than his words. But you also have to stop and ask yourself. Where does your allegiance lie? Do you truly hold your hand over your heart and recite the Pledge whenever you hear it? Do you focus on what it means to pledge to your nation?

Well I have thought about it and here is what the Pledge of Allegiance means to me.

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America...
I will stand and defend her with my very life because she has given me so much and others deserve to have what I have enjoyed. I pledge to defend her at anytime and anywhere.

And to the Republic for which it stands...
The flag represents the United States of America. The flag is the symbol for which I pledge my allegiance and my life to defend.

One Nation...
We are 50 small States that stand UNITED under one Federal Government and know that United we Stand, and Divided we Fall.

Under God...
The Founding Fathers were not deists but rather God fearing Christian believing men. They put fourth a Republic that took many of its principles directly from the Bible.

No matter what, we are one people, no matter where we come from. That United we are stronger than any enemy and we cannot be broken.

With Liberty and Justice for all.
We are strong because we have liberty. We are free because we have justice. We grow because we strive to provide liberty and justice for all of our citizens no matter the color of their skin.

That pledge is what sends a tingly feeling up my leg every time I hear it. There is no greater nation on the planet. I will stand and defend that nation with my life if need be because the USA is worth it. Period. Now where does your allegiance lie?

We need a Cold War

There was a time when the people of the United States of America were united on victory. There was a time when “We the People” wanted to be on top and win. We were united in telling ourselves that sometimes sacrifice was needed in order to win and survive.

You may think I am talking about a time during our Nation's founding. Or I may be referring to the time of the two Great Wars. Or maybe I am talking about the Korean war. You would be wrong. I am talking about the 70's and the 80's.

Not all that long ago but so long from the memory of the Nation as a whole. We had a defined enemy. It was called the Soviet Union. The Cold War was red hot. We had movie and TV show about us kicking the butt of the Soviets. We cheered whenever we beet them in sports matches. Remember the Dream Hockey Team?

Oh yes, we had a collective pride in our nation and our military. Sure we had the rough spots like the Vietnam conflict. We had gas lines in the 70's and high interest rates in the late 70's and early 80's. But we were united. We had that cold war mentality. We felt as a nation we needed to win at all cost.

But we did not give up our freedom and liberty to do so. We won the Cold War without the Patriot Act. We had no need for the NSA because the CIA and FBI and Military Intelligence was all we needed.

Oh, sure you still had stupid Liberals whining about military spending. Sure you had environmentalist hugging trees. But the nation did not put up with corrupt government. Remember Nixon? No we as a Nation saw what our goal was and we did not allow anyone to get in our way of that goal.

Of course it was not all roses to be sure. We disagreed on how to win and we disagreed often on how to win. But we all agreed that we did need to win. That we had no choice but to win. We did not even entertain the thought of defeat. We did not even suggest the thought of cutting and running. We were America after all. We were the leader of the free world. The entire world looked up to us. Those who did not look up to us, feared us. That is why the Soviets never pushed the button first.

They knew our resolve to win. They saw how we mustered our might, our people, our resources to crush those who stood against us and freedom. We took no shit from anyone. We let those who would do us harm that their price would be heavy and great.

Now we have a mentality of cut and run. Reduce our liberty in order to be safe. Let other nations walk all over us and our allies. And we have those in leadership that not only argue about how to win but that we should not win at all.

What has happened to us as a Nation? Did we really get spoiled after we won the Cold War? Did we really lose our way? Did we really get so numb and dumb that corrupt leaders can bilk our nation of billions of dollars, blame someone else and the American public doesn't hold them accountable? How did we get to this point? How did we lose our way?

Simple really. We lost our collective goal. We lost our National Pride to win at all cost while preserving what made us great to begin with. Freedom and liberty. We need that Cold War mentality back. We need to elect leaders that understand there is evil in the world and that we are the people who can stop it cold. We can win. We have done it nearly every time we put our collective minds to it.

There is nothing this nation cannot accomplish. All we need is the leadership and the will to win once again. We need to think of those that would do us harm as the fallen Soviet Union.

Hell, maybe Putin could do us all a favor by resurrecting the Soviet Union and reigniting the Cold War. Maybe then the People of this great nation will rise again to their full potential and defeat all that would do us harm, roust and jail the corrupt in politics and go back to strong, steady and real progress and prosperity.

I cannot believe I am saying this but, for the sake of our great nation, please Prime Minister Putin. Put Russia back on the map. Give us a common enemy again that we cannot ignore. Help us regain the greatness that was the United States of America.