Monday, February 25, 2008

The Demons Post 9/11

When September 11, 2001 happened, everyone, including Congress, was united on what needed to be done. We needed to secure our borders. We needed to make those responsible pay. We needed to go to war if needed to take down the evil doers that perpetrated such an evil and heinous act.

The pacifist were nullified to dark corners of society and we were sure we would not hear from them again. They hid because they knew that no matter how much we tried to be peaceful there were going to be some on this planet who just wanted us, Americans, to die by the bus load. Or in this case, by the air plane load.

Those pacifist were pretty smart though. They knew, like our President, George W Bush, that this was going to be a very long and drawn out affair. The pacifist knew that at some point they could come out of the shadows and emerge from the dark and dank places to begin their rhetoric again. They knew that if they began whispering how bad this war was, that those in power and media would hear them and begin to repeat their stupidity but not in a whisper, but with booming voices.

The pacifist knew they would not only rewrite history in such short order but they would make sure that those who were their angels, their heroes, would again come back to the fold and degrade and denigrate all the great men and women of our armed forces. The cry “Baby Killer” would once again be heard across this land.

The pacifist did not care about freedom. They do not care about liberty as long as they have the liberty to spew their ilk from sea to shining sea and from border to border. They do not care that history has shown that the pacifist manifesto does not work, never has worked and never will work. They will not stop preaching their nonsense as long as they have breath in their lungs.

Forget the fact that the enemy, who is not the President, or their government, will stop at nothing to kill them as well as everyone else in our nation. They still go about their daily life believing in a lie. Even when they are faced with death, they seem to blame those of us who would die to protect them instead of the person who is actually pointing a weapon of death at them. They see the world as have and have nots. And those who have only have because they took away from the have nots.

Pacifist are preaching to us now in this electoral cycle. We see them in the form of Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. They claim that President Bush lied to us to force us to go to war. They ignore the fact that the information that President Bush had was the same information that President Bill Clinton had. In fact they even fail to mention the fact that Bill Clinton himself said he had the same information that George Bush had. After all, he gave George the information so it could not have been a lie.

But that does not stop the pacifist from rewriting history. They say the lie. They get others in power to repeat the lie because those in power think they will gain more power by saying the lie. Then they echo what those in power are saying as if to give the lie more credence. Before you know it, everyday people with short memories, believe the lie is true.

And now we have candidates that say that George Bush lied to us in order to go to war. Forget the facts. Forget who provided the “lies” to George Bush. Forget that they were all for us going to war over 9.11.01. No, the pacifist don't care about the lives that have been lost or the lives that will be lost because of their actions. All they see is an evil empire trying to hang on to global power.

They don't see that we are in a fight for our very way of life. They don't see that if we are defeated they will lose their ability and privilege to spew their propaganda because the new power will see to it that they all die or are at the very least silenced by the death of all they hold dear.

We as a nation, cannot let a rewrite of history happen right under our very noses. We cannot stand by while the pacifist and power grabbers try to rewrite history that is less than a decade old. We as a people cannot bury our heads in meaningless drivel such as Hollywood and celebrity gossip and let a few who wish to imprison your thoughts and mold your children in their image.

Our nation was born out of blood. Our nation kept its freedom by blood. Our nation has suffered because of our blood line. We are the chosen people of the planet to bring freedom and protect freedom for all of those who want it, cherish it, and are willing to die for it.

We are that beacon of hope, that bright light in a sea of darkness that guides people from all over the globe, to our shores. These same people dream every night about how to better their lives. They dream of how to better their children's lives. They dream of a country they can call their own, where they have a voice in their government, a right to rule by self determination.

Yet the pacifist and power grabbers would deny these people this right. They would attack those who actually are willing to go to war to secure that right for everyone. They demonise, hate, spit upon and rewrite their heroic deed into stories of shame and despair.

All the while, we the people, who have gathered to form a more perfect union, bury our heads in the sand and let the few rewrite what we know to be true. We let them twist the truth into something sour and evil. How do I know this? Just look at the people we are voting for this election cycle. That is all I need to know. That is all the proof I need.

You want me to be wrong? Then vote for those who will not stand for rewriting history, who will not lie and tell us we are to blame for being attacked. Vote for those who will stand up for our Constitution, our Founding Fathers and our way of life. Vote for freedom, not entrapment or slavery or dependency. Vote for freedom.

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