Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Devil is in the Details

There was a movie that was released back in 1997. It has as much relevance today as it did back then. Actually, it was a movie that was probably at least a decade overdue. It started Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino. The name of this movie? Devil's Advocate.

Now why is this movie so relevant today? Because it is a movie about lawyers. Yes, I know all the jokes about lawyers. I even wanted to be one of those blood sucking parasites at one point in my life. I went to school for law and order. I took the requisite business law, criminal justice and criminal law. I even took international law 101. Plus I dabbled in Constitutional law.

All well and good, you say but what does a fictional movie out of Hollywood have to do with today and what does it have to do with liberty and freedom? Well, man's law dictates everything you do in your life. Lawyers make the laws. Lawyers interpret the law. Lawyers bend the law to fit their need in and out of court. Lawyers can make a seemingly very clear and concise law murky and even twist it to mean something it was never intended to mean.

Lets take the First Amendment of the Constitution for an example. We have freedom of speech and a free press. Not according to McCain/Feingold. It says that money is not equal to free speech even if you need money in order to express your right to free speech. This law limits your ability to freely express your opinions and thoughts when it concerns elections and those running for office.

How about the “Separation of Church and State.” Many Americans do not know that those words do NOT appear anywhere in the Constitution. However, some lawyers decided that they could twist the actual words that are written in the Constitution to mean something it was not intended to mean. These lawyers successfully twisted the Constitution to mean that there cannot be any connection between religion and our government.

This was clearly not the case nor the intent of our Founding Fathers. If you read any of their letters, decrees and the Constitution itself you would know the Founding Fathers did not intend for the total separation of church and state. They only intended that there be no national or formal government religion or church such as there was and is in England. You know England, its the country that our Founding Fathers saw fit to separate from through the American Revolution.

In the movie “Devils Advocate” Al Pacino plays the devil, Satan, who runs a very powerful international law firm based in New York City. First of all, if he truly wanted to be at the center of sin, would he not have based his firm in Las Vegas? Well, no. New York is the hub of the business world. Just about every major law firm in the world is either based there or they have a major presence in that city. The Devil (Pacino) also known as Mr. Milton, has a few very memorable lines in this movie.

One of the more true to reality lines is “Lawyers are into everything.” This is true, lawyers control the law. The law controls everything. If you don't believe me, then just read your contract for cellular phone service, for any contest or give away, for any service or offering. A lawyer wrote all of that. A lawyer thought up all the laws that need to be put into those contracts and agreements.

Just look at your computer. Every time you download or upload a new program or service, you have to agree to some terms. You have to mark that you have read and understand and accept those terms before you get to use that program or service. If you don't agree, you don't get to use the program or service even if you have already paid for it.

Lawyers control every aspect of your life. In this country and in most countries across the globe you cannot even practice law unless you pass some sort of BAR exam that is set up and administered by lawyers. This is there way of keeping average people out of their ranks. This is how they keep control of your life. They keep control of the law and the law controls your life.

I am not saying there are not good and honest lawyers out there. Of course there are. But they have to work within a system that has been corrupted by more powerful lawyers of days gone by. The good lawyers fight an uphill battle on a daily basis to keep you and me safe.

It is very important that we elect people who know the law yes. But it is even more important to elect people who will not attempt to bend the law to their own selfish interest and will. When they do that, we the people, suffer. We the people lose our rights. We the people lose our freedom. We the people become ensnared, entrapped and enslaved by the law.

Yes, lawyers are into everything. Yes the law controls our daily life. Yes, the correct saying is “The Devil is in the Details.” Think about it next time you decide to hand over your freedom of anything to a lawyer running for office. Notice, once you give him your freedom, they never give it back even when you ask.

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