Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hope and Change are Empty Liberal Programs

It looks like HOPE is alive and well. The Obama Hope Train is pulling into Texas and Ohio and it looks like it is leading the Clinton Train. But stop for a moment. Are you like me on this hope train? I hate it.

It is empty rhetoric and means nothing. I take that back. When someone starts preaching “hope” instead of giving you the details of what they want to do, you better hold on to your wallet. Better still, you better hide your wallet because they, the hope mongers, are coming for your hard earned money.

Have you noticed a very loud silence on the details of what Barack would do if he is elected to office? This is not by accident. The Obama camp knows exactly what his hope will bring to the whole of America. Higher taxes and bigger, much bigger government.

Although this is not the first time hope has been bandied about as a slogan but it has taken on new meaning of late. In fact it is the twin of change. You hear all about how America needs a change. A change in what direction? A change to what? I ask the question, what kind of change? The answer I get back is silence. Silence that is ear shattering.

Change and Hope, the twins that devastate a nation without rhyme nor reason because those who peddles such notions refuse to let us know what kind of change and what kind of hope they are selling us. They hide behind beautiful speeches that move you to tears but in the end, when you actually take the time to study what they said, you realize they actually said NOTHING.

Obama said in one of his speeches, “Yes we can.” He repeated that line again and again. But when you listen to that speech again and take the emotion and background noise out, you realize he didn't say a damned thing. But all of his speeches are empty. They lack true substance. They lack substance is because if he were to tell you exactly what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it, nobody but the hard core left would vote for him.

This is true of Clinton as well. Although she tells us a bit more in detail what she would do if elected, we are still left with rhetoric that reaches higher than the Sears Tower in Chicago. The big problem is the major media lets these people get away with giving us empty speeches. The media gives them a pass on having to detail everything in their platform. Yet when a conservative tries to get away with empty promises, they are called out on the mat.

Raise taxes? Don't tell the American people that. Instead tell them you offer hope of a better tomorrow through government programs. Grow government bigger? Don't tell the American people that. Instead tell them you see a new day where every person has an equal opportunity – an equal opportunity to access government services. Reduce their freedom? Don't tell the American people that. Instead tell them you believe that everyone has a right to everything in life and that it is unfair if some have better choices than others. Tell them you will make sure everyone has the same choice as everyone else. In other worlds, no choice at all.

When you break it down, what you find in all the words of Hope and Change, from Jesse Jackson in the 80's to Bill Clinton in the 90's to Barack Obama in this decade, is empty rhetoric with nothing but higher taxes, less freedom and no choice. Hope and change are not political programs. At least not unless you are a left wing nut liberal. But for the sane majority, hope and change equals despair and devastation.

Could it be the change we need is a change from the liberal left? Could it be that our true hope lay in reverting back to the original intent of our Founding Fathers and our Constitution. Could it be that the road to glory is paved in personal responsibility?

Yes, I guess I agree, empty promises of change and hope are much more palatable. At least until we look into our wallets and see nothing but lint. The same emptiness we have with all of this hope and change rhetoric.

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