Thursday, February 28, 2008

Corn, Not the New Fuel We Hoped For. $4 Gas Doesn't Have To Happen in America

There was a news conference today. The President of the United States talked with the press. I am continually amazed at how liberals think this man is such an idiot. Granted he is not an eloquent speaker. But then again, the liberal Mayor of Boston, MA is far worse than George Bush ever could be.

But that is not what this post is about. The interesting thing is what President Bush said at this press conference. He talked about how the economy is not dead and how it probably wont fall into a recession. He also talked about our dependence on foreign oil. He ran rings around the press asking the questions today.

But the most interesting thing he talked about was the price of gas and why it was going up. Something the liberal media does not want to get. Big oil in this country does not control the price of crude oil. He talked about how the US could avoid having to pay $4 a gallon at the pump. He talked about alternative fuels and how the US is a leader in the research of alternative fuels. He also nailed something that most people don't get.

President Bush talked about the hidden danger of turning corn into fuel. You see corn is the base food for life on this planet. Humans eat corn directly and indirectly. What do I mean by indirectly? Well, food animals also eat corn. I am talking cows, pigs, chickens, lamb, etc. all eat corn as well. So when the price of corn rises it increases the cost of feeding live stock. Not to mention the fact that products that contain corn for human consumption also rise.

So you see our entire food chain is heavily dependent on corn. So you increase the demand for corn and the price goes up. Simply the result of supply and demand. This also has another problem attached to it. Because corn is in demand and it's value is on the rise, this makes it a commodity that people want to get in on.

Farmers are dropping other crops for the more profitable corn crop. Can you blame them? Farmers are business people after all. They need to make a living. They have people who work for them that must be paid. Farmers have debt they have to pay off. So if they decide that corn will earn them more per acre than wheat or barley or strawberries, then they will make the switch.

This switch reduces the food that we as humans have available to us. So you see our own liberal environmentalist wacko policies are forcing prices to rise all over. We have an oil policy that is in the toilet. President Bush made it clear that we need to build new oil refineries. He has proposed using old, close military bases to do such a thing. The Democrat congress has shot that idea down. Why?

Other countries are drilling off the their coast and in the Gulf of Mexico so why can't we. Liberal environmentalist prevent us from doing so. Why?

We have technology that allows us to drill almost horizontally so that means that oil drill sites are much smaller than they used to be. So we could drill in Alaska yet not need to be in the middle of the oil fields to do it. We could be on the edge of them and drill sideways. But we still can't do that because of environmentalist. Why?

We have wind turbine technology that is very efficient today. We could build wind farms to harness the clean power of the wind. But environmentalist stop them from being built. Why?

We know that bio fuel produced by corn does not have the same thermal factor as oil fuel. What that means is that you don't get the same gas mileage with bio fuels as you do with oil fuels. So your car that gets say 35 miles per gallon on gas will get only 30 miles per gallon or less on bio fuels and bio fuel blends. So it will take more fuel to go the same distance than with straight gas.
So why do we think this is a good idea? Why?

High taxes, the wrong kind of energy policy, high food cost due to the wrong energy policy is all contributing to that famed $4 per gallon gasoline cost that Americans may be faced with by the time the Summer of 2008 arrives.

How do we stop this madness? Get on Congress to stop pandering and start doing something that is real and meaningful. Drill in Anwar. Drill in the Gulf. Build wind turbines. Build nuclear power plants. Build new and more advanced oil refineries. Invest in other alternative fuels other than bio fuels made from corn.

Yes, America can be independent in its energy needs but we have to get the Liberals, the Democrats and the Environmentalist out of the way. We have to demand this. We have to insist on this.

In the mean time, President Bush can continue to run rings around those who think he is nothing but a big time Texas Idiot.

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