Saturday, March 1, 2008

Clinton's Desperation or The Last Stand

Hillary Clinton is getting nuts. I mean not the same kind of nuts she and her camp already were. She is crossing over into a whole new world of buttery. Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has gone out and hired Jack Nicholson, the actor, to do a spot for her.

Well, there is nothing wrong with a famous actor doing some stumping or promotional bits for a candidate. But it is the choice of this ad, which is below, that draws some interesting questions and concerns.

Here is the "experienced" candidate using movies to get her point across. Does she think that people will believe the "Joker" from the Batman movie is truly a good spokesperson for her campaign? Does she really think a fictional military officer that was a little nuts and did questionable things is a good spokesperson for her campaign?

It goes to show that Hillary and her camp have no clue what the American people want or need. Yes, I understand the fact that Americans are highly influenced by celebrities but not the many characters they play in movies.

You can check out some more Clinton/Nicholson spots at the Huffington Post. Some are funny and a little unbelievable but they all raise the question is this woman the best candidate the Democrat machine could put fourth?

We can't give Hillary all the press on this, however. Obama has a new advertisement spot. I should say it's more of a promotional piece that really says nothing. Typical of Obama. No substance at all. But it is slick and its produced by of the Black Eyed Peas musical group.

You have a bunch of stars and others chanting and singing "Obama" over and over. They have different celebrities speaking in Spanish talking about this is our America, this is your America. Now I don't want to sound insensitive or prejudiced but I happen to believe Americans should speak English. But that is another story all together for another day.

All we keep hearing from the Obama camp is "change." I want to know change what and how are you going to change it. This spot talks about change. But no substance. If you can listen to the whole chant then watch the video below.

Unfortunately, even though I searched and searched, I could not find a similar spot from John McCain. Oh sure, there were plenty of spoof ads and anti McCain ads that mimic the two above but none seem to be serious ads from McCain or his camp. I wonder if McCain is the more serious candidate after all.

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