Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Sunday Wrap Up, Feb 24, 2008

The Sunday Wrap Up, February 24, 2008

I have to say that I am happy that the pilots of the B-2 Stealth Bomber that crashed this week end are alive and healthy. Our freedom took a small hit when one of only 21 of these marvels of technology went down.

The military says those magnificent birds cost a cool 1.2 billion US dollars each. That means the total fleet cost a very cool 25 billion to build. Yes a very expensive aircraft fleet but money well spent. In fact we should probably build more of them. In fact we should build more stealth fighter jets and maybe even stealth rockets.

Lets face it the cost of freedom is very high. It cost a lot in blood and money. If you think for one moment that we would survive as a nation with a week military, then I would suggest you look at every other nation with a weak military. Most of them have changed governments many times since our nations founding.

We have a special place in history for being a steady and reliable and amazingly enough we have had over 40 bloodless changes of power. And despite what the Liberals call President George W Bush, there will be another bloodless change of power next January. Amazing.

And all of this brought to you by the men and women who fly, drive, sail and use the amazing and sometimes expensive equipment that protect our nation and our liberty.

Global warming or global cooling or is it man made global climate change? Now even I am confused. Anyway, it seems that Sir. Richard Branson has a first for the record books. His Virgin Atlantic Airlines has just flown the first commercial jetliner fueled by bio diesel

Now, we all know that bio fuels are not the answer to our energy problems (not that we have energy problems in the first place) and our climate pollution problems. However, they claim that bio fuels will solve some of our energy and pollution problems. Bio fuel emits less pollution than regular jet fuel.

This is all well and good except for the fact that bio fuel takes away from people fuel. What is people fuel? It is commonly referred to as food. Bio fuel is made from different kinds of edible food products such as corn, wheat, coconut and other food stuffs and food staples. Even sugar cane can produce bio fuel.

But that is just the tip of the ice burg with the problems of bio fuel. The main problem is the reason we are traveling down the bio fuel road to begin with. It seems that those in the know are now confused about this as well.

This is evidenced by a recent AP story about this historic event. Although it is not about the fuel itself, it was about global warming or global cooling. Well here is an excerpt from the story, you decide.

Aircraft engines cause noise pollution and emit gases and particulates that reduce air quality and contribute to global warming and global dimming, where dust and ash from natural and industrial sources block the sun to create a cooling effect.

So my question is, if jet aircraft can cause both global warming and global dimming which, in the end produces global cooling, then should we not start flying these things around the globe in strategic places? I mean should we not fly air craft in areas that are too hot so it can give them some relief?

How can you get hotter and cooler at the same time unless you are sitting in an air conditioned car in Arizona? Trust me on this folks. These people are going to be coming after you wallets and they are going to push for laws that limit or eliminate your freedom and liberties. They will do this all in the name of “saving the planet when they don't even have any logical or conclusive evidence that man is the cause of any climate change taking place on our globe.

Read the story for yourself: AP – Virgin Flies Biofueled Jed From London

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