Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents Day is a Joke

Yes you read the title correctly. I believe that Presidents day is a joke. Why do I say that? Simply because it is not a holiday of convenience. Not a holiday of celebration and memorandum.

You see some time ago, two of our nation's greatest leaders were honored by their birthdays. George Washington, one of the Founding Fathers and the very first President of the United States of America. This man had the God given insight to turn down the offer of being named King of the USA. That is right. The original GW turned down a monarchy and the chance to be the leader of this nation for life.

Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President. A man who openly revered and admired George Washington. A man who stood on principle in order to keep our nation in tact. Some say he forever ingrained the power of the Federal Government by taking to task a group of states that wanted to break away from the Union.

What they don't tell you that those states did not follow the law on how to do just that as outlined in the Constitution. So, by that, President Lincoln had a duty as the President to put a stop to such rebels. Not to mention the fact that the South was trying to deny a man a right to be a man. But that is another topic.

We used to celebrate these two great men separately. Granted, we did not take time off from work in order to do so, but at least our school children and our government recognized the greatness of these two men.

Then came the fact that someone in government thought it would be better to honor all presidents with a single holiday. That would have been a great idea except they chose to remove the holidays for Washington and Lincoln and lump them together with all the other presidents that have served. Lets face it, we have had great, good and downright awful Commanders in Chief. So why should those who were dismal in their duties be celebrated?

And what does this have to do with your liberty and freedom? Our government has been dumbing down the masses of our nation for decades. For when you have a governed populace that does not understand or know its history or is sense of self, they are far more easy to govern.

And by govern, I mean by taking away your freedom and your right to choose and live in a free and just society. If you stop celebrating two men who were the epitome of freedom and liberty and reduce their greatness to just anecdotal stories in the lines of history, you obviously break down the knowledge and truth that was the reason for them living and being. You get a mass of people who don't understand or know what others did for them and why.

Now we have historians ranking all of our Presidents on an annual basis. The funny thing is these rankings change from year to year. Now why is that? Obviously what these men have done within their respective Presidencies cannot change because it is history and almost all of them are now dead and gone. So how could their rankings change?

OK, I can see a new President being ranked higher over some older ones and thus change the rankings in that manor. But if a new President does not change the mix, then how do you re-rank a former President? How is it that Abraham Lincoln could be ranked, for example, number 2 last year behind George Washington but this year be ranked number 1 ahead of George Washington?

It doesn't make any sense unless you understand the dynamic that is the Left. They attempt to rewrite history on a daily basis. And by doing so, they take a dumbed down society and tell them what history was great and what history was not so great.

It is just like trying to paint Ronald Regan as a bad President and that he caused the recession of the early 1980's when he was not in office to do so at the time. When they, the left, try and tell us Ronald Regan had nothing to do with the fall of the Soviet Union and much of the worlds communism. When the left says that September 11, 2001 was all George W Bushes fault even though we know the attackers were planning that attack and training for said attack as far back as 1996 when Bill Clinton was in office.

Rewriting history only serves one purpose. It sole purpose is to impose upon you and me a false truth so that we are more accepting of over reaching government. If you change history for the masses by telling them that the Founding Fathers did not believe in God, then you make it easier to say that the words "separation of church and state" are in the Constitution. (They are not, by the way.)

If, by rewriting history, you can claim that our Presidents all favored strong and big central government, then you pave the way for more of that government today. Again, the Founding Fathers and at least the first 20 Presidents were not all that into huge central government.

If you say Ronald Regan cut taxes and that is why the deficits went sky high, then you create the mentality that tax cuts are a bad thing and that high taxes are the only way to go. Forget the fact that the Regan tax cuts doubled the income to the treasury and that is was not tax CUTS that lead to high deficits. It was too much spending and that is ALWAYS the case.

So now can you see how changing these holidays into one single, non recognized holiday re-writes history that puts your liberty and freedom in danger? If you don't, then might I suggest you go and read about American History from books that were written before 1950. You can find them in your library, if they have not been forced to remove them already.

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