Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mexico is a huge danger to our freedom

You may be what the hell I mean by the title of this post. You are probably saying "Rod, how the hell can a third world country be of any danger to the great USA?" Well my friend, let me tell you.

Mexico is on the verge of melting down. Yes, that country and its current political state is on the verge of collapsing. And if that happens, where do you think a lot of Mexico's population is going to go for safety and opportunity?

They are going to flood across the border. They will cross at every point from Texas to California. No southern border state will be safe. And from there they will flood the rest of the USA.

If you think the current illegal immigration situation is a problem, you haven't seen anything should the Mexican government fall.

Right now, drug lords south of our border are in an all out war with the Mexican army and government. The biggest problem is that after years and years of corruption in Mexico, their military and police are very weak and full of corruption.

Drug Lords are terrorizing towns and openly taking on the military and police down there.

Now how does this affect you and me. Look at the state of California. They spent over 10 Billion Dollars last year supporting illegal immigrants. Think about it. That is a conservative estimate, too.

California is holding up income tax refunds to its residents because it doesn't have any cash. Yet they are spending billions on illegal immigrant. This issue is repeated all over the country. Almost every state in our union spends billions every year on illegals.

We don't have a responsible illegal immigration policy and thus, if Mexico melts down and a flood of people cross our open borders, then our states will be pressed even more to pay for these people. That is money that is coming out of your pocket, out of my pocket, out of our childrens' pockets.

So my question is, where is our immigration policy on this? Where is the wall and fence that has been approved on the border with Mexico? Why is it we have so many of our Law Makers that don't want to do a thing about this mess?

We cannot ignore that Mexico presents a clear and present danger to the USA. If not from the illegals of Mexico and other Central and South American nations, then from those who would intend to do us harm. They can easily cross the southern border and they have. There have been many, many reports of captures of Islamic Extremist crossing the Mexican/USA border.

So far we have avoided the inevitable bullet. But for how long? How can we as a free people, stand for our leaders ignoring this issue? How can we as a free people allow and re-elect leaders that want to open our borders even more?

Although Mexico may melt down and that is a dangerous thing, it is probably the American voter who is more dangerous. We vote the idiots who do nothing into office. We keep voting them into office even when they refuse to do anything or even propose laws that open border or prevent law enforcement agencies from doing their jobs.

As the most powerful and most prosperous nation on the planet right now, we are the number one target for all kinds of things even if we were to revert back to pre 1917 politics and get out of the world's business. There is no turning the clock back on this.

We have always been the land of opportunity and freedom and that is why so many love us and hate us. That is why so many will risk death trying to get here to live among us or to kill us. Yet we think that if we are "nice" that people will love us and obey our laws. You would be wrong and the proof in what I say is what is happening now.

It is time that you and I put heavy, heavy pressure on our leaders to close the borders, round up illegals and deport them and stop paying for those who are here illegally. It is the only way to protect our nation, our children and our grandchildren.

We are nothing but the caretakers of this land for our children and grandchildren. Our posterity depends on us to protect what was given to us so they will have the opportunity to live and enjoy as well. We cannot be so selfish as to only think about ourselves right now and forget about the future. We will end up suffering and more importantly so will our descendants.

Mexico is giving us a wake up call. A calm before the storm if you will. The raging storm is coming and we have no plan to prevent, protect and recover from such a storm. And that is a great danger to our way of life. We have been warned. Will we heed the warning or will be go the way of other great civilizations of history? The choice is ours, for now. But if we do nothing, then that choice will be made for us and we will not like that choice I can guarantee you.

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