Friday, February 13, 2009

I had a dream

I cannot comprehend why the mind does what it does while it sleeps. I cannot understand why my mind would give me such a movie and then let me remember it. I cannot think of a good reason for having this dream. All I know is that I had it, and I remember it.

In some strange way, this dream has affected me. It has affected me in a way that dreams sometimes can. They can change your perception of reality. They can give you a sense of knowledge that you previously did not have. They can give you insight. They can even, on rare occasion, in some fashion, predict the future.

So what could I have dreamed that could have affected me enough to write about it? Let me tell you.

I don't know how I arrived there but that does not matter anyway. All that matters is that I was there. In the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. I was standing there in the Rotunda in the central part of the building. I was gazing upward marveling at the dome when all of a sudden I was surrounded by men in dark suits and dark glasses.

One stepped forward and simply said, "Sir, please come with us." I remember not dropping my gaze from the dome. I remember that there was an unusual bright light shining down from the dome that day. I remember telling this well dressed man, without dropping my gaze from above, "I'm sure you do."

They lead me down corridors that the general public is not usually allowed to travel. These were dimly lit halls with row upon row of closed doors. I remember saying to my escort crew, "Will we enter the first open door? Or will we walk until we run into the wall?"

There was no answer. But eventually we stopped. We stopped in front of a closed door. The door had symbol on it that I was not familiar with. The front man of the group opened the door and gestured with his head that I should enter. I did so alone.

The room was brightly lit. A rather stark contrast to the hallway I just exited. The room was sparsely furnished but I could hardly notice because on the large wooden desk sat a dark figure. It was Barrack Obama.

"I hear you are one of my biggest critiques and I wanted to meet a fellow black brother to ask him personally why he hates me so."

My reply: "Mr President, I hate no man but what you intend to do to our country is nothing less than criminal. I don't even really know you so how can I hate you? I only hate your policy."

"Well, Mr Eccles, it is time you get to know me. The real me. The personal me."

The next thing I knew I was in the Presidential Limo sitting next to President Obama. The ride was the most comfortable rides I had ever been in. I do remember saying out loud, "I gotta get me one of these."

We arrived at the White House and Michelle and the girls met us at the door. Michelle gave me a big hug as I got out of the car. I did not hug back. I did tussle the hair of both girls. Then Barrack gestured for me to follow him. The funny thing is, his Secret Service detail did not follow.

He gave me a private tour of the White House...the living quarters of the First Family and the West Wing. We entered the Oval Office and the first thing I noticed was that the carpet was dirty and needed to be cleaned.

"Bush had a going away party. They are coming next week to replace the carpet." Said Barrack.

"Is that part of your plan for creating jobs?" I retorted.

"You see, that is the kind of thing that hurts me, Mr. Eccles. I only mean to do what is best for our nation. For our people. And you are keeping me from doing it."

He sat behind what I would call a raggedy desk of wood. Barrack looked up at me and said, "This was President Lincolns first desk at his law office."

I don't remember all that was said after that. The next thing I knew, I was in the private bedroom of the First Couple. "You see, Rod, we are just like you and everyone else. We eat and sleep just like you."

I ended up spending two whole days in the White House with the Obama's learning about them all. Getting to know them.

It was only a dream. It was only a dream. And today when I saw our President on TV giving a news conference, I felt I was looking at a friend, at a person whom I knew. Yet in reality I know nothing about this man.

In reality, what I see is someone who needs to be stopped because what I have learned in my dream is he a man determined to force his will upon us all. That will will destroy the America we know. I feel like I know exactly what this man will try and do. I feel like I now know exactly what this man is capable of.

So was it a dream or was it reality.

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