Friday, February 8, 2008

Racist and Ignorant people Vote Democrat

Why Blacks should not support Democrats.

Blacks should not the Democrat Party in general. No minority group should support the Democrat Party in general. If you have read my comments anywhere on the web, here,, ArgueWithEveryone, and many other boards and forums then you know I have no love for the Democrat Party in general.

History has shown us just how racist and bigoted the Democrat Party was and to an extent, still is. The Democrats believe that minorities, especially blacks, cannot make it in life without their help. The dirty little secret is that the Democrats are the reason that minorities have a harder than normal time making it.

Democrats have shown through out history to hate blacks and minorities. They have passed laws upholding segregation, poll taxes and much, much more. Democrats have shown through out history to be the major forces behind denying legislation that would give blacks and other minorities and equal voice in public discourse.

Civil Rights took so long to pass mainly because Democrats blocked its passage for decades before the 1960's. Indeed, the Democrat Party is the home of the KKK and slavery. This is documented fact and they cannot spin it any other way.

The Democrat Party had more members sitting in Congress who where also members of the KKK than any other party including the Republican Party. Republicans have been the ones to advance civil liberty. Republicans have been the one who went to war to right a terrible wrong that was known as slavery.

As blacks succeed and join the ranks of the middle class and the upper class, you will notice that they tend to register and vote Republican. They specifically vote conservative. Republicans believe in the human spirit. Republicans believe that each individual has and equal opportunity to shine and become successful in any en devour they choose so long as government gets out of their way.

Democrats want to continue destroying urban minority families with their welfare policies and other public policies. They keep our schools in the inner city a mess. After all they are the ones who control most schools. Democrats are the largest block against vouchers or any kind of school choice.

A Democrat founded Planned Parent Hood and its original goal was to “control the minority population”. Democrats have promised much to help minorities and inner cities and have delivered little if anything. Democrats are the ones who gave us “Don't ask, don't tell” in the military yet they blame the Republicans for it. A Democrat signed the “Defense of Marriage Act” but blame the Republicans for this law.

No, I will not vote for or support a party that has proven itself to be corrupt and racist. Shame on any minority that supports such a group. Including Obama. Why do we assist in our own destruction? I want the Democrats to come up with honest policy that truly is fair and colorblind. Until then, this cool Black man will remain conservative and most likely vote Republican. You should to if you are or like minorities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...