Friday, February 8, 2008

Liberal Government run Amok

In the good old state of PA, there is a new fight going on. It is running smack up into the new economy. How many of you out there use Ebay or another online auction service to earn a good portion of your income? Well the Big Brother that is the PA state government thinks you should be prosecuted for not having an auctioneers license.

I kid you now. And buried in the story is how the Democrats want to "fix" the situation. They want to fix it by forcing you to interact with government. The Republicans want to pass a bill that will get the government out of your living room. I wonder which party is really a party for the people and which party wants to grab your money and run your life.

Check out the story here:

There is just no way government should be in your living room. This could affect over half a million Americans who earn some or all of their income online via online auctions. Not to mention thousands of people who work for companies such as Ebay, Amazon, Yahoo, Google, etc.

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