Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Huckster give the boot to Romney

Romney bows out of the race for President. Not sure I like that he is doing that. Although his reasons are sound and logical, the fact remains that he (Romney) let himself get tag teamed and bumped. Huckabee does not like Romney and he does not like Romney for one reason only. Romney is a Mormon.

Huckabee and his people view the Mormon faith as a cult. So in short no matter what, Huckabee was not going to let Romney skate by simply because he felt Romney was not a true Christian. Never mind that others in the race were not devout Christians. Never mind that others in the race backed abortion or stem cell research, both of which Romney has come down on the side of the right.

The simple fact was that Romney was a Mormon and just like in the days of JFK, it is not possible or right that someone who is not a devout evangelical Christian to be president. JFK was our first devout Catholic president. Romney could have been our first devout Mormon president.

Now is that in the best interest of the Republican Party or in the best interest of our nation? I say it is not. Huckabee should be ashamed of himself. As should the evangelicals that support him. This guy is not a true conservative. He is not a true evangelical either. The bible says that man must obey both Gods law and mans law as issued by his government less that law be in conflict with Gods law.

Well the immigration laws do not go against Gods law yet Huckabee willingly tried to subvert those laws. God also does not believe in over taxing of the people. In fact God only ask for 10 percent of your increase or income. Huckabee rose taxes by more than 10 percent on the people of Arkansas. Not biblical.

There are many things that Huckabee has done as governor that do not fit the mold of biblical principles and thus evangelical beliefs. Yes he was able to paint Romney as some evil thing that should not be allowed near the White House. It was a personal vendetta that is not biblical. This guy calls himself a pastor of the Southern Baptist faith.

I happen to be Southern Baptist and I would not support Huckabee and shame on those evangelicals who did simply because someone else did not fit their mold of Christian. I will not approve of some of the beliefs of the Mormons because they are not biblical, but to oppose Romney simply because of that instead of searching and promoting a true conservative was and is wrong.

I hope people remember this when they get a government that is even far more removed from biblical principles than it is today. They may wish they voted for a Mormon after all.

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