Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Intro, What I believe

I have been asked a lot about my positions on many topics and issues that relate to all areas of our political, moral, social and economic system of government.

First, you should know I am not a “rich” person. In other words, I do not earn over $250 per year. I am not white, well at least most of me is not. I am Native American (Cherokee and Osage), Black (African American), French (from France) all rolled into one human being who is all American. Born and raised in these United States.

My views come from having a father who was a career military man and by my being raised in many parts of the USA and abroad. I have seen how some of the rest of the world lives and yes I have even been to a few cities and towns in Canada.

I pride myself on logic and principle instead of emotion. That does not mean I don't have a heart. Jesus Christ had the biggest heart of any man who ever lived however, he was full of logic and principle. I cannot ever hope to reach such a level as Christ but that does not mean I cannot try to emulate Him.

I will begin to take one issue at a time on a daily basis and give my position and try to express in words why that position makes sense on a number of levels. I will not shy away from any issue. If I don't know anything or enough about a particular issue I am not afraid to say so and will en devour to research and find out more before giving my position.

Does this sound like a man running for political office? I hope not because that is not my intent. Although I have been asked by everyday people (not politicians) to run for local offices from school boards to state senates. I have refused all request. Why would I do such a thing? Because at this point in my life, I believe I can be more effective by staying outside of the political arena. Not to mention, I would never thrust my family, my children, into such a spotlight.

The horrific anal exam my entire family would have to endure would not be fair to them. However, as my family grows, the thought of public office may be something that will make logical sense. It does not make logic sense at this time for me and my family.

I am sure I will begin to attract the attention of those who not only disagree with my positions for a number of reasons. I am not afraid of such scrutiny. Do I have things in my past that I wish to remain private? Of course I do. There is not a human being on this planet that doesn't. Will I lie about those things if asked? Not on your life.

We have all done things in our past that we are not proud of and I am of no exception. We have all made mistakes in our past, again I am no exception. It proves I am human and I am normal. I challenge every political person to be as open with their past or at least as honest when the light shines on the dark corners of who they are.

I know I will make some angry. I know I will make some cheer. I know some will think me insensitive. I know some will think I need to be locked away. I know some will think I sold out to “the man”. I know some will think me a tad shy of sheer genius. I know some will just hurl insult after insult at me. I know some will think me but a puppet of the establishment or a pawn of the anarchist.

I will be first and foremost honest, truthful, plain, sincere and logical. That is something I can promise and deliver. So if you want to know more about what my positions are, then over the next few weeks

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