Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Global Warming/Cooling/Change

The Environment – Global Warming.

Most of us older than say 15 or so probably can remember days when the snow came down heavy and snowbanks were so high you could sled down them. We can remember snowbanks so high that you probably could not see across the street from your living room window. We can remember blizzards that knocked out power for days and shut down schools for days.

We can remember when we had a white Christmas and a we can also remember when Halloween was so cold that most of us wore long john thermals under our costumes.

Yea those were the good old cold days. The days before Global Warming. The days when record lows were recorded often. Oh wait. Doesn't that sound just like the past five years?

Yes it does. In fact as I write this, the Mid West has some 1 million residents without power due to ice and snow storms. Much of the Norther United States will see a very white Christmas this year and some pretty hefty if not near record breaking lows is squeezing the heat out of Global Warming enthusiast.

Global Warming is no more absolute science fact as evolution is. (Yes, now you know where I stand on evolution but that is for another post.) In fact there is a lot of real and legitimate science that tells us man is not the cause of global warming and that the earth is not warming up abnormally. In fact parts of the world are getting colder.

We hear a lot about the northern polar caps melting. We hear that Polar Bears are drowning out in the open water because they didn't know that there once frozen solid hunting grounds melted away. What we don't hear about is how the Southern Polar cap is growing. What we don't hear about is how some nations north and south of the equator are experiencing bitter cold snaps. What we don't hear about is penguins in the south are flourishing because their habitat is growing.

None of that fits the mold. Pro global warming scientist conveniently forget to remind us that Greenland at one point in the past when it was discovered and named, was indeed green. Long before man began using fossil fuels.

These scientist fail to remind us that the earth has always had cyclical cycles in weather and temperature. Some 200 years ago, England was in the throws of what we call a mini Ice Age. Charles Dickens wrote some of his best works with a backdrop of London covered in snow. In order for that to happen, the earth had to change its weather patterns. This means that at some point before the Dickens era, England was warm and never saw snow. Did man influence that warm up and cool down? Of course not.

In fact there are so many scientists, climatologist, meteorologist, geologist, etc that do not believe there is any man made or natural global warming it would boggle your mind but you never hear about these prominent and very learned people.

Yes there is an agenda. The agenda is to take your freedom. The agenda is to tell you how to live. The agenda is to punish you for being a prosperous people. The agenda is to take your money. Why else would they be so adamant about an opposing view. After all isn't that what good science is about, looking at theories from all angles?

Of course it is. However, the global warming crowd does not want opposing views to be presented. They even go so far as to try and ostracize those who have opposing views. They often crowd the lecture halls where those on the other side speak and then yell and scream to keep the other view from being heard.

This goes to prove that their position is weak and feeble. Nobody who has a strong and truthful position has to use such tactics in order to keep the other side silent. What do the global disaster believers have to fear if their science is so fool proof and sound?

The point is they have plenty to fear because they know there science is not fool proof nor is it sound. The simple fact is that the sun, our sun, causes our planet to warm and cool depending on its level of activity. There are times when our sun is hotter than usual and there are time when it is cooler than usual. This is directly reflected in the climate of the planet. More activity, as we have no, means warmer temperatures usually in the north. Thus places that we know of as being covered in snow, begin to green up.

The dirty little secret is that when they places do green up and the snow melts away, we discover trails and villages and other human activity from centuries past. This means that these areas were warm at one point which goes to help prove that this current weather pattern is not dire nor is it unique.

In short, yes we humans have polluted. But, we humans are causing global warming. In fact if you Google, science against global warming or anything in that genre, you will get a plethora of sites giving, showing and telling you about information, proven science that disproves global warming.

If I were the leader of a nation, I would not sign onto the global warming band wagon and I would tell the United Nations to go take a hike. A real hike and have them explore the planet and see that man could not possibly be big enough to destroy our environment. But some people think they are big enough to know how you should live and they are fighting to take your money and your freedom so they can do just that. Global Warming is the weapon of choice that some in the media have been swindled into supporting.

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