Friday, January 18, 2008

Immigration A Positional Paper


Immigration is a huge problem in our country. For good reason too. First let me say that I am NOT against Immigration We are all either immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Including the Native American people of which I am one.

The USA is a beacon of hope around the world. We stand for truth, justice, a better way of life. In short America stands for opportunity and just about everyone on this planet knows that. This is why we have people from nearly every nation on earth living within our borders. We are a great melting pot. We give those who are willing to work hard and smart the chance at a better life and even get rich.

I truly believe that America is humanity's last hope for freedom and survival. We enjoy freedoms here than many around the world can only dream about when they go to sleep at night. We enjoy such freedoms and opportunity that some people will try to subvert the very nation they wish to live and grow within.

I'm talking about illegal immigration. It is a huge problem we have and it must be stopped. We have laws on the books that take care of this so new laws or reform is not needed. What is needed is the enforcement of the laws already on the books. What we don't need is more laws that complicate things even more and we don't need more laws that won't be enforced.

We have ways for people to enter our nation legally. We have many ways. We have many ways in which people can legally stay in our country. We have ways of helping those who truly need it such as political asylum. However, we cannot help the entire world.

I have heard it estimated that some 2 billion of the worlds population would attempt to immigrate to the USA if they had a means to do so. Lets just say that number is high. Lets say only 25 percent of that 2 billion is the correct number. That means some 500 million people would like to call the USA home if they had the means to do so.

We obviously could not handle such an influx of humans in our country. If this number is correct and people wait for years for an opportunity to get here, why should we allow illegals to come here? Why should we reward illegals with benefits such as Social Security and education? Why should we not enforce the laws we have and punish those who come illegally and then why not reward those who enter legally?

Illegal immigration is not a good thing for our nation and the argument about cheap labor does not justify the breaking of our nations laws and codes. Besides there are plenty of people who come here legally who would want such jobs that illegals take. There are plenty of people who come here legally who would be happy to contribute to our society. Illegals to NOT contribute to a law abiding society. They take from it. They steal from it. They rape it.

We need to close the borders, track down and throw out all 12 million illegals and punish those who harbor or help these people. Then maybe we can increase the number of legal immigrants to our nation. After all, the USA likes to tout itself as a nation of laws. If this is the case then why not enforce those laws that were put in place to protect her and her citizens?

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