Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stimulus package, I think not

OK, Today is Wednesday, January 28, 2009. It happens to be my parents anniversary today. So it is important that I note this day as the beginning of the end. The end of a free nation as we know it. The end unless you and the rest of the American people wake up and take action.

Sure there are a few people out there sounding the warning. There are a few who are riding the horse in the night. There are a few who shout "the British are coming, the British are coming."

But we don't mean the English this time. The danger comes from our own government. The very government that is supposed to be protecting our freedom and liberty that our forefathers secured for us from the British are now the new British. And they are becoming more oppressive than King George. And I don't mean either George Bush.

We now have a new king. King Obama. Or maybe he fancies himself to be an emperor. And his number one governor is Nancy Palosi. And the American people seem to be oblivious to what they want to do despite the warnings of patriots such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Micheal Savage, Laura Ingraham, and others.

This anniversary of my parents can be marked as the death of the USA as we know it. Why do I say that. Congress has passed the massive "stimulus" package backed by President Obama. I'm sorry, I meant to say, Emperor Obama.

Most of the so-called experts agree, this package will do nothing to help the economy but it does do a lot to expand government and it forces our children and grand children and even our great grand children to pay for it. Which they will not be able to do. The debt is too great to pay back. That means those who footed the bill will force even more changes upon us.

There is only one thing now that can save our nation. It is called revolution. Do I mean by force of arms? Not needed IF the American people wake up and start voting these tyrants out of office. Bullets will not have to fly and blood will not have to be spilled IF the American people stop thinking that the government should take care of them and start getting back to what our forefathers thought...take care of yourself.

This stimulus package goes back door to what Bill and Hillary tried to do front door. It gives us National Health Care. It takes your choice away from you. And it leads us down the road to total socialism. A road that has ended in disaster for every nation that has gone down that road. It is history and history is fact.

We are a nation that mirrors the beginning of the end of Rome. Yet we have the opportunity to take a different road. We have the chance to do what our Founding Fathers did and effect real change and re-institute freedom and liberty. The very liberty and freedom they fought and died for. The very freedom and liberty they told us was fragile.

We cannot turn our backs on everything our Founding Fathers stood for, died for, sacrificed everything for. We cannot be so selfish as to think we deserve from others what we have the ability to do for ourselves. We are not the Soviet Union, so why do we wish to embrace so willingly the same things that caused the demise of that form of government?

Some of you who read this may think that Rush and others like him need to be silenced. But is that not what Hitler did in the 1930's? He silenced the opposition and that gave him free reign to do what he did.

Before you go thinking that I am a nut, ask yourself this. Why is it that any and all programs that are supposed to help you and your family mandatory? Why can you not opt out if you wished? Think about it. If Social Security is YOUR money, why can't you opt to not pay such a tax and invest your hard earned money yourself?

The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind. And an ill wind it is. Mark this anniversary as the day I gave you the final warning. Mark this day and when the time comes, I won't have to say I told you so because you will know that you were warned numerous times by numerous people that your freedom and liberty was in danger.

There is a TV commercial by Absolute Vodka. In this commercial, it shows that the police and those who stand against them use feather filled pillows as weapons in their battle. It depicts a world that meets its conflicts with violence that is harmless. Unfortunately, this is not an "Absolute World" and those police are ready to use real and deadly weapons against you and your family and friends.

I will close this lament with this statement from Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers. Those who give up a little freedom for security deserve neither.

Indeed, those who are willing to give up a little freedom for security will certainly not have ANY freedom nor security at all. Now do you think you are wiser than the men and women who fought to give you the freedom you are now so willing to give away? I'm not.

1 comment:

Bluegrass Pundit said...

Stimulus bill moves us closer to nationalized health care and rationing

The House of Representatives approved an $819 billion economic stimulus package Wednesday. The party line vote was a blow to Barack Obama's alleged desire for bipartisanship. All the Republicans and 11 democrats voted against the bill. One thing in the bill that went mostly unnoticed was a new bureaucracy called the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research.