Saturday, January 31, 2009

Have the masses lost the faith?

Today I was driving around in my beloved state of New Hampshire. I was in Dover, NH to be exact. I was downtown Dover. Yes, there is a downtown in Dover.

As I was driving through town, something caught my eye. Three people were standing in the cold. Yes these three people caught my attention. They looked a little cold. Well it was a bit windy in the Granite State today. But it was not all that cold if you could stay out of the wind. In this day and age of global warming, wind chill factors still make things feel colder than the actual air temperature.

But then in New Hampshire, I have often seen small numbers of people standing in various downtown squares. I have often seen them huddled in the cold in the dead of winter as well.

But these people were protesting. They were holding signs. They were showing their displeasure about our political system. But wait. George Bush is no longer President and they have the new messiah as the new President, they would not have any reason to protest.

But then I took a gander at one of the signs. "Tell Obama we want peace now." And another said, "Obama needs to listen to the people and give us peace now."

Now they are getting it! Obviously, they didn't get what Obama said he was going to give them. Obviously Obama is still supporting Israel and still fighting the war on terror. They must have thought that the war would end on January 21, 2009. They must have thought that Israel was going to be on their own on January 21, 2009.

Yet even though we on the right side of the political isle tried to tell them this would happen, they ignored us.

Now they stand out in the cold holding signs just as they did when GW was in the White House. Only this time, it is their guy who is ignoring them. It is their guy who is thumbing his nose up at them. It is THEIR guy who is not living up to what he promised.

Forget the fact that Obama is moving forward to making the government the biggest it has ever been in history. Forget that Obama is moving forward to take control of our health care system. Forget the fact that Obama is moving to nationalize certain industries and businesses. Forget the fact that he is going to close Gitmo and move or release the remaining prisoners of war that are held there.

No, they have not gotten peace. And the messiah was supposed to make everyone love the USA. The messiah was supposed to have everyone in the world sue for peace. We would have peace breaking out all over the world if we elected Obama.

We elected him, and yet they still stand half frozen on small town squares holding signs demanding peace.

Nice to know that the intellectual crowd really know who is best to lead our nation.

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