Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Immaculate Inauguration of Obama, not so Holy after all

I have to take this moment to just say how sick I am of the Obama inauguration. I mean if all you watch on TV was CNN, then you would think we are having a coronation of the King of Kings. Seriously it makes me sick.

This guy is spending some $150 Million bucks. Now didn't this same station deride President Bush for spending about half of that 4 years ago? Yes I think they did.

And watching CNN, you would see them reporting on how Obama played basketball. Alexi Giannoulias is a friend of Obama's from back in Chicago. He played basketball with him. Now this guy talks about how when Obama was on the court, he would take charge of the team and be the leader.

Is it me or is everyone trying every possible way to promote this guy as a leader? Last time I checked, a true leader didn't need everyone he knows telling the rest of the world how much of a true leader they are. The actions of a leader speak louder than any words a friend could every shout.

This gives me the creeps. Seriously. Our nation has elected someone who has no leadership skills at all. This would explain why Obama has appointed so many former Clinton Administration officials including Hillary herself as Secretary of State. This guy is surrounding himself with retreads instead of striking out on his own and finding those qualified people who could help him lead the nation. How is having Clinton Administration officials in your cabinet and upgrading Carter ideas any kind of CHANGE?

I tell you one thing this guy is good at. He is good at making speeches and getting people emotionally charged without saying a damn thing. Even now, when he is about to take the helm of the most powerful, most prosperous nation in the world, he still can't give details about anything he wants to do.

You and I were not born yesterday. Yet many of us are running around acting like star struck teen age girls. The media fawned over Obama in HI on the beach without his shirt on. Yea, he is skinny and looks to be in good shape but give me a break. This was more important than finding out if this guy truly is a natural born citizen?

The media has spend hours talking about his Blackberry cell phone. I have a Blackberry. I love it. But this is the first time you have ever read anything about it. What will we have to look forward too with Obama. Well if the media has its way, it won't be anything of worth.

Now how does this affect your liberty? It affects it big time. You see, we heard how bad President Bush was for giving us the Patriot Act. Yet you don't hear a word about Obama NOT getting rid of it. You heard how bad and horrific Guantanamo (Gitmo) is but you don't here a peep about how Obama is backing away from closing that base.

It was horrible that Bush wanted tax cuts if you only listened to the media. But Obama talks about tax cuts during a down economy and he is being hailed as a messiah to our economy.

Not to mention, Obama gave a press conference where he stated "only government can..." and not a word from the media about that but if Bush had said those things, we would not have gone an hour without someone in the media commenting on it.

Now you might be saying, come on Rod, this guy was elected, like it or not. (No I don't like it but you would be correct, he was elected.) Now give the guy a chance.

Don't be silly, of course I will give him a chance, but honestly, so far he is blowing his big chance. Not to mention giving him a chance does not mean I have to agree or like everything, if anything, he says or does. I didn't like everything President Bush did. I even verbally thrashed the man on more than one occasion because I felt he was wrong based on what I think the Founding Fathers would have done or approved of and our Constitution. I will give the same fair treatment to a President Obama.

But I will not participate in this coronation of Obama. I will not accept his socialist ideas. I will not view bringing back the Clinton Administration as change. I will not let the media get away with giving this guy a total pass because he is half black or because he is a liberal democrat. I don't care how many first this guy has, he will not get a free pass on my liberty. He will not get a free pass to destroy the very fabric of a nation I love so dearly. He will not get a free pass to endanger the freedom and liberty of the very people who put him in office.

I am going to go on record as saying Obama is dangerous to our freedom, our liberty, indeed our Constitution. Period.

Funny how it is a Muslim raised half African that gets to occupy the White House first instead of Jesse Jackson, Alan Keys or any number of other high profile political American Black man or woman. Now you gotta ask yourself, why is that?

All I can say is hold on to your wallet, keep your gun loaded and don't get all your information from the main stream media. Hold our government's feet to the fire and if they screw up, vote them out. Simple.

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