Monday, January 19, 2009

Giving Obama a chance.

The time has come. My head is slung low. I am in shame because my country has openly elected a Socialist to be President. Today is the last day of the George W. Bush Administration and he is not going to waist any time getting out of Dodge.

Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those total GW fans that swoon every time his name is mentioned. There is plenty I have railed against GW on during his eight years in office. The biggest thing I hated was most of the Patriot Act.

There were plenty of other things as well but that goes for just about any President. I didn't always disagree with Bill Clinton but it is safe to say that I disagreed with him more than I agreed.

So now we will begin the era of Barack Obama. Already right out of the gate, I don't like him. Now I keep hearing the line “give him a chance.” I have thought about that long and hard. At first I said of course I will give him a chance. But as I thought about it, what am I giving him a chance on or for?

He has not really done anything since being elected to warrant my giving him a chance. In fact in one of his speeches since being elected, he has stated that “only government can fix...” Hold on a minute. That is not freedom. That is socialism. I will not give someone a chance to turn my country of freedom and liberty into the land of France or Sweden or even Germany.

Our nation has been in economic troubles before and we have always come out of those troubles. Usually without a ton of government intervention or programs. But we seem to be heading down the road to socialism with smiles on our faces.

We are collectively patting ourselves on our backs having had the “courage and strength” to elect a non-white man to be our President. We shouted for joy as Obama preached about “change.” We got tingly feelings running up our legs overtime Obama spoke.

We are a nation that now views appearance or substance. Thank you MTV and Hollywood. If it looks cool and pretty, then we buy it. If it sounds neat and cool then we buy it. Forget the reality or the substance of the thing or person in question.

Have you taken a walk down a mall recently? Seriously think about how much substance there is in that mall vs. the appearance. Everything looks beautiful. All the models that show the clothing you are supposed to by are thin and beautiful even if the clothing is for “bigger” people, those big models are still rather shapely and beautiful.

We are made to believe that if we buy those closes, or get that hair style or dab on that cologne, we will be as beautiful on the outside as those models. Now we have a president that sounds beautiful, to many he even looks beautiful and to be certain he has a beautiful family. Tall, thin, looks to be in great shape. He tells us stories we want to hear. Yet there is no substance there at all.

Its like walking down a hall in a political mall. We have chosen everything we think will make us beautiful to the rest of the world and we don't care how ungly it is under the surface. But now we have the beautiful people about to take office.

We are now about to come face to face with appearance over substance. So will I give him a chance? Not on your life. Not if all he wants to do is take my sweet land of liberty and turn it into the largest socialist nation in the history of our planet. Would you give someone who wants to do that a chance?

I didn't think so. Maybe there are just enough of us out there that prefer substance over appearance. Just maybe the 57 million people who did not vote for Obama will stand up and demand that the rest of the nation stop acting like teen age girls and boys and act like grown adults that understand it their responsibility to make their lives better, not the governments.

Time to stop the whining. Time to peel back the beautiful surface and get down to the ugly truth. Its time to grow up America.

I am all grown up. Are you?

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