Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Great Lie Machine Never Gives Up

The Clinton Machine does not know defeat. OK, it may know defeat but it does not know quit. It has never quit. Remember all those years ago at the Democrat National Convention when Bill gave a keynote address that lasted forever? They cheered when he was done.

Did Bill run off and hide? No he learned from his mistake and continued on and eventually became President. No Hillary is faced with a defeat but she just won't quit. She won't give up.

This surprises who? Not me. This is a bunch of people who never have given up on anything. They tried to nationalize health care back in the 90's. It didn't go over very well with the American public back then.

But guess what is front and center on the political landscape this year? Guess what people are beginning to be willing to give to the government now? Their health care. And they are screaming for it. Those same people bemoaned about Hillary back in the early 90's are now praising her and Obama for having the “guts” to take on the medical and health care industry in order to “give” them health care.

This is not the only thing the Clinton Machine wants to take over. They will not give up until they have gotten what they came to Washington to take. Yes, I said take. Because nobody is giving anything over to them. The Clinton's take. They take by lying to the American people.

The Clinton's take by falsifying the facts. They tell a lie so often that people begin to believe it is true. They steel you freedom by telling you over and over again that they know how best to bring relief to you.

They lie to you by telling you that the mortgage mess is all the fault of greedy bankers. They lie to you by telling you that American oil companies control the price of oil all over the world and that they are gouging you at the gas pump.

They lie to you by telling you that bio fuels such at that made from corn will solve our oil problems. They lie to you by telling you that “Global Warming” will kill billions of people in 30 years if we don't do something about it today. Yes Carvil said Billions of people will die in 30 to 40 years if we don't stop GW today.

They lie to you by telling you over and over again that only the government can handle the massive health care crisis even though the government has made a mess of it with Medicare, Medicaid and the VA. But they lie to you and tell you that your health care will be different.

They lie to you by telling you that terrorism is our fault and that George Bush started the whole thing. They lie to you by telling you that 9/11 was President G Bush II's fault not Bill Clinton's. They keep the lie machine in action 365 days in a year. This year they have an extra day to keep that machine in action.

They lie to you by telling you that this President is the biggest threat to the Constitution in our history all the while ignoring their own agenda that takes your rights away. Ignoring two World Wars that if we lost would mean the total elimination of our way of life. Ignoring the fact that the old Soviet Union had a goal of eliminating the United States of America.

They lie to us every chance they get. The sad part is that Americans are beginning to believe the lies. No my friends, the Clinton Machine never gives up. It has done more to advance the cause of Liberals in the past 15 years than any other Democrat or Liberal ever has. They have a powerful machine that runs like clockwork and the press and now the American people are falling for the lies. They spout off sound bites as gospel.

The greatest threat to our freedom and liberty continues to be the Clinton Liberal Machine. Even is she does not occupy the White House this go around, do not ever count her or him out. They will not give up until they beat you and me down, twist our arms until we say uncle. Uncle Billary Sam.

1 comment:

VH said...

I couldn't agree with you more; I think that the left believes that they have a good chance of capturing the White House and are trying their best to push their populist ideas. Sadly, I think that you are right-America is believing their political fodder.