Monday, March 31, 2008

The most dangerous threat to Liberty can be you.

What is one of the biggest threats to your personal liberty? I mean have you really stopped to think about this? Well, do this the next time you are out and about. You could be at work or shopping at the mall or just out for a drive on a sunny afternoon. Just do this and you will see what I am about to write about.

How do people act and react to you? How do you act and react to others you come into contact with? Do you drive like a maniac or do you allow time and distance for safety? Do you open the door for others or hold it when they are right behind you? How many times have you had a door “dropped” on you as you approached it?

You are probably saying these are nothing but examples of common courtesy. Or rather the lack there of. So what does this have to do with my personal liberty and freedom?

I will tell you it has plenty to do with it. Why do you think we have so many laws on the books? Think about it. It has been estimated that there have been more new laws put on the books in the last 20 years than the there have been the previous 210 plus years of our nations history.

Many of those laws come about because people seem to be lacking in simple human courtesy and decency. How many times have you seen something or had something happen to you and then you retort “there should be a law against that.”

Come on now. Every time you say that, you give some political hack the power to restrict your freedom. I will tell you that you may have said it once or twice about someone else but there have been at least twice as many folks who have said the same thing in response to something you did or didn't do.

All of these laws get put onto the books and they restrict your freedom. Your liberty. I bet you didn't know that it was against the law to spit in public. It is against the law to leave your car running while you run into the store for a pack of gum. It is against the law to curse in public or in front of children. It is against the law to do many things that we would normally just consider to be rude or crude.

Well you may think that some rude or crude things should be against the law. Well, some of the very things you do may also be someday against the law. Things that limit your freedom and put you in danger of losing your freedom and/or your money in the form of fines. Plus you will end up with a record.

The other problem with so many laws is than many Americans don't even know when they actually break the law simply because they don't know there is a law against their actions. Cell phones in cars is one that many states are looking into. It doesn't matter if you think that talking on cell phones is dangerous while driving. Soon you will find laws that restrict you from eating, being distracted by anything, and maybe even talking with others in the car.

You think that cannot happen. Some states already say that 16 and 17 year old drivers cannot have friends or anyone under the age of 18 in the car with them while they drive. Do you think that will stop with teen drivers?

When you hand over your rights to a politician for anything, you will soon find yourself with out rights you did not bargain to give up. Laws cannot and should not be enacted to take the place of common sense or common decency.

We already have gated communities that prevent you from flying the American flag other than on Flag day, Veterans day and July 4. Who would have thought there would be rules and laws that ban flying the American Flag? Where does this nonsense stop? Who is going to stop it?

So the next time you start to say, there should be a law, stop and think, do you really want to give up any more of your freedom and liberty? Because if you do, then be prepared for them to enact a law that limits what you do at some point in time. And the time you will find out about it is when a cop gives you a ticket or a court summons.

Now do you really think there should be a law against common decency?

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