Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools Jokes That Are Played on You and Me

Today is April 1st. Tradition says it is April Fools Day. This day has, what seems to be, a rather rich heritage. Dating all the way back to 1582 at a time when the Calendar was changed to what we are familiar with today. This change came about because of an order given by Pope Gregory XIII that moved New Years from the end of March to January 1.

Although France seems to be the first country to adopt the new calendar it really does not explain how the tradition spread to other European nations.

Well here we are today, in modern times, still celebrating a day that originated from people who were too stubborn to change. Back in the day, as the modern colloquialism goes, people who did not change because they refused to, were send fake invitations to New Years Day parties on April 1st. These people seemed to fall for it time and time again.

Flash forward to today. We still have a bunch of people who allow themselves to be tricked time and time again. But instead of it dealing with changes in the calendar, it is in the political landscape. These people, most of them, seem to allow themselves to be tricked by those who keep telling them over and over again that they care.

They feed them lines about caring and not leaving anyone behind. Does the “No child left behind” law ring a bell? How about the “War on Poverty”? Well now you have some politicians talking about saving the American Dream.

That dream is home ownership. Yes, they are about to play a huge prank on all of us yet again. They, the Liberals and even some who call themselves Conservatives, wish to step in and do something about the very small percentage of us who are going to lose our home to foreclosure.

They, the politicians, think it is governments responsibility to “save” the American Dream for those who over extended themselves and made financial mistakes. I have to say, these people made their bed now they must sleep in it.

Sure, some banks and lending programs enticed a few to get home loans who would not or should not get loans under normal circumstances but it is not the governments job to bail them out when they make a mistake.

Remember, when ever the government bails anyone out, they do it with our money. It's called taxes. Not to mention, the government then wants to change rules or administer stronger regulations so people don't get burned again. Well, this only limits your choices and it limits competition.

But the mortgage mess is not the only place where the government wants to regulate and limit your choices. They do it to us every single day. They want to take over your health care. They want to limit your choices on drugs and over the counter medications. They want to limit your ability to drive the car you want to drive. They want to eliminate your choice for energy. They want to limit your right to freedom of speech and the right to bear and own fire arms.

Are you still laughing? This is serious. We cannot allow this to continue or the joke will be on us. That is you, me and our children and grandchildren. They will not grow up in a free nation. They will grow up in a nation that is devoid of freedom and devoid of the ability to make choices for their own lives.

Now seriously, is that the kind of joke you want to have played on you this elections season?

1 comment:

VH said...

Great post. The history of "April fool's" is interesting too. Yup, the joke's on us and it looks like we are going to have to deal with the latest turn in Washington to a more nanny state.