Thursday, December 11, 2008

Stuff from around the Web on IL scandal

I have been doing some surfing on the net among various blogs. Below are some links to some of those blogs and news stories I have come across and read. I think they are good reads even if they don't express my view. A varied point on this issue is welcomed because it leaves no stone unturned.

However, note that some people (bloggers and commenters) will circle the wagons and protect the Democrat no matter what they do. They are doing this with President-Elect Obama. (By the way, what is up with this crap of "Office of the President-Elect? There is NO SUCH OFFICE!) People are putting a protective barrier around Obama or at least they are trying to.

Have you noticed that this guy has scandal after scandal that can some how lead back to him? I can't remember or find any President-Elect with such a record. Not even Clinton. Can this guy actually survive his first 100 days in office? We will have to see about that but if I was an odds maker (bookie to those of you in Blue states) I would be giving favorable odds that he will not. I hope this is not the case, but you have to wonder with Obama's past and his present, it doesn't bode well for his future.

The Evil Beet Not sure what is evil about beets (Yes I get the double entendre' in the name of this blog.)

The Watcher Blog of the Chicago Tribune This one is pretty funny. Great tip 10 list a-la Dave Letterman style.

My Way This blogger seems very serious in his analysis. Also notice the picture of the Governor and Obama. Look how smug Obama looks. You have to wonder how well Obama knew this guy. My guess is Obama would say, "I didn't know him even though I worked very closely with him for year."

Town Hall
Will he or will he not go peacefully. That is the question. It currently looks like he will not.

The Liberty Cafe Just my own take on one small part of the whole IL mess. But is this just a mess in IL or does the nation as a whole have a real and serious problem? I think that question can be answered in a sad but resounding, YES.

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