Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Governor and his court

I know everyone has heard about the Governor of the state of IL being arrested by the FBI. Now some people may think, so what big deal. Well it is a very big deal. Much bigger than just this governor possibly breaking the law. If the charges against this guy are true and fact, then it affects your freedom directly.

Seriously think about it for a moment. This guy is alleged to basically have held the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama for ransom. He was trying to sell it to the highest bidder. He was holding that seat open to someone that would benefit him. Not the people of his state.

Now when you are a governor and you get to appoint a senator to the US Congress, you are also affecting every single person in the Union. Even though a US Senator is duly sworn to represent the people of his state, what they do while in Congress affects every person in all 50 states.

This is not a situation that only affects the people of IL. It affects all of us. What if this governor appointed someone that did not really qualify for that seat? What if that appointed Senator swayed crucial votes that affected and effected your life?

How do you justify selling a seat in government? Don't tell me that everyone does it. To a certain extent that may be true. But this is different. This governor openly put this seat out for bid. He threatened to appoint himself to the seat if he did not get the price he thought he should get. This is self serving and has nothing to do with you or me or the people of the state of IL.

Add to this the fact that IL already has a former governor in prison for less than legal deeds while in office. Forget the fact that the state of IL has had a record number of governors to be sent to jail for various ill-deeds, 5 to be exact. Rod (yea we share the same name but not the same views or sense of morality) Blagojevich was out for himself. He was out to enrich himself without any regard to the people of this country. Rod Blagojevich could be governor number 6 in IL to go to prison.

Have we not had enough of politicians on the take. Forgetting why they are in office to begin with? How can we, the people, keep electing these people over and over again? Why is it we think its OK that character doesn't really matter? These people take our freedom, take our liberty, and line their pockets with money. They don't care about you and me.

So what can you do? Get involved. This is YOUR country as well as it is mine. You need to start understanding what your freedom and liberty is. You need to know what is in the Constitution. You need to realize that your freedom, although its not free, it is priceless. It is as priceless as life itself for without your natural God given freedom, you can have no life.

Don't believe me, then just look at the former Soviet Union. Look at nations that did not have freedom until recently and see how the people love having it. Of course the politicians don't like for you to have freedom. It gives you power over them instead of them having power over you.

The state of IL is corrupt. It is corrupt because the people let it be corrupt. Our government is corrupt because we the people let it be. We elect and re-elect the very people who are responsible for our plight.

People knew that Rod Blagojevich was a crook but they elected him anyway. People knew that Barack Obama had major character issues and flaws, yet we elected him anyway. People know that Barny Frank and friends are most responsible for our financial environment right now, but they were re-elected last November.

You, your neighbor, your co-worker, your relative is responsible for you losing your freedom. You and they elect these deadbeats. You must understand, one man or one woman can change the course of a nation and history. It has been proven time and time again. Now imagine over 400 people that you elect and put in Washington, D.C. and how they can influence your life. Imagine the people that you send to your state and local government buildings and how they affect your liberty on a daily basis.

Would you want your boss at work to be as crooked as Blagojevich? Most of us would say no because that could put our paychecks in jeopardy. Well, the same is true when you send leaders to run our government. And now we are reaping what we vote.

Now you can't blame me. I did not vote for Blagojevich, Obama, Frank, Palosi, Dodd. But many of you who read this did. So are is the biggest enemy of your freedom, my freedom, the people in office? No! The biggest threat to my freedom to your freedom, to your family's freedom is you, the voter.

If you don't vote, you are no better than the person who votes for the wrong person. So when you read about men and women like Blagojevich the only person you can blame is yourself. You voted for them. They think they are kings when you do and can do and say anything and get away with it.

We the people are not corrupt in general but we allow others to be corrupt by voting for them and then re-electing them. So when you lose your job or your friend, relative or neighbor does, know that it is most likely your fault. Unless you find and vote for those who believe in the Constitution and believe in your freedom and liberty, then you are at fault.

Want to prevent more corruption? Want to stop people like Blagojevich? Then vote for those who believe in your freedom and will not compromise principle for a buck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's deal with something more important. Monday's P.M. Press Conference.

"Should the state members of the Electoral College cast their votes for Mr. Obama in the face of such overwhelming evidence, and without verification of Mr. Obama's eligibility, they would be committing treason to the Constitution," said Schulz.