Sunday, April 6, 2008

Single Issue Candidates are Dangerous To Your Liberty

A lot of people ask me questions about my beliefs. They ask why I don't vote for or against issues directly. These people seem to think that the only thing that matters when voting for a person is their stance on a particular issue or two. Usually no more than four issues will determine if a person gets the vote of these people.

I feel sorry for them and for me. Issue politics has devastated our political landscape. It lends itself to heavy influence by the very groups and lobbyist that many people deplore. We have new laws that are supposed to limit the access and influence of special interest groups.

The problem is, that these laws end up limiting the liberty and freedom of the everyday American giving the special interest groups even more power and influence. The basic point is this. When you seek to limit the freedom and influence of a particular group you usually end up giving that group more power and influence.

I will never vote for single or limited issue candidates. Our nation is far more complicated than just a single issue or two. What happens with your candidate of choice once your issue is settled? What do they do then? How do the feel or vote for other issues that are just as important or even more important that your single issue?

See how short sighted and dangerous your limited issue vote can be? Besides, when it comes down to single or limited issues, what exactly do you expect to happen?

There are a lot of passionate people who are for and against abortion. The pro-abortion people say it is for the freedom of the woman to choose what happens with her body. The pro-life people say it is the freedom of the baby to be born that is the issue.

So both sides lobby hard for their cause and beliefs. This issue has sprouted dozens and dozens of Political Action Comities, lots of grass roots organizations, thousands of citizen soldiers that troll the halls of state capitols and the halls of power in Washington, DC. They vote in large blocks for candidates based solely on their position on abortion.

Is abortion an important issue? Well, yes it is a VERY important issue. Is it the ONLY or the MOST important issue facing our nation? No to both. But people will overlook other issues a candidate stands for or against because they will vote the way they want them to on this single issue.

You can pick just about any major issue right now and you will find the same thing going on. Lobby groups, PAK groups, grass roots groups, etc. All trying to influence how the tide of events will unfold. These groups often lobby for laws for or against their single issue. These leaves you and me in the dark.

We end up with laws that severely limit our freedom, choice and liberty.

Think about it. What ever happened to common sense, common courtesy, common decency? When we think of life in those terms, then we realize and understand that we don't need to have tons of laws on the books that end up limiting our rights, our liberty.

How often have you been stopped by a police officer and the officer has to look up certain laws to see if you actually broke that particular law? That is ridiculous. But, you would be surprised at how many laws are on the books that you and I don't know about that end up costing us money.

I speak from experience. I was driving a car owned by a fireman. He had a yellow and red emergency light in his back window. The State Trooper pulled me over for speeding, he said. (The charge was dismissed in court and I didn't have to say a word because it was obvious to the judge that it was stupid as explained by the Trooper representative.) He asked me if I had a firefighters badge. I said no because I was not a firefighter and it was not my car.

The trooper had to go back to his cruiser and look up the law. He then gave me a warning for displaying an emergency light improperly. I had no idea that ANY car I drive could not have an emergency only light displayed in the open if I was not a badged officer recognized by the state.

It was not my car. How the hell would I know about that? The firefighter friend of mine did not know about that law. Even the trooper had to look it up. Do you see what I mean about too many laws and that these laws end up costing you in freedom, time, money?

This is what single issue politics does to all of us. It ends up limiting our choices, our liberty. If we all just had some common courtesy, decency and sense then we would find we would not need so many laws.

How did our nation survive for about 150 years before the 1950's when laws began swelling the books in town halls all across the nation? It was do to personal responsibility and self respect. Laws tend to take that away from people and that leads to more laws.

Special interest and single issue candidates tend to vote for laws that restrict your liberty and freedom because their only issue is to get everyone to think and feel the exact same way they do. The only way to do that is to have laws that force you and I to comply.

I will not vote for a single issue candidate because my freedom and liberty if worth far more than that. I will not sell out just so one issue that may be important to me, gets the light of day. No there is far more at stake than that single issue.

Vote single issue and you vote to limit your own freedom and liberty. Its been proven by history. Its just common sense to pay attention to ALL the issues. Because if you vote for just one issue, then the rest of your life will be dictated by all the other single issues you didn't feel were worthy of your time. After all, they may not see your issue as being important to them but they will work just as hard to have their issue heard as you do to have your issue heard. A nation of single issues. Which one do you really want to live by?

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