Tuesday, April 8, 2008

James Carville Hypes Global Warming

I think every sane thinking and logical person knows that Global Warming as the non-Climatologist put it, is nothing but a hoax at best. It is devastating and communistic at worst that will cause millions of people to lose jobs and possibly their lives.

We know that Global Warming (once called Global Cooling back in the 1970's) is far from scientific. Check out the video below.

Oh, and lets not forget the biggest culprit in the Global Warming debate that seems to be forgotten by the Global Warming alarmist. The biggest culprit is no human activity. The biggest culprit is not animal activity. The biggest culprit is not volcanic or Forest fire activity. It is the one thing we have no chance of doing anything about. The giver of warmth and light and life is the biggest culprit.

I give you the SUN! The biggest offender of our planet's climate.

Even more proof that the Sun is to blame.

Recently, James Carville and his liberal friends have said that if fail to take action against Global Warming it could mean the near or total extinction of the human race. Carville himself has said we would be reduced to being cannibals and that some 5 to 6 billion people would die and those left behind would be forced to eat other humans because the earth would be too hot to grow food.

Someone didn't learn his earth science. James is forgetting that if there is no vegetation, then there would be a sever lack of oxygen. Why is this? Well plants produce nearly all of the oxygen we breath on this planet. So that would mean if there were no plants then there would be no land life at all.

Our planet would be like that of Mars except there would still be water. So there would be no humans at all. This is what I and every other logical thinking person are saying about these people. They are not out there trying to protect you or the planet. They are out there to try and run your life. Take away your freedom to live the way in which you see fit.

They want to tax you, law you, and run your life to death. Just listen to them next time if you don't believe me. Listen to their words. Listen to what they say the solutions are. Listen to what they say is the science behind what they say. Listen to everything and you will hear for yourself that all their solutions come down to taxes and laws and running your life for you.

Stop. Think. Vote.

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