Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just some Ramblings

Last night I stayed up late and just “vegged out” watching TV. Now I have to tell you there really wasn't anything on TV at around midnight. But that is not unusual even if you have cable with ump-teen channels.

The interesting thing about it was that I counted how many non-English speaking channels there were that I was paying for. Lets just forget about the junk channels known as shopping network channels. For the record, I have Comcast Cable and there are 4 of those channels that I have to pay for that I never watch.

But I counted all the Spanish speaking channels I have on my cable subscription and there are 3. So in case you are counting, that is now 7 channels that I pay for but don't or can't really watch. Or can't I?

Since there was nothing on the English speaking stations, I landed on a Spanish speaking station. I watched it even though I don't speak Spanish. Now why in the hell would I do that? Was it to learn Spanish?

The simple answer is no. I stayed to watch that channel because they were showing a Godzilla movie. In fact it was Godzilla – Tokyo SOS. I love Godzilla movies. I think I have seem at least 90% of them. This includes the original made way back in the day.

So yea, I stayed up until nearly 2 AM watching a Godzilla movie dubbed in Spanish. Now we all know how bad Asian films dub into English. Just imagine the same movie dubbed in very bad acting Spanish. It was a hoot. And because I have seen that movie before a few times, I knew what was going on. Yea, Godzilla truly is a movie that transcends any language.

Maybe I will surf all the non-English speaking channels late at night for other fun movies with bad dubbing. Kind of make one wish our politicians where as easy to understand as a dubbed movie.

And the Democrats pull out all the stops.

You would think that with Elliot Sptizer being caught in a sting would show how caring they truly are. I guess I knew better. Now we have some prominent Liberals making excuses for this guy.

I know you have heard it all about the Gov. of the state of New York but give me a break on this. It is so bad that Huffington is even suggesting that this is all President Bush's fault. She is saying that Spitzer was set up because Bush has the Patriot Act wire taps.

It couldn't possibly be that Elliot got caught with his pants down. Couldn't be that the IRS tipped off the FBI because of all the money laundering going on. I guess somehow, Elliot not being able to keep his pants zipped up is the fault of Bush.

I expect we will here Elliot say that he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, the hooker. That he only had oral sex and we all know oral sex is not really sex.

How many cops shows can we have?

Really, are we being duped into being a police state? I don't know how many cop shows there are on TV right now but there is a whole lot. And that is not even talking those in syndication.

Lets see, we have 3 different CSI shows. There are what 2 Law and Order shows or are there more? I don't know. I don't have time to go searching the network schedules to count them all. But each network must have at least 3 cop shows on during the week.

Some nights there are 2 or 3 on TV on the same network. They show them back to back to back. Of course they throw in a few stupid shows or reality shows just to keep us off guard but I am telling you its a major conspiracy. The Liberals in charge of the networks want us to be desensitized to all the cop shows so we come to accept having so many cops on the streets watching our every move.

Oh wait, these same Liberals who wish to take away some of our liberties blame Bush for trampling on the Constitution. I guess its because they didn't do it first.

Mac, could be the Apple of everyones eye

Now, I am not a techie and I don't know a whole heck of a lot about computers. But I do know enough to make me dangerous. I have seen the new Mac Air. Its ultra thin and ultra fast.

What makes this thing so thin? It does not have a hard drive. No moving parts. It uses flash memory for its hard drive. This makes the computer faster, lighter, more reliable. It also allows for it to be so thin.

Many people think this is new technology. Actually flash memory is not all that new. So it makes me wonder why more computers and notebooks don't use this better and faster technology? I don't have an answer except the one given to me. Flash memory is more expensive than old hard drive technology.

Yea, I guess that is true but flash technology would be a lot cheaper if everyone started using it. I know my next computer will be one with flash technology. It will free me up to do so much more and a lot faster too. I guess that is another reason to choose an Apple computer over an old clunky PC with Windows technology and software. Bill, you could be in trouble after all.

Now if we could just get Steve Jobs to lower the price of his stuff, he would become the next Bill Gates. Then there would be millions of people who hate him instead of hating Gates and Microsoft.

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