Friday, December 19, 2008

I predicted this some time ago.

Yes I predicted this. It is a prediction I had hoped would never come true. But it looks like this prediction is well on its way to becoming fact. It has to do with California and its Proposition 8 initiative that was passed by the voters of that state back on November 4, 2008.

Now I have said that liberals would attempt to make the Constitution ruled unconstitutional. Low and behold, the CA Attorney General now is urging the CA State Supreme Court to rule that this voter passed Constitutional Amendment be ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Yahoo News reports that Jerry Brown, the states Attorney General, is urging the Court to rule this vote and amendment unconstitutional. This is ridiculous. If the CA Supreme Court rules that a particular part of the their Constitution is unconstitutional, then there is nothing in the Constitution that is safe. There is nothing, no right, no amendment that can be reversed or eliminated by a judge. We the People mean nothing and we are in grave danger.

Of course, some on the left are saying this is a retroactive amendment and law because that Supreme Court ruled that gays could get married. Well if the Court accepts that argument, then Civil rights could be reversed based on the same argument. Slavery could be reversed based on the same argument because slavery was upheld by courts prior to their being an amendment abolishing it.

This may sound extreme but thing about it. Not to mention, the Federal Government would have to give back billions of dollars because of the retroactive tax President Bill Clinton proposed and signed into law back in the mid 90's.

This has got to be one of the most dangerous arguments yet that attacks the very core and foundation of our Constitution. You cannot strike down a Constitutional amendment. The courts have no jurisdiction in that area. In fact the Constitution gives us specific instructions on how to amend it and who has the power to amend it. The courts have no power to amend or change the constitution. It is solely in the hands of the people and their elected representatives.

The people of CA legally voted on this proposition. Like the outcome or not, it was legal and the only way to change it is to amend it again. If the courts decide to amend this amendment, it will set a precedence that will tear our nation apart and put every state constitution and our Federal Constitution on the chopping block.

Even if you don't live in California, you need to make your voice heard on this. We cannot allow a minority to totally undermine and ruin our great nation. This cannot be allowed to stand. Your liberty and freedom is now in jeopardy, just as I predicted some time ago. Do you want a judge to decide the fate of our nation, your life? I didn't think so.

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