Thursday, December 18, 2008

God, guns, glory and freedom

Now I am sure you are thinking to yourself, not another post from some right wing whack nut about God and guns. Well, you would be wrong. But since you brought it up, what is wrong with God and guns? Absolutely nothing.

But what this article is about is your freedom, my freedom, the freedom of our children and their posterity. We have been given a great gift by God in the form of the United States of America. Are we a perfect nation? Hell no. Are we the best nation on the planet today and possibly in the history of man? Hell yes.

We were built on freedom and liberty. Our Founding Fathers saw fit to put into the Constitution things that would secure our freedom. Yet we seem to be willing to let our freedom go little by little and we say it is for the best.

We have now elected the most socialistic and radical President in our nation's history. Barack Obama is bent on destroying the very foundations in which our nation was built. But he is not the first.

We have anti gun laws in most states in our union. This is something that our Founding Fathers would never have stood for. Yet we modern Americans think it is for our safety. Despite the fact that gun laws only seem to keep fire arms out of the hands of law abiding citizens, not the criminals. This gives the criminal the upper hand. You can see every where the people are allowed to carry a gun, violent crime goes down. Great Britain banned hand guns for its citizens and its violent crime rate shot through the roof. So much for the safety of the public.

You now have a Governor proposing taxes that would have the Founding Fathers dumping cargo into bays and ports all over the country. NY Governor Patrick wants to put taxes on what you eat and what you do. This is surely not the kind of taxation with representation that our Founding Fathers had in mind. Remember one of the reasons they went to war with King George was over taxes and how unfair and burdensome they were to the American people. Now we have elected politicians who think the best way to solve fiscal problems is to raise our taxes instead of reducing their spending. And we re-elect these people?

We have gotten thought police as well. We now have "hate" crime laws. This gives some people more protection than others. How is that anti-hate when you seem to think that a gay man is worth more than a straight man. Who cares what was in the heart and mind of the criminal when they committed the crime. It was a crime against a HUMAN BEING, period. Hate crime laws fly in the face of the Constitution that says "all men are created EQUAL". This does not leave room for special laws for special people.

We have judges who write law now or force legislators to write law. This was not the intent in the Constitution either. How can you interpret a law that does not exist? You cannot. A judge, according to the Constitution, can only interpret existing law against the Constitution. That does not give the judge the right to force a new law upon the people. That job is for the legislature alone.

Yet we seem to elect the same buffoons to office time and time again. We talk about experience when we just elected one of the least experienced people to our highest office. But then again, this may not be such a bad thing. Our Founding Fathers did not believe in career politicians. They all served a short time and went back to private life. Our politicians today seem to think when they get elected its a life long job worthy of pensions and retirement pay.

And we now have selective discrimination. You can't have a Christmas tree or a Menorah on public property in many places now. Something about "separation of church and state." What a bunch of bunk. Those words do not appear anywhere in the Constitution. I challenge anyone to find those words in the Constitution. Placing a Christmas tree in front of city hall does not constitute the state endorsing a particular religion as the state religion. It is ridiculous how this has played out. Unless you are now some protected minority religion, you have no rights on public lands? Yet we re-elect the idiots who decide this stuff for us.

I am a Christian man. I say Merry Christmas and Jesus is the reason for the Season. If you get insulted, then it is not my problem. I say Happy Chanukah to some people who are Jewish. If that offends someone who is not Jewish, tough. I like guns and own one. If that offends you, too damn bad. I express my opinion freely. You don't like it then don't listen or don't read it.

This is the United States of America and I have the right to do, say and have these things. You don't have the right to shut me up or take them away. You do have the right not to listen. Just as I have a right not to listen to you. Notice I did not say I have a right not to "hear" you. You have a right to say almost anything you want, even call me a racist term and I will hear it, but just because you say it doesn't mean you have a right to have me listen. I can ignore you. You can ignore me, but neither of us can DENY the other of our rights. And that is what is happening today in our nation.

This is the land of the free and the home of the brave and I will gladly stand up and defend her any day. I stand for God, Family, Country. In that order. God gave me my family and my country and I have a God given right to defend them and I will. And I will do so by not voting for idiots who want to take those rights away from me. I will defend my rights by opposing what our elected officials want to do if what they want to do stomps on the Constitution. I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, does not matter. You trash the Constitution and you and I have a major problem.

The Founding Fathers did not bleed red so that we could someday hand over our rights to a few elites in Capitols all over the land. The power was meant to stay in the hands of all the people not a few. So wake up. Stand up. Don't let your freedom slip away any further. Because if you do, you may find the only way to get it back is by bleeding yourself or worse, by the blood of your children. Now is that what you really want? I didn't think so. Oh and if it comes to that, you will need your gun.

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